Last Updated 12/24/15
1. UF ID
Student’s 8-digit UF ID number
2. Name
Student’s last, first and middle name
3. Cur Cl/Col
Current class and college –The class and college the student was at the end of the term and that Academic Progress is evaluating.
4. Next Cl/Col
Next class and college – this item is updated at the time the Academic Progress program runs at the end of each term
5. Reg
Registration status code from Registrar’s file
R = Registered
N = Not registered
6. Matric Date
Student’s matriculation date from the Registrar’s file
7. Matric Stat
Student’s matriculation status from the Registrar’s file
B = Beginning freshman
D = Dental student
E = Division of Continuing Education
G = Graduate student – u-grad degree not UF
H = High school – dually enrolled
J = Florida Junior college transfer
L = Law student – 1st UF enrollment in Law School
M = Medical student
P = Postbac – u-grad degree not UF
T = Traveling scholar program
U = Undergraduate transfer
V = Vet Med student
W = Walk-in, transient, non-degree
Z = Post-bac (applied as graduate, admitted postbac)
8. Curr Term
Student’s current term of enrollment
9. Last Term
Student’s last term of enrollment
10. Total Hours Earned
Total hours with a passing grade at UF or another institution to include (no repeats, withdrawals, incompletes or failures included)
11. Total Hours Attempted
Total hours enrolled at UF or another institution (repeats, withdrawals, incompletes and failures included)
12. Addt’l Hours for Degree
Extra hours granted by petition and added to the standard Max hours.
13. System Comp %
Percentage of hours completed as calculated from the Registrars academic transcript, obtained by taking Cum Hours Earned divided by sum of Cum Hours Carried + Trans Hours Earned. This measures the student’s progression within timeframe. (Earned Hours as a percentage of Attempted Hours.)
14. Fresh Start
Y = Yes or Blank
15. Total GPA Earned
Cumulative GPA from all earned hours at all institutions attended.
16. UF GPA Earned
Cumulative GPA earned at UF (from Registrars file)
17. Deficit Grade Points
Number of grade points below a C average on hours attempted at UF. Using the fields from CSTAT, Deficit-Gpts = ((Min-required-gpa times Hours-Carried) minus Grade-Points-Earned) rounded up.
18. Required Deficit Reduction
Manual change
19. Review Flag
Set by system each term. Indicates special categories of students for whom grades will not be available and/or who require manual review of AP status. The Review Flag is always set for overseas students. Suppresses SAP run emails.
20. Letter Date
Last email communication sent to the student from the last SAP run.
21. Thru Date
AP approval through specified 3-byte academic year/term notation, i.e., 028 will be through fall term of 2002.
22. Post Bach Terms
Used for internal notation of approved terms for post bac G terms of aid. Sequence is Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring, etc. For example:
This indicates the students 12 consecutive months of eligibility for FDSL is spring 2002, summer 2002 and fall 2002.
23. Max Hours Undergrad
Number of total hours for which student has been approved to receive aid
24. Max Hours Graduate/Professional
Number of total hours for which student has been approved to receive aid
25. Calc % to Earn
Completion percentage the student is required to complete in order to get to 75%
26. GPA to Earn
Overall (cumulative) GPA student
27. Manual Revision
Entered when approving a petition to indicate which term it was approved in.
28. Permanent Termination-The Permanent Termination flag (in the middle of the screen) is set by the AP user to prevent a student from ever “cleaning up” or otherwise escaping termination status.
B is set for undergraduate students. Reset after Bachelor’s degree.
G is set for graduate students
NOTE: Used primarily on Fresh Start
29. Post Bac Flag
This is set for post bac status only.
I = Only eligible for institutional aid. Can also be used for students who have gone past their Thru Date and were a G.
G = Eligible for federal and institutional aid for one calendar
N = Eligible for federal and institutional aid.
30. AP Flag
Academic progress status as determined using information from field numbers 11 - 20. AP flag codes are:
T = Terminated – holds aid
W = Warning – does not hold aid
31. Excluded Flag
This field informs you of who has been excluded from the current SAP run. The value in this field is an X. As each group is release and processed, the X turns into a number. (ie. 1 is for those included in the 1st Late Grades AP run, etc.)
32. This field will be blank until it is set to one of the following:
-Y = GPA below minimum requirement (displayed if the student is below required GPA)
-N = No GPA Problem
33. This field will be blank until it is set to one of the following:
-Y = Completion% below 75 (displayed if the student is below 75%)
-N = No Comp% Problem
34. This field will be blank until it is set to one of the following:
-Y = Reached maximum hours (displayed if the student has exceeded the Maximum Hours allowed for their degree)
-N = No MaxHrs Problem
35. This field will be blank until it is set to one of the following:
-X = Not Degree Seeking
-Y = Post-Bac term ended
36. This field will be blank until it is set to one of the following:
-T = Terminated for Walkaway
-N = No Walkaway Problem
37. ISIS –If this field has a “Y”, ISIS will display “No GPA
Problem” and/or “No Comp% Problem” and/or “No Max Hrs
Problem” if these are indicated in the boxes but it will NOT
display others.
38. “W” in the box indicates the student was warned for GPA
39. If the student has a “W” in #40, this field indicates the “Term” the student was warned for GPA
40. “W” in the box indicates the student was warned for Comp%
41. If the student has a “W” in #42, this field indicates the “Term” the student was warned for Comp%
42. “W” in the box indicates the student was warned for MaxHrs
43. If the student has a “W” in #44, this field indicates the “Term” the student was warned for MaxHrs
44. Term-This is the term that applies to the Petition Notification, SAP Email or Plan Recommended Courses.
45. Petition Notification Codes
AP Petition Determination Codes
Codes will be reflected on ISIS and under (#53) Remarks
46. AP Email-An “X” in this field will send a notification to the student. This is to send a Petition Decision Only. To send a Warning or Termination use the Email Notification on Tracking.
47. Plan of Work Recommended Course load
-Manual update based on petition plan of work per term
-Data obtained from petition by academic advisor
48. Date
Date AP remark was posted to file either by system or by manual input
49. Remarks #
50. Remarks
AP comments posted to file from (30) Petition Notification Codes and/or manual input
51. Initials
Initials automatically posted of person manually inputting remarks. System generated remarks have no initials.
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