Cardinal Elementary PSG Minutes
Date: September13, 2016
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by PSG President Jennifer Regazzi at 6:30 p.m. in the media center.
In attendance: Principle, Marc Gianfagna, Teacher representative, Anna Havala, the board, Jennifer Regazzi (President), Ramona Haboush (Vice-President), DoralizHernaiz (Treasurer)and Shannon Harvey (Secretary) were in attendance.
Administrator Report: Mr. Gianfagnasaid students are working hard. 5th Grade program is coming up, Red Bird Run is this Friday and Parent Teacher conference sign ups should be going on now. Teachers this week are being trained on the new Everyday Math.
Treasurer Report:Doraliz provided the current budget, see attached sheet.
Committee Reports:
•Box Tops:There is a new Box Top App. All you do is download the app, scan the barcode and receipt and get double rewards. For every class that meets their 500 box top goal by September 28th, they get an extra recess.
•Red Bird Run:Is on Friday.
oT-shirts are being passed out Wednesday.
oWe have 50 extra shirts for new students/ whomever would like to purchase one.
oBalloons have been ordered for the Specials stations.
oNo water station this year
oRaffle tickets for every $20 turned in
oMoney is due on Friday (day of run)
•Teacher Appreciation:70 people total
oWe need fresh ideas for the staff
oWe have already provided McAllisters at the beginning of the year
oOct 5th Dinner for Conferences (possibly Moe’s)
oOct 6th Dinner provided by Connection Point Church
oSign up Genius for canned pop and bottled water
oDesserts donated (must be packaged)
oHalloween/Fall themed presents
oSnowman Soup - January
oFebruary ?
oMarch Istep week - Midweek pick me up
oTeacher Appreciation Week - theme everyday
▪Possibly pizza lunch
▪Big teacher gift at the end of the week - parent suggested umbrella with schools name on it.
President’s Comments:
•Dr. Snapp meeting with all PSG Presidents
- Fast Track Results - served over 600 students
- Lincoln Elementary construction will start in March and finish June 2018
- High School construction will start January 2017 and finish around summer 2020.
•PSG’s will hold a meeting to learn about the School Board Candidates.
•UPaint Pottery Event
- Family ornament painting night brought to your school - PSG makes 20%
•Spiritwear sale
- Rose Promotions
- Cardinal items and Brownsburg Bulldog items
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 25th at 6:30pm in the Cardinal Media Center.