Chapter 9


Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false.

1. The Internet is made up of millions of individual machines and networks that have

agreed to connect, provide resources to each other, and share data.

2. Internet e-mail addresses are the same as URLs.

3. Newsgroups, such as Usenet, give you lists of freeware and shareware.

4. The Internet is one of many services offered by the World Wide Web.

5. Modems translate computer output into a format that is transmittable across carrier

lines; modems then translate signals that come across these lines back into a format that the computer can understand.

6. It is impossible to check your school e-mail from home.

7. ISP stands for “integrated systems processor.”

8. DSL stands for “digital subscriber line.”

9. Analog phone connections are not fast, do not have broad bandwidth, and may cause

slow responses to user requests.

10. The Internet is actually made up of millions of individual networks.

11. Another name for a computer conference or computer discussion is a bulletin board.

12. A synchronous Internet tool that provides real-time communication is the mailing list.

13. Instant messaging is a form of chat.

14. Chats are an asynchronous communications tool.

15. FTP is an abbreviation for “file transfer protocol.”

16. Cable modems have the potential to be faster than DSL for the home computer user.

17. An extension for a graphics file is .au.

18. Possible extensions for an audio file are .aw and .wav.

19. The Internet is another name for the World Wide Web.

20. A search engine is used to find web pages on the basis of key words you enter.

21. A portal is another name for a computer that has access to the Internet.

22. Spam is unwanted e-mail.

23. FTP is used to transfer files among computers on the Internet.

24. A useful application of e-mail to teaching and learning is electronic key pals.

25. The Internet is used primarily by the military and universities.


Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the


1. A method for transferring files among computers on the Internet is

A) modems.

B) file transfer protocol.

C) search engines.

D) video conferencing.

2. Telecommunications is

A) electronic communication between computers over a distance.

B) the only hardware solution that makes Internet communication possible.

C) a special network created to provide a way for home and business computers to

connect to the Internet.

D) millions of individual machines and networks that have agreed to connect, provide

resources to each other, and share data.

3.Devices that enable phone line communication between computers are called

A) PDAs.

B) remote controls.

C) hubs.

D) modems.

4. One-to-one chats that can be started whenever another user is online at the same time are known as

A) IM.

B) an ISP.

C) instant messaging.

D) A and C.

5. Designations for specific locations on the Web are known as

A) IMs.

B) URLs.

C) ISPs.

D) e-mail addresses.

6. To have designated e-mail messages sent to a group of addresses, it is best to use a

A) buddy list.

B) listserv.

C) buddyserv.

D) listsite.

7. A chat is

A) nonsynchronous.

B) synchronous.

C) asynchronous.

D) megasynchronous.

8. Text files can have the following extensions:

A) .jpg, .pict, .bmp

B) .exe, .mov, .mpg

C) .doc, .htm, .txt

D) .au, .wav

9. The device that modulates and demodulates computer signals so that they can be

transmitted over a regular telephone line as audible signals is known as a

A) codec.

B) NIC card.

C) modec.

D) modular converter.

E) modem.

10. Phone lines that are digital and have transmission speeds that are up to 30 times faster than those of regular phone lines are known as



C) Internet.



11. Unwanted e-mail is known as

A) spam.

B) threads.

C) instant message.

D) listserv.

12. Web pages are written by using a language called





13. The agreed-upon standard for photographic images is




D) Kodak.

14. A user name followed by the @ sign and then the location of the electronic mailbox is

A) an e-mail address.

B) a server address.

C) an ISP.

D) a URL.

15. In accessing a network from home, the lines that offer faster transmission speeds are

A) phone lines.

B) wireless.

C) fax lines.

D) DSL lines.

16. Businesses that offer networks to allow home and businesses to connect to the

Internet are referred to as

A) ISPs.

B) TCPs.

C) portals.


17. The Internet service that allows people to interact real time by entering questions and writing responses while online is

A) a chat.

B) a mailing list.

C) a conference.

D) an e-mail program.

18. The advantage of a computer discussion in teaching and learning is that it

A) typically includes multimedia to address multiple learning styles.

B) offers threaded discussions on a topic that can be carefully reviewed and considered.

C) lets students receive e-mail in their own accounts.

D) provides real-time interaction for those who are online.

19. Instant messages differ from chats in that instant messages

A) are spontaneous and limited to two parties who are online.

B) cannot be saved or recorded.

C) are offered only by high-end service providers.

D) do not allow for privacy during the conversation.

20. A teachers who wanted to download a shareware or freeware teaching tool would

likely use

A) conferencing.


C) Usenet.

D) e-mail.

21. When looking for a graphic to download from the Internet, a teacher would most

likely look for a file with

A) a .jpeg, .bmp, or .tiff extension.

B) the component .exe in its name.

C) a .gra prefix.

D) the addition of .html on it.

22. One of the names for an asynchronous communication tool that features threaded

discussions is

A) listserv.


C) chat.

D) bulletin board.

23. The Internet software that allows online individuals to see and talk to each other

while sharing files is

A) telephony.

B) virtual reality.

C) videoconferencing.

D) visual FTP.

24. Zipped files that are downloaded from the Internet are

A) read-only files that must have properties changed to use.

B) graphics files that cannot be used without Acrobat Reader.

C) files that protect users from computer viruses.

D) compressed files that must be uncompressed before using.

25. Mailing lists differ from conferences in that mailing list postings are

A) displayed as a threaded discussion.

B) on a site to which you must log in to access them.

C) sent to individual mailboxes of the people who subscribe.

D) private, one-to-one communications.


Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.

Match the following.

1. Videoconferencing

2. FTP

3. Chats

4. Listserv

5. Computer conference

6. E-mail address

7. ISP

8. www

9. http

Transmitting live voice and video images over the Internet or high-speed phone lines

Outside service to connect to the Internet

Part of a URL

Automatic delivery of e-mail to subscribers

A high-speed connection

, <mailto:>, or something similar

Participants type messages in real time

File transfer protocol

Asynchronous public or private discussion

Match the term or service with its description.

10. Chat

11. E-mail

12. Modem

13. Mailing list

Asynchronous one-to-one communication

Synchronous group interaction via the Internet

Service that distributes postings to subscribers

A point of network connection

Used to convert digital and analog signals so that they can be carried across phone lines


Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the


1. Briefly define the Internet.

2. How might e-mail help students in your school to get more involved with their


3. What is FTP?

4. Is there a difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? If so, what is it?

5. What is a search engine?

6. Who first used the Internet? Who uses it now?

Chapter 10


Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false.

1. If your browser does not have the capability of displaying multimedia, the program

you can add to it so that you can display them is called a PDF file.

2. Educational journals have yet to follow the trend of publishing an online version.

3. “FAQ” is the abbreviation for a less popular programming language.

4. You have just found a most helpful web site to keep you informed about the latest

developments in K–12 technology resources and publications,

<>. You are very busy and want to be able to access it

quickly, so you use a tool to store the URL for rapid access. This tool is a hyperlink.

5. A web host is a server that stores web pages, typically for a monthly fee.

6. To author a web page, you must first learn HTML.

7. If you wish to use a free public web hosting service, you can upload by way of an FTP program to the host.

8. Articles posted on the Internet that are displayed on your screen can be saved or

printed by your browser.

9. Your bookmark list is stored on the hard drive of the computer you are using.

10. CD-ROM encyclopedias have an advantage over Internet-based versions because you can get updated versions of the CD automatically on a regular basis.

11. The acceptable use policy was established by the government to control Internet use.

12. Schools use filters to prevent students from accessing inappropriate materials on the Internet.

13. Word processing programs are useless in creating a class web page.

14. An education portal is a type of Internet provider that provides e-mail and a dial-up

service to access the Web for teachers.

15. A word processing program gives you the best control of the “look” of a printed page.

16. Bookmarks or favorites are features in browsers that are used to store frequently used


17. A sophisticated word processor will allow you to use a wizard to set up your web


18. A site map will search and find information on any given web site.

19. Freedom from bias on a web site refers to the site’s presentation of facts and accurate information rather than an attempt to persuade or present a viewpoint.

20. Web authoring tools enable the user to create a web site without knowing HTML or

having technical knowledge.

21. A web host is a service that stores your web site and provides access to it by others.

22. In evaluating a web site, an important consideration is the user-friendliness of its



Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the


1. The language in which web pages are written is

A) Pascal.

B) a browser.

C) C+.


2. Blogs are

A) a page of frequently asked questions that accompanies a web page.

B) repositories of data concerning a web site’s setup.

C) a popular term for a structured online discussion group.

D) virtual online spaces that support the posting of personal commentary on the Web.

3. The world’s largest database of education information is


B) global learning community.



4. Class web sites can be used to do all of the following EXCEPT

A) build bridges to parents and the community.

B) support and enhance communication between teacher and student.

C) help to create a global learning community for your students.

D) none of these.

5. Which of the following tools can NOT be used to author a web page?

A) Desktop publishing software.

B) An online publication.

C) Word processors.

D) Web development software.

6. Adobe Acrobat Reader converts traditional publications to an exact replica of the

original pages using what format?





7. For educators, the largest database of information is


B) Facts on File.



8. A(n) ______is a function of your web browser that allows you to store URLs.

A) bookmark.

B) favorite.

C) academic tool.

D) A and B.

E) A and C.

9. A program that helps you create tests by providing you with a database of questions is

A) a test generator.

B) an academic tool.

C) an electronic gradebook.

D) an Internet service provider.

10. The policy that articulates the ways in which the Internet can be used by students is

A) the filtering policy.

B) the acceptable use policy.

C) the academic web policy.

D) the privacy policy.

11. A web site that does not promote subjective or propagandistic points of view is said

to be

A) a subscription service.

B) altruistic.

C) bias free.

D) advertising free.

12. Worksheet generators are a type of academic tool that allows the user to create

A) puzzles.

B) word searches.

C) cryptograms.

D) all of the above.

13. If a file has been saved in PDF format, to open and read it, you will need to have

installed on your computer the program called

A) Acrobat Reader.

B) Real Player.

C) PDF Reader.

D) Netscape.

14. Often found on blogs, feeds that continuously and automatically update selected

topics are called RSS, which stands for

A) rapid synchronized server.

B) return scalable system.

C) really simple syndication.

D) respond system site.

15. An effective web page has

A) clear navigation options.

B) user-friendliness.

C) some pages that offer text only.

D) A and B.

16. The World Wide Web is

A) available only to those who subscribe to an ISP and have an upgraded browser.

B) a collection of hyperlinked graphics-oriented sites that can be accessed via the


C) the least frequently used aspect of the Internet.

D) larger than the Internet.

17. The system that a school uses to block inappropriate pages is known as