Name: ______

Stage 7- The Riddle Stone part 1.

1.  Where did Dad find the stone?


2.  What language did Biff think was written on the stone?


3.  Where did the man think the answer to the question was?

Tick the one you think is correct:

a)  In China.

b)  On the other half of the stone.

c)  In a letter.

4.  What was the name of Biff and Chip’s new friend?


5.  Where did the Magic Key take the children? (tick one)

a)  to a rocky valley.

b)  to a crossroads.

c)  to the mountains.

6.  What was the name of the boy sitting on the rock?


7.  What was the answer to the riddle?


8.  Which riddle is the hardest?


9.  Did the children really have to guess how much the giant weighed? Why? Explain your answer fully for 2marks!



10.  Write 2 words the author uses to describe the land across the lake.



11.  Write 2 words the author uses to describe the mountain.



12.  Put numbers next to each part of the story to show the order of the events.

The children climb the mountain.

The children make friends with Ty.

The magic takes the children to a rocky valley.

They are captured by goblins.

The children find a stone.

The children meet a giant.

The children ride in bubbles from the dragon.

Name: ______

Stage 7- The Broken Roof.

1.  Why had someone broken the fence down?


2.  What does a mangle do?


3.  What did Biff and Chip keep secret?


4.  Name the 3 children that Biff, Chip and Kipper met outside the house.




5.  Who was the lady that gave the children their food?


6.  How did Biff already know that the little house would look like the big house when it was finished?



Name: ______

Stage 7- The Jigsaw Puzzle.

1.  Why was Chip in a bad mood?


2.  Where did the magic key take the children?


3.  What did Edmund think the frisbee was?


4.  Why did the children run inside? (Tick one)

a)  because Edmund’s father was chasing them.

b)  They weren’t allowed to play frisbee.

c)  The soldiers were coming.

d) It was time for tea.

5.  Where did Edmund’s father hide?


6.  What would happen to Edmund’s father if the soldiers found him?


7.  How did the soldiers know Edmund’s father was there? (tick one)

a)  There was a picture of him on the wall.

b)  His sword was there.

c)  His wife told the soldiers where he was.

8.  How did Biff distract the soldiers?


9.  How did Edmund’s father escape without being seen?


10.  Put numbers next to each event to show the order of the story.

Soldiers came looking for Edmund’s father.

The magic key glowed and they went to an old house.

Edmund’s father escaped dressed as a lady.

The children played with a puzzle.

Edmund’s father hid in a secret room.

The children met Jane and Edmund.

Name: ______

Stage 7- The Riddle Stone part 2.

1, How did the children say they wanted to die?


2. Did the goblins know the answer to Hong’s riddle on page 7?


3. What was the answer to the riddle on page 11? (Tick one)

a)  A kite

b)  An egg

c)  A joke

d)  A kite flier

4. Why did Chip think they couldn’t cross the river? (Tick one)

a)  It was too wide.

b)  It was too deep and dangerous.

c)  There was a man guarding the river.

5. How does Hong know the answers to all the riddles?


6, Why did Biff find the forest scary?

a)  She could see eyes looking at her.

b)  The trees were bent and twisted.

c)  It was dark and gloomy.

7, Write 2 things that were scary about the way the wolves looked.



8, Who made the wolves stop and sit?


9. Look at page 26. What would happen if the children answered the riddle correctly?


10, Put numbers in the boxes from 1 to 5 to show the order of the events.

They meet a kite flier.

The children run from wolves.

Ty becomes the Riddle Maker.

They are captured by goblins.

The children cross a river.