Holiday Inn Downtown – Missoula, Montana



9AM - 10:15 AM - Opening Ceremony Breakfast - Sponsored by Super Cuts

The General Session was called to order by President Melanie Thompson at 10:30 AM

Leisa Stuart McElreath took the roll, and determined that there were 26 states present including District of Columbia.

Leisa McElreath presented the Conference Credential report and advised that 26 states including the District of Columbia but 21 states have voting privileges. Six of the states were by proxy.

Leisa Stuart McElreath presented the Conference Rules. District of Columbia moved to approve, Arizona seconded. Motion carried.

Florida moved to approve the Conference Agenda authorizing the President to deviate from the Agenda as warranted, Montana seconded. Motion carried.

Nebraska moved to approve the 2014 Conference Minutes, Montana seconded. Motion carried.

President Thompson appointed the Nominating Committee, LaFaye Austin (OK-Region 3), Chair,

Laurel Ritenbaugh-(FL -Region1), Becky Brockman- (IA-Region 2), Angie Printz (MT-Region3),

Susan Collard (WA-Region4)

Leisa Stuart McElreath presented the Election Procedures. Kansas moved to approve the Election Procedures. Wyoming seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Corley explained the privileges extended to the Associate and Honorary Members advising that neither class of membership is allowed to nominate a candidate or vote for a candidate for office but they may give nominating and seconding speeches (since the candidate has already been nominated) or speak against a candidate.

First reading of Proposed By Law Amendments

Mr. O Wayne Corley, Legal Counsel, presented the first reading of the proposed By Laws and amendment, reviewed and explained the content of the proposal and the amendments. (See attached By Law Documents). Florida moved on the content of the proposed By Law Amendments. Montana seconded. Motion carried. There were 21 voting delegates, and 21 voted to approve the By Law Amendments.

President Thompson delivered her President’s Report to the Delegates.

President Thompson introduced Darlene Battaiola and Angie Printz Co-Chairs, Rosanne Kinley, Pam Martin, Laurel Ritenbaugh and Dennis Schildhauer. Darlene Battaiola presented an overview of the Educational Program and requested that all delegates complete the evaluation forms contained in the Conference Program and turn the evaluation forms in before leaving the Conference.

“BE NICE (OR ELSE!)” - Winn Claybaugh, Paul Mitchell’s school division.

Mr. Claybaugh presented a very empowering program that was received by all and ended with a standing ovation of all delegates.

Recess for Lunch at 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM - Sponsored by Aequo International

Review of the States: “Where are we now and what are best practices”, presented by

Leslie Roste, R.N. - King Research.

Ms. Roste provided an overview of where we are in achieving improved and consistent rules regarding infection control across the United States. She reviewed best practices and what should be in your rules in 2015 was discussed. In addition, there was an update on what states are doing in terms of Infection Control Rules,

“Legal Issues Impacting Cosmetology Schools” -Edward Cramp, Attorney at Law - Duane Morris LLP.

Edward Cramp General Counsel and higher education attorney provided an update on the legal issues confronting schools.

By Laws Committee Report - Mr. Wayne Corley again explained the By Law Amendments and the affect of the By Laws. He advised that it provides a 3 year term for the NIC President which allows the office of President to have the same time frame of a term as the balance of the NIC Executive Board. Further, the By Law change will provide for a 2nd Vice President and add an additional Board Administrator to the NIC Executive Board. Further, as Robyn Barineau has served and will serve one more year. Next year the newly elected Board Administrator

Representative, will then join this year’s new Board Administrator Rep, and Ms. Barineau would complete her position at that time. Mr. Corley conducted the above review of each By Law Change, and requested a vote on each By Law change. There were 21 delegates eligible to vote on these By Law Changes and the new Amendments. All by Law changes and one Amendment were approved by a vote of the delegates by a 21-0 yes vote, and Article 53A passed with a vote of 20, as there was one no vote.[ A copy of the By Law Changes is attached to these minutes)

The session adjourned at 5 PM

SUNDAY - AUGUST 30, 2015

8:30 AM- 9:45 AM - Breakfast - Sponsored by Milady

The General Session was called to order by President Melanie Thompson at 10:00 AM

Leisa Stuart McElreath called the roll.

“Fraud in Cosmetology Schools” - Susan Colard

The state of Washington has successfully closed a total of 14 schools to date related to fraudulent record keeping and “selling of hours:. This session focused on the systems that Washington has developed that allow for the tracking of students fro, the time of enrollment in a school through licensure. Ms. Colard provided some suggestions on how other states might implement some of her efforts using technology.

Provide a separate portal for schools to register students.

Then require monthly reports on student hours from each school.

Supply a record of students’ appearance for testing when hours are completed.

System tracks monthly:

Student hours

Transferred hours

Externship hours

School is requested to submit all reports by the 10th of each month.

The results that may result are as follows:

Stronger evidence for disciplinary actions

3 Schools closed voluntarily after record changes

Emergency Summary Suspension of a school was upheld of a school and

Instructors permanently revokedTotal of 14 schools have been closed successfully

“Are you Eating Technology’s Dust” - Gerald McAvey, Milady

There continues to be vast improvement on technology each and every day. Are you taking advantage of all the options you have? You have a lot on your proverbial plate; however, there are many resources available to you with more sprouting up each and every day, that can surely help you in the day-to-day routine of working on a Board or running your own business. The technology of today offers many web sites that can assist all of us. The following is but a few of the web sites that are free.

  • Clean out in box (web site is enroll. me) to clean up
  • Paper Karma (Print & Mail) stops unwanted paper mail
  • Doodle Simplifies Scheduling-
  • Live (allows to create binder (free web site)

President Thompson called for the Nominating Committee Report

LaFaye Austin, Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the slate of officers nominated by the Committee.

Melanie Thompson, President

Bill Helton, 1st Vice-President

Glenda Ledford, 2nd Vice-President

Tracy Smith, Secretary-Treasurer

Sharon Young, Region 1 Director

Sara Hamrick, Region 2 Director

JaLainna Ellis, Region 3 Director

Gary Begley, Region 4 Director

Robyn Barineau, Board Administrator Representative

Gina Fast, Board Administrator Representative

Recess for Lunch 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM - Sponsored by Pivot Point International

“Beauty Industry Working Group” - Rosanne Kinley, NEC Chair

Rosanne Kinley advised that Mr. Steve Sleeper, Executive Director of PBA was not able to be present due to travel problems.

Industry organizations have come together to form a working group to provide a united industry voice supporting cosmetology licensing. The mission of BIWG is to suggest the development of consistent standards and recommendations for the professional beauty industry, specifically focusing on standards relating to licensing, education, testing, health and public safety.


Leisa Stuart McElreath called the roll. There were a total of 21 voting rights present.

President Thompson appointed Leisa Stuart McElreath as the scribe; Donn Kerr and Michael Hill were appointed as scribes; Shawn Conder was appointed as Judge.

President Thompson called for the Election of Officers and turned the podium over to O. Wayne Corley to preside over the elections.

Mr. Corley gave instructions on the Election procedures.

Office of the President - The Nominating Committee nominated President Thompson for the office of President and Melanie Thompson accepted the nomination. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none the state of South Carolina moved, District of Columbia seconded,

Melanie Thompson was elected by acclamation.

Office of the 1st Vice-President - The Nominating Committee nominated Bill Helton for the office of 1st Vice-President. Bill Helton accepted the nomination. Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none the state of Oklahoma moved, Colorado seconded, Bill Helton was elected as 1st Vice-President.

Office of the Second Vice-President- The Nominating Committee nominated Glenda Ledford. Glenda Ledford accepted the nomination. . Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none Alaska moved, Colorado seconded Glenda Ledford was elected by acclamation.

Office of Secretary-Treasurer - Tracy Smith was nominated by the Nominating Committee. Tracy Smith accepted the nomination. Montana nominates Dennis Schildhauer for the office of the Secretary Treasurer; Nebraska seconds Dennis Schildhauer motion carried. Nominations were closed.

Betty Abernathy, Wyoming spoke on behalf of Dennis Schildhauer. Bill Helton of Oklahoma gave a speech in support of Tracy, and Richard Decarlo of District of Columbia spoke on behalf of Tracy Smith.

Election by written ballot was held, and the Votes were 12 Votes for Tracy Smith, and 9 Votes for Dennis Schildhauer. Tracy Smith was elected to the office of Secretary-Treasurer.

Office of Region 1 Director - The Nominating Committee nominated Sharon Young for the Region 1 Director, Sharon Young accepted the nomination. . Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none. District of Colombia moved, Nebraska seconded. Sharon Young was elected by acclamation.

Office of Region 2 Director - The Nominating Committee nominated Sarah Hamrick to the office of Region 2 Director, Sarah Hamrick accepted the nomination. Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none, West Virginia moved, Alabama seconded. Sarah Hamrick was elected by acclamation.

Office of Region 3 Director - The Nominating Committee nominated Jalainna Ellis to the office of Region 3 Director, Jalainna Ellis accepted the nomination. Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none, Wyoming moved and South Carolina seconded. Jalainna Ellis was elected by acclamation.

Office of Region 4 Director - The Nominating Committee nominated Gary Begley to the office of Region 4 Director, Gary Begley accepted the nomination.Mr. Corley called for any other nominations from the floor three times, hearing none, Arizona moved, Missouri seconded and Gary Begley was elected by acclamation.

Office of Board Administrator #1 - The Board Administrators selected Robyn Barineau as the Board Administrator and the Nominating Committee nominated Robyn Barineau for the office of Board Administrator. Robyn Barineau was elected to the office of Board Administrator by acclamation.

Office of Board Administrator #2 The Board Administrators selected Gina Fast as the Board Administrator and the Nominating Committee nominated Gina Fast for the office of Board Administrator. Gina Fast was elected to the office of Board Administrator by acclamation.

President Thompson called for the Honorary Membership Committee Report. Marie Nordboe, Chairman. of the Honorary Membership Committee advised that she did not receive any applications for Honorary Membership. Ms. Nordboe did explain how one would become an honorary member advised that there is a specific procedure to gain that status. She pointed out a number of folks that were seated at a table that included a number of individuals that accomplished that status. The Procedure to obtain honorary membership status requirements are as follows:

a. 10 points for each year served as an Officer of the Executive Board of NIC

b. 5 points for each NIC Committee that one was Chairperson . Chairperson

c. 5 points for attendance at each NIC Annual Conference.

d. 2 points for each NIC Committee that one was a member.

e. 1 points for each year one has served as a member of the Board in their respective State.

f. 3 points for attendance at each NIC Region Meeting

Further discussion was held in encouraging all delegates to sign up for Committee assignments, attending the NIC Conferences as noted as well as time served on your State Board. It was further discussed that you keep a record of where you have earned points and where you may want to pursue points to obtain the NIC Honorary Membership.

President Thompson called for the Conference Site Committee Report. Richard Decarlo Chair of the Conference Site Committee advised that there were 3 states that applied to host the 201`7 conference, specifically Nevada, Charleston West Virginia and Atlanta Georgia. Each state gave brief presentation. A vote by the delegates to select the site for 2017 Conference was conducted with the 3 states receiving the following number of votes: Nevada received 8 votes; Charleston, West Virginia received 9; and Atlanta Georgia received 3 votes. Based on the votes, the 2017 conference will be held in Charleston, West Virginia.

The Session adjourned at 4:30 PM


8:30AM - 9:30AM - Breakfast was sponsored by Schroeder Measurement Technologies

The General Session was called to order by President Melanie Thompson.

Leisa Stuart McElreath called the roll.

“Impact and Trends in Occupational & Healthcare Licensing” - Todd Younkin, Administrator, MT Business Standards Division/DLI”

This briefly proved perspective on the impact of Occupational and Healthcare Licensing Boards to public health and safety, consumer protection and commerce. Mr., Younkin also touched on trends at the state and national levels, as well as insights gained during Montana’s recent Legislative Session.

“Let’s Talk Licensing” - Jeannie Worsech, Chief MT Professional Licensing Bureau/DLI

The session focused on reciprocity and out-of0-state licensure. There was discussion on the variety of scopes of practice, license types, and qualifications and requirements among most states licensing applicants from out-of-state or with out-of-state education can be challenging for Licensing Boards.

There was discussion on the different requirements among states and how we may work towards reciprocity for licensees to be able to move from one state to another faster, while still protecting the health and safety of the public.

Unfinished Business - None

a) New Business:

Becky Brockman announced the Lois Wiskur Newsletter Award Winners:

Singe Signature Page Award - South Dakota

Multiple Page awards - Kansas - First Place

Wyoming - Second Place

West Virginia - Third Place

b) President Melanie Thompson announced the Aurie J. Gosnell 2015 Scholarship candidates:

Region 1 - Danielle Logan Levtzow, South Dakota

Region 2 - Christina Michelle Matamoros - California

Region 3 - Tammy Jo Persun - North Carolina

Region 4 - Denisha Raffinee’ Pearson - Alabama

A resolution was read into the record by Leisa Stuart McElreath and was adopted by the delegates.

President Thompson adjourned the meeting at 12 Noon.

6:30 PM - Installation Banquet

The 2015/16 Officers were installed

Mary Manna received the Aurie J. Gosnell Award

President Thompson adjourned the conference at 8:30 PM

Submitted by:

Mary Manna

October 16, 2015
