As part of European Health and Safety Week, the National Union Of Teachers is campaigning for the mandatory installation of sprinkler systems in all new school developments (including extensions and refurbishments of existing schools).

Why raise the issue of sprinklers in schools?

Every week in the UK, 20 schools are damaged or destroyed by arson - 90 per cent of these fires are started by pupils. The number of major school fires rose by 55% in 2003, whilst related costs have spiraled by more than 170% over the last ten years, rising to around £100 million by 2001. That's the same cost as building 45 new primary schools or employing an extra 3,750 teachers.

However the true cost of arson attacks on schools is much higher. Not only are the lives of children, teachers and firefighters endangered but the knock-on effects of considerable disruption can also cause huge distress. What’s more, a third of school fires now take place in school hours, posing an unacceptable risk to pupils and staff.

How can sprinklers help?

Current research indicates that fitting sprinklers virtually eliminates fire deaths and injuries. The mandatory installation of sprinklers in new school developments would not only create safer school environments, but also significantly reduce the financial costs of arson.

What about the cost?

It costs an estimated 1.8 per cent of the total building cost to install a sprinkler system and it is widely accepted that this cost can be recouped within six years solely due to heavily reduced insurance premiums. In addition, it has been estimated that losses from fires in buildings with sprinklers are just one tenth of those in unprotected buildings.

The NUT has joined forces with the Local Government Association, the Chief Fire Officers’ Association, the Fire Brigades Union, the National Fire Sprinkler Network and Zurich Municipal Insurance. Together, we have written to all local authorities, urging them to fit sprinklers in new school building projects. We are also lobbying central government directly, stressing the need for sprinkler installation in schools to become mandatory as part of the revised building regulations.

Where can I find out more?

The following websites contain further information about sprinklers:

Local Government Association:

Chief Fire Officers’ Association:

Fire Brigades Union:

National Fire Sprinkler Network:

Zurich Municipal: