Sodden leaves blown across the football field, lightning storms, and mid-term tests all speak to the movement of the calendar toward mid-autumn. Below are some news items and events that will occur throughout the month of November affecting TriangleLakeCharterSchool.


Journalism: Mrs. Brown reports that her Journalism class will be running mock mid-term elections the first week of November to see how TriangleLakeCharterSchool students would vote if they were eligible to do so.

ASPIRE: TriangleLakeCharterSchool has been accepted to participate ina program that has been making a difference in the lives of Oregon high school students since 1998. ASPIRE is a program of The Oregon Student Assistance Commission (OSAC) that uses volunteer mentors to help students in their career and school research, applications and admissions processes, and Financial Aid process. TriangleLake has also been accepted to participate in a pilot program that begins targeting students while they are still in middle school. “Getting Ready to ASPIRE” is new and exciting and will provide our younger students with support, information, and resources to help them get ready for high school and after. ASPIRE participation agreements will be going home for students from 6th grade through 12th grade this month. Please help us get this great program off the ground by promptly returning the signed forms. Thanks for your support! Questions? Want to volunteer? Call Lisa Wagner, ASPIRE Coordinator, at (541)925-3262ext. 126.

All-School Health Screening: Each fall Triangle Lake Schools dedicates one morning to health screening for all students. October 28th was the date for this year. Parent volunteers assisted the medical professionals who were on campus to evaluate various facets of our students’ health. Dental Screening and varnish will happen December 8th.

Picture Re-takes/Sports Photos: November 4th is the date for picture re-takes as well as fall sports photos. If your student missed picture day or to obtain team and individual sports photos, be sure to get order forms at the office.

Title I Meeting:

A Title I Parents Meeting is scheduled for November 9th at 6:30 p.m. in the school library.If you’ve received notice that your student is eligible to participate in Title I, this meeting is for you. Pizza and childcare will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Paige Wynn at 925-3262.

Sports News:

Volleyball: Congratulations to the Triangle Lake varsity volleyball team who qualified for district playoffs in an amazing 3-0 win over Lowell on October 21st and went on to win the first round at Alsea on October 26th. Go Lady Lakers!!

Football: The final game for Laker football is a home game, November 5th at 7:00 p.m. Come absorb the ambience of hometown football and cheer on the team!

Wrestling: Wrestling has arrived at TriangleLake. It looks now as if we are going to have a high school wrestling program. It appears as if we will have 5-8 students who want to wrestle. Students will be eligible for both wrestling and basketball.Wrestling practice begins on Nov. 15th @ 5:30ish in the Grange. For the first year we will not have a home event. We will have a completed schedule on our website soon. More information to follow.

TIME CHANGE: Remember to re-set clocks for the end of Daylight Savings Time on November 7th. Spring forward; Fall back—enjoy the extra hour of sleep!

November Holidays: As per the district calendar, Veteran’s Day will be observed on November 12th, the day following the actual holiday. We will also be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after, November 25th/26th.

Weather Closures: Information about school closures may be obtained on the school website, by looking under the “parent” tab.

Club Chicken? In days to come, Mrs. Goodwin and a smattering of interested parties will embark on a path to expand their knowledge of chicken keeping. After an inquiry by a student who generated a list of other interested students, Mrs. Goodwin agreed to coordinate this club. More information will be forthcoming.

8th grade bottle drive: Mrs. Kara Bechdolt coordinates an annual trek for eighth grade students to an historically significant location in Oregon. This is generally an overnight trip for which students begin fundraising early in the school year. A bottle drive to generate income for this event will occur sometime in November.

Ashland Trip: Another yearly event high school students look forward to is the Ashland trip. Juniors and Seniors who remain Students in Good Standing have opportunity to travel to Oregon’s noted center for Shakespearean theatre in Ashland. While there they will view at least one Shakespearean play and two other productions, attend a theatre workshop,andalso participate in a fine dining experience. It is common for this excursion to be funded by a combination of district funds and student-generated funds. While the cost varies slightly each year, students are generally asked to provide about $100 toward the cost of this venture. Donations and fundraising may lower this amount. Information about fundraisers will be forthcoming, and anyone who wishesto sponsor a student or any specific facet of this trip (meal, theatre ticket, hotel),may contribute to the Student Body Enrichment fund, earmarking the donation for the Ashland trip.

Handbook Updates: In order to bring greater clarity to the Attendance portion of the student handbook, an update has been made. The newer version notes the number of days per trimester that a parent may request an excuse for absence for their child.

Please add the updated portion (pages from the newsletter) to your student handbook.

BOOSTER CLUB: The Triangle Lake Booster Club is nearing the end of the journey toward tax exempt status. At last Friday's game a quorum of members voted to accept new by-laws as recommended by our lawyer. These new by-laws will simplify the decision making process while at the same time bring us in compliance with the IRS. The next step is to elect the board of directors who, in turn, will adopt policies and determine up coming booster club activities. We are in need of members to join the board for a year of service to our school. If you are able to help please call Jeff Thiessen (541-925-3333) for more information. Good things are happening at our school and booster club. Come join our journey down this new trail.