GRANT Funding Application Form
Company Name:
Lead CompanyName:
Application Date:
biSU ID:
Total BiSU grant Approved in Prior Applications:£
BiSU grantRequestedFor This Application: £
  • I confirm that the biSU grant will be used solely for the business and personal development purposes set out in the Proposal below. I confirm that full accounts will be maintained together with receipts evidencing all expenditure.
  • I accept that Staffordshire University has the legal right to investigate expenditure associated with any awards made, including the right to request a copy of all applicable accounts and receipts. I understand that if such accounts and receipts are not provided to Staffordshire University on request, or if Staffordshire University, in its sole discretion, considers that the biSU grant has been spent on items outside the reasons for which the biSU grant was given, I/we may be required to repay all or part of the monies.
  • I acknowledge that in some circumstances an award may be made subject to my acceptance of special conditions imposed and I further acknowledge that payment may be subject to my satisfactory completion of milestones and agreement to comply with any conditions imposed.
  • I understand that the decision whether to pay the sum requested and the method of payment of the biSU grant will be at the sole discretion of Staffordshire University and any liability of Staffordshire University to pay this biSU grantwill end at the completion of my 12 months as a beneficiary of the biSU project.
  • I understand that if I claim VAT back from the biSU grantand then register for VAT in the future and therefore claim the VAT back from the HMRC, that it is my responsibility to inform the biSU Team immediately and I then become liable for paying the VAT claimed, back to the project.
For INTERNAL use only:
Please pay BiSU grantof £______
Authorised by:…………………… Date:…………………..
Print Name: Clair Hameed Position: Project Manager
Supplier Number: ______
Unique Document/Transaction Reference Number(voucher number): ______
Debit: 927009 / £
Finance Approved:


Your application should include the main headings below, a costing table (as provided below) and corresponding paperwork to support the application.

Please note: you will only be paid up to your maximum allowable amount for the period in which you are claiming – any underspend will be rolled over to the final claim.

Heading 1 - Details of the Business

You should provide the background, description of the business and the development needed and your current stage of development or progress since joining the biSU project.

{type here}

Heading 2 - Justification for Purchase

In this section should utilize a numbering system as per the costing table to refer to each product and make sure you include the following in your justification:

  • Why is this product/service relevant to your Business
  • How will having this product/service benefit the company and its anticipated impact
  • Your Business objectives that will be achieved by purchasing this item – could be both short term and long term
  • Justify why you have chosen a specific supplier

ERDF will not pay for capital equipment over £2500; payment of staff; living costs; stock;. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change, however, if you have any queries just call the project team.

{type here}

Supporting Information

You should create an appendix to your claim which again should be numbered as per the costing table and include the following items:

  • 3 quotes for each item of spend over £250
  • 1 invoice/receipt for each item you buy – this must include your name and address, the suppliers name and address, the date of transaction, the product/service being purchased, the cost including the VAT breakdown(if applicable) & the payment method(ie debit/visa card)
  • A bank statement showing the payment leaving your account to the supplier

All invoices/receipts & bank statements must be the originals – you must provide the original and a copy of it and then the original will be returned to you for your financial accounts.

Costing Table

You should complete the costing table in full; complete the description of the product or service purchased; if single value is over £250 then you should complete the columns “Quote 1& 2” with the other quotes supplier name and the cost. If the purchase is under £250 then no other quotes are required. The final column should be the name of the actual chosen supplier/service and the cost breakdown (but only if this is broken down on your invoice/receipt). Finally, when you have completed the table then the total amount entered in to the end column.


If your company is VAT registered please enter your VAT registration number onto the costing table where indicated. Please note: the funders of the biSU project will not allow us to reimburse you the VAT costs if you are VAT registered (because you can claim the VAT back yourselves from HMRC when you do your tax return), however if you are not VAT registered then we can and will reimburse all your VAT costs.


June 2016 v1


No. / Description of Product/Service / Supplier Name / Amount
(inc VAT) / Supplier Name / Amount
(inc VAT) / Supplier Name / Nett / Other ie delivery / VAT / TOTAL

4June 2016 v1