Board Meeting
Friday, April 19, 2013 7:00 am
856-B Armour Road
Oconomowoc, WI
Present: Nick Argeroudis, Chris Both, Bryan Breeser, Robert Chang, Dale Dahlke, Vicki Dallmann-Papke, Dr. Peter Geiss, Julie Jackson, Karen Jensen, Terry Ladwig, Ashley Lamberton, Gina Magnus, Kathy McCann, Jean Neal, Anna Pludeman, Mary Rode, Michael Rode, Dr. Susan Russler, Donna Voigt and Mary Reich, Executive Director
Excused: Susan Dwyer and Mark Zwaska
Absent: Kim Sneller
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by the President, Donna Voigt at 7:00 am. The minutes of the March 15, 2013 board meeting were approved (Argeroudis/Jensen). There were no conflicts of interest regarding today’s agenda. Donna announced committee assignments would be given out next month and all board members will be placed on one or more committees.
Treasurer’s Report: Ashley Lamberton
Cash on hand is about $220,000, Gala expenses and receipts are beginning to show, contributions are down somewhat from March, 2012, a $7,000 grant was received from the Women & Girls Fund for diabetic supplies. There was an increase in insurance in 2012 which does not occur in 2013 for liability insurance for Donna. OutsideServices have increased from last year, prescription costs are down, payroll processing fees are new since the payroll is now serviced outside the Clinic. We are ahead of budget for the month largely due to the grant received. Other increases and decreases are a result of timing. The report was approved (Breeser/Ladwig).
Medical Director’s Report: Dr. Peter Geiss
More providers are needed. Dr. Geiss will check with ProHealth doctors and Bryan with Aurora physicians.
Executive Director’s Report: Patient visits remain about the same, prescriptions are up significantly mostly due to more expensive prescriptions and more per patient; the PAP is also up. The Anxiety Disorders lease is in order and the space is being used as patients come and go. A grant has been written for a nutrition and weight loss class which is open to all LAFC patients. The remodeling of the Ophthalmology suite is being completed. We need volunteers for SummerStage June 8. Dr. Geiss volunteered to be chairperson. Sandy Stearns and Sally Christiansen have volunteered to help at the Festival of Arts August 17 and 18. The Women and Girls Fund luncheon is May 7, an RSVP is required; the cost is $70.
Building and Grounds: Dale Dahlke
Dale has taken photos of items in the Clinic to determine costs for insurance.
Finance: Kathy McCann
The committee will be meeting quarterly. Thanks to Bob for helping with the Clinic items for insurance coverage. A Money Market fund with Baird will be moved to a CD to obtain better interest. The audit is being reviewed for approval next month by the board. Segregation of duties is difficult in a small organization. Signatures on CDs will now require three signers. Also required will be a check signer different from the check writer.
Clinic Operations: Dr. Susan Russler
They are working on streamlining information in the patient process. Mental health access at the county level needs to be improved as a two month wait is too long for some patients. It is difficult to screen patients for specialists – who goes first. Help is needed for neurology, rheumatology, GYN and nephrology. The Clinic is unable to afford some treatments – we need other resources or ask the patient to help.
Public Relations: Mary and Michael Rode
The 2012 Annual Report is ready but has an error so it will be reprinted. Terry gave some details on the Friendraiser on April 26: a tour script is being emailed; the event is entirely underwritten; the video and new brochures are ready. Our website still needs refreshing and updating; Terry is trying to get in touch with the volunteer. Anna offered to help in updating the site.
Fundraising: Chris Both
Chris will be the new chairman and she will get the committee together (she will compile the names).
Gala: A testimonial is needed for the Gala and there is a question about when the video should be shown on the large screen. Tim Miller will be the auctioneer and will work with Dan Vrakas. We still need an emcee. The printing design is gratis but we need a printer. Maureen Stapleton has 100 Chinese scarves that will be for sale. A very nice piece of jewelry will be hidden in one. Anne and Ray Foster are hosts and they have been very helpful in attending Gala meetings and offering suggestions, help, etc. Auction items are needed such as services, restaurants, etc. The Teeples have donated $10,000.
United Way: As mentioned before we are a designated organization but not funded by the UW. A clarification was made about the percentage: if deducted off a payroll, there is 16% taken off but for cash donations there is no deduction.
Volunteers: Anna Pludeman
Thank you cards are being sent to volunteers for National Volunteer Appreciation week. There are four so far on the Volunteer committee. There will be monthly orientations for new volunteers. Thanks to Anna for her organizing these activities.
Board Development: Gina Magnus
As always, suggestions are needed for new board members.
Historical/Sunshine: Gina Magnus
Nothing new to report.
Staff Positions: The committee interviewed two very good candidates. A motion was approved (Jensen/Argeroudis) to hire Megan Welsh for a part-time Marketing & Fund Development Director. May 1 is the target starting date. She will report to Mary and attend board meetings when appropriate. The NP position will be advertised online on the Metro Milwaukee NP web site. A donation was made to cover the cost.
Committee Assignments: Chairs have been selected and Donna will email the committee list to the board.
Anxiety Disorders Foundation: Summary under Executive Director’s Report.
LakeWalk: A team has been formed for Saturday, May 4.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned (Breeser/Argeroudis) at 8:10 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Neal, Secretary
NEXT MEETING: Friday, May 17, 2013 7:00 am