
Creating the appearance of cheating

A professor referred a senior for submitting another student’s work as his own after discovering that the senior’s homework was identical to the previous year’s assignment. When the student met with Student Judicial Affairs, he said he had done all the work by hand. He said that when he realized he was required to submit the information in a spread-sheet, he asked a friend who had taken the class the previous year to send him the file. He stated that he noticed that his sums and those from the previous year were identical, and therefore believed that the two assignments were the same. As a result, he simply submitted his friend’s assignment, rather than re-entering what he believed would be the exact same numbers. However, he did not realize that although the numbers and sums were the same, the order of the lines had been changed. As a result, it was obvious that he had simply turned in his friend’s assignment as his own. Because the student had done his own work but had created the appearance of dishonest conduct, the student agreed to a censure. A censure is a written warning that future violations will result in more serious disciplinary action.


A senior was referred to Student Judicial Affairs for plagiarism on an open-book take-home exam. She had used material directly from the textbook but did not cite the text, believing the instructor would know it was from the book. However, all work that is not a student’s own ideas or writing must be cited. The student agreed to Deferred Separation until graduation and to take an online course about when and how to cite properly. Deferred Separation means that if the student is found in violation of any academic misconduct again, she will likely be suspended or dismissed from the University.

Underage drinking and intoxication

UC Davis Police referred a sophomore for underage drinking and public intoxication. The student was found throwing up in a bathroom at Freeborn Hall during a dance event and was taken to the hospital for alcohol intoxication. He agreed to the sanctions of Disciplinary Probation through Winter Quarter 2011 and a meeting with the director of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment program (ADAPT).