January 2015


OFFICE:Department of Political ScienceHOME:8140 E. Cutler Rd

Michigan State UniversityBath, MI 48808

East Lansing, MI 48824(517) 641-4413

(517) 355-6602/355-6590


Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1975

B.A., University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1970


Professor, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 1986present

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 19801986

Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, JanuaryJune, 1984

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 19751980

Instructor, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 19741975


Chair, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 2014-present

Acting Chair, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 2013

Associate Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University, 1994-1996

Director, Center for Survey Research, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University, 1995

Associate Director, Institute for Children, Youth, and Families, Michigan State University, 1993-1994

Acting Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, Michigan State University, 1991-1992

Acting Chair, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 1990-1991


National Center for State Courts, Research Advisory Council, 2006-present

Faculty Council, 2006-2008

Committee on Planning and Evaluating University Outreach, Michigan State University, 1995-96

University Research Council, Michigan State University, 1991-92

Departmental Advisory Committee, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 1986-1988, 1989-1990, 1991-1992, 2006-08

Search Committee for Chairperson, Department of Political Science, Michigan State University, 1985-1987

Committee to Review Tenure and Promotion, College of Social Science, Michigan State University, 1987

Screening Committee for University Awards, College of Social Science, Michigan State University, 1987

Committee on Research, College of Social Science, Michigan State University, 1988-89,1990-92

Steering Committee, Midwest Consortium for International Security Studies, 1986-1990


National Institute of Justice, Investigator Initiated Research, September 2003-August 2005, Assessing Fairness and Consistency: A Comparative Study in Three States.

Visiting Scholar, National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA, January 2001-August 2001

National Institute of Justice, Investigator Initiated Research, September 2000-August 2002, “Understanding Court Culture and Improving Court Performance: New Ideas and New Tools. DOJ-2000-IJ-CS-0030.

National Institute of Justice, Investigator Initiated Research, September 1998-August 2000, “Michigan Sentencing Guidelines: Integrating Intermediate Sanctions into Guidelines” DOJ#98-CE-VX-0008.

American Council on Education Fellow, Office of the Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, August 1992-June 1993


All-University Research Initiation Grant, January 1992-December 1992, "Question Wording and Macro-Partisanship."

Evaluation of the W. K. Kellogg Lifelong Education Grant, June 1992-March 31, 1996, Michigan State University

National Science Foundation Grant No. SES-8309703, November 1983April 1986, "The President and the Political Use of Force"

AllUniversity Research Initiation Grant, Michigan State University, January 1983December 1983, "Presidential Management of Popular Support."

Summer Fellow, International Studies Association, University of Pittsburgh, Summer, 1974

Indiana University Fellow, Department of Political Science, Indiana University, 19711974


Michigan State Court Administrative Office, Sentencing Guidelines Project, 1979-1988

Michigan Sentencing Commission, January 1996-January 1999.

Michigan Trial Court Assessment Commission, January 1997-January 1999.

National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA, January 1997- present

Michigan Department of Corrections, January 1999-present

Florida, Office of the State Court Administrator, January 1999-January 2000; January 2006-2007

California, Administrative Office of the Courts, January 2000-2011

Minnesota, Administrative Office of the Courts, January 2002-2003

Texas, Administrative Office of the Courts, January 2007-09


Books and Monographs

Trial Courts as Organizations. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2007.(with Brian Ostrom, Roger Hanson, Matthew Kleiman)

Time Series Analysis: Regression Techniques, second edition. Beverly Hills: Sage University Papers in Quantitative Applications to the Social Sciences, 1990.

American Government: People, Institutions, and Policies, third edition (with Paul Johnson, John Aldrich, Gary Miller, and David Rohde) Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.

American Government: People, Institutions, and Policies, second edition (with Paul Johnson, John Aldrich, Gary Miller, and David Rohde) Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990.

American Government: People, Institutions, and Policies (with John Aldrich, Gary Miller, and David Rohde) Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986.

Time Series Analysis: Regression Techniques. Beverly Hills: Sage University Papers in Quantitative Applications to the Social Sciences, 1978.

A Collective Goods Approach to Understanding Transnational Action. St.Louis: Consortium for International Studies Education, 1976. (with Harvey Starr)

Refereed Articles and Chapters

“Truth in Sentencing.” Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. (with Brian J. Ostrom) – available December 2012

“Court Cultures and Their Consequences.” Court Manager. 20 (Spring 2005):14-23. (with Brian Ostrom, Roger Hanson, Matthew Kleiman)

“Explaining Seat Changes in the House of Representatives, 1950-1998.” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 28: 383-405. (with Brian Newman)

“The Sentencing Unit”. In Sentencing and Society. Edited by Cyrus Tata and Neil Hutton. London: Ashgate Publishing. (with Brian Ostrom)

“Preventing Health Comprising Behaviors Among Youth and Promoting Their Positive Development: A Developmental Contextual Perspective.” In J. Schulenberg; J. Maggs; and K. Hurrelmann, Health Risks and Developmental Transitions During Adolescence. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 498-521. With Richard Lerner and Melissa Freel)

“Continuity and Discontnuity Across the Transition of Early Adolescence.” In Julia A. Graber, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Anne Peterson, Transitions Through Adolescence, Lawrence Earlbaum, 1996, pp. 2-22. (With Richard Lerner)


“Promoting Positive Youth and Community Development Through Outreach Scholarship.” Journal of Adolescent Research. Volume 10 (October 1995): 486-502. (with Richard Lerner and Melissa Freel)

“Building the Capacity of Youth and Families Through University-Community Collaborations: The Development-in-Context Evaluation (DICE) Model.” Journal of Adolescent Research. Volume 10 (October 1995):427-448. (with Richard Lerner and Melissa Freel)

"Training applied developmental scientists for community outreach." In C. B. Fisher, J. P. Murray, and I. Sigel (eds.) Applied developmental Science: Graduate Training for Diverse Disciplines and Educational Settings. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. (forthcoming Spring 1995) (with Richard Lerner, Leah Hoopfer, Julia Miller, Carl Taylor, Patterson Terry, Alexander von Eye, Francisco A. Villaruel, and James Votruba)

"Integrative Knowledge, Accountability, Access, and the American University of the Twenty-First Century" Home Economics FORUM, May 1995. (with Richard Lerner, Julia Miller)

"Question Form and Context Effects in the Measurement of Partisanship." American Political Science Review. 1994. 88:955-6. (with Paul Abramson)

"Question Wording and Partisanship: Change and Continuity in Party Loyalties During the 1992 Election Campaign." Public Opinion Quarterly. 1994. 58:21-48. (with Paul Abramson)

"Question Wording and Macropartisanship". The American Political Science Review. 86:481-86. June 1992. (with Paul Abramson)

"A Dynamic Model of Presidential Popularity." Political Analysis. 1992 (with Renee Smith)

"The President, Referendum Voting, and Subnational Elections". The American Political Science Review. March 1992. (with Dennis M. Simon and Robin F. Marra)

"Issues in Defense Spending: Plausibility and Choice in Soviet Estimates" In The Political Economy of Military Spending in the United States. Edited by Alex Mintz. New York: Unwin Hyman, Inc. 1991. (with Robin F. Marra)

"Macropartisanship: An Empirical Reassessment". The American Political Science Review. March 1991 85:181-192. (with Paul Abramson)

"Foreign Policy and Presidential Popularity: Creating Windows of Opportunity in the Perpetual Election" Journal of Conflict Resolution. December 1990 34:588-623 (with Robin F. Marra and Dennis M. Simon)

"The Man in the Teflon Suit?: The Environmental Connection, Political Drama, and Popular Support in the Reagan Presidency." Public Opinion Quarterly. 53 (Fall 1989):353-387. (with Dennis M. Simon)

"Explaining Seat Change in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1950-1986." American Journal of Political Science. 33 (August 1989):541-569. (with Robin F. Marra)

"The Impact of Televised Speeches and Foreign Travel on Presidential Approval." Public Opinion Quarterly. 58 (Spring 1989):58-82. (with Dennis M. Simon)

"The President's Public". American Journal of Political Science. 32 (November, 1988):1096-1119. (with Dennis M. Simon)


"The Politics of Prestige: Popular Support and the Modern Presidency." Presidential Studies Quarterly. 18 (Fall, 1988):741-759. (with Dennis M. Simon)

"US Defense Spending and the Soviet Estimate." The American Political Science Review. 80 (September 1986): 819-42 (with Robin F. Marra)

"The President and the Political Use of Force."The American Political Science Review. 80 (June 1986): 541-66 (with Brian L.Job)

"The President and the Politics of Military Force."In American Security in a Changing World: Issues and Choices, edited by Joseph Goldman, pp. 95-122. Lanthan, Md.: University Press of America. (with Dennis M.Simon)

"Promise and Performance: A Dynamic Model of Presidential Popularity." The American Political Science Review.79 (June 1985):33458.(with Dennis M.Simon)

"Budgetary Model Complexity and International Organizations." In Theories, Models, and Simulations in International Relations: Essays in Honor of Harold Guetzkow, pp.30528. Edited by Michael Don Ward. Denver: Westview Press, 1985. (with Francis Hoole and Harvey Tucker)

"The President and Popular Support: A Strategic Perspective." In The Presidency and Public Policy Making, pp. 50-70. Edited by George C.Edwards III, Steven A.Shull, and Norman C.Thomas. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1985. (with Dennis M. Simon)

"The Management of Popular Support: The Presidential Dilemma." Policy Studies Journal. 12:67790, 1984. (with Dennis M. Simon)

Reprinted in Robert E.DiClerico, ed.Analyzing the Presidency. Guilford, Connecticut: Dushkin, 1985.

"Organizational and Political Factors Affecting State Wildlife Management." Wildlife Society Bulletin. 12:107116, 1984. (with Edward Langenau)

"Reply to Wanat." American Political Science Review. 74 (September 1980):78688.

"Regularities, Verification, and Systematization: TwentyFive Years of Research in Political Science." American Behavioral Scientist. 23 (July/August 1980): 86183.(with John Aldrich)

"Models, Budgets, and International Organizations." Journal of Politics. 41 (August 1979):92332. (with Francis Hoole and David Handley)

"The Relationship Between Size and Stability in the International System." American Journal of Political Science. 22 (November 1978):74371. (with John Aldrich)

"A Reactive Linkage Model of the US Defense Expenditure PolicyMaking Process." American Political Science Review. 74 (September 1978):94157.

"Alliances and Wars Revisited." International Studies Quarterly. 22 (June 1978): 21536.(with Francis Hoole)


"An Empirical Evaluation of a RichardsonType Arms Race Model." In Exploring Competitive Arms Processes, pp.6588. Edited by W.Ladd Hollist. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1978.

"Evaluating Alternative Foreign Policy Decision-Making Models: An Empirical Test Between an Arms Race Model and an Organizational Politics Model." Journal of Conflict Resolution. 21 (June 1977): 235-66.

"Some Quantitative Properties of Nonlinear RichardsonType Arms Race ModelsA Comment." In Control Theory and International Relations Research, pp.9496. Edited by John V.Gillespie and Dina Zinnes. New York: Praeger, 1977.

"Control Concepts in Theories of Governmental Decision MakingA Comment." In Control Theory and International Relations Research, pp.333338. Edited by John V.Gillespie and Dina Zinnes. New York: Praeger, 1977.

"An Appraisal of the Research Design and Philosophy of Science of the `Correlates of War Project.'" In Quantitative International Politics: An Appraisal, pp.4366. Edited by Francis Hoole and Dina Zinnes. New York: Praeger, 1976.

"Balance of Power and the Maintenance of `Balance:' A Rational Choice Model with Lexical Preferences." In Mathematical Models of International Relations, pp.31932. Edited by Dina Zinnes and John V.Gillespie. New York: Praeger, 1976.


Assessing Consistency and Fairness in Sentencing: A Comparative Study in Three States” (2008) Public Safety Performance Project of the Pew Charitable Trust. (with Brian J. Ostrom, Roger A. Hanson, Matthew Kleiman)

Sentencing Guidelines Manual, 2d Edition. Lansing: State Court Administrative Office, 1988. West Publishing Co.(with James McComb and Brian Ostrom).

Sentencing Guidelines Manual. Lansing: State Court Administrative Office, 1982.(with Marvin Zalman, Kevin Bowling, Susan Herbel, and Garret Peaslee).

Sentencing Guidelines Pilot Project Report. Lansing: State Court Administrative Office, 1982.(with Marvin Zalman, Kevin Bowling, Susan Herbel, and Garret Peaslee).

Sentencing in Michigan: Report of the Michigan Felony Sentencing Project. Lansing: State Court Administrative Office, 1979.(with Marvin Zalman and Garret Peaslee).



Undergraduate Courses

Introduction to International Politics

Theory and Practice of Foreign Policy

International Organization

United States in World Affairs

Politics and the Use of Military Force

Contending Theories of Foreign Policy Decision Making

Analysis of Public Policy

Executive Process

Introduction to Political Science

Introduction to the Methods of Political Science

Graduate Courses

Philosophy of Science

Time Series Analysis

Evaluation Research

EconometricsSingle Equation

EconometricsSystems of Equations

Introduction to Statistics and Logic of Inquiry

Bayesian Statistics

Proseminar in International Relations

Contending Theories of Human Decision Making

American Foreign Policy (at University of Minnesota)

Policy Evaluation (at University of Minnesota)

Models of Qualitative Choice


Provided upon request