Maysville Band Boosters Meeting

Minutes from August 8, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 6:05pm

Attending: Mr. Murphy, Miss Gibson, Kathy Combs. Joy French, Deb Lussier, Tom Pressley, Erin McCoy, and KC Frick

Minutes were passed out and corrected, it’s a square not a chip, it swipes not reads and wereApproved as With Corrections

Directors Report

All practices on Mondays will be after school until 5, we are fighting for field time. There are 7 soccer teams and the football teams using the field. Mr. Murphey will be redoing the calendar after the first of the school year to reflect the Concert, Pep bands etc. We may not be able to use the parking lot for the Parent Show as it will be chipped and resealed that day, if it happens a mass e-mail and Facebook message will go out. The Facebook page is having problems and has kicked Erin out, she’s working on it and within a week it will be fixed or she’ll start a new one.

Please don’t post anything on social media that has the band playing music, we don’t have a sync license, and could get into trouble. Prop frames from last year, have to be taken apart by Thursday for storage. Friday is a BIG DAY! Pictures, Parent Show, Senior Banner Pictures these start at 2:30. 1 hat may be used for a Prop if desired but not on the band members heads. Add sales for Band APoolaza, Picture packets, and Parent Letter were all passed out Thursday. If the weather Friday is bad the show will be inside. We had a student transfer and wants to join the band, that brings us to 79 members. A student from another school lied and tried to get into our band.

Expect 250 people for the meal Friday, Margret Wise was called and she said we’d need 250 hamburgers and 500 hot dogs. Margret and Chris will be there to help with the cooking, we all said THANKS!, she also said old helmets need to be moved now. The plaque for Band APalooza, will be decided Friday.

Mr. Murphey said that the signup sheets were ready to go the games and Band a Palooza and would be out for the show. The ice cream eating contest is well liked and bands look forward to it. Handicapped parking was a problem last year, some options were discussed.

At the Art Walk Mr. Murphey was told to stay away from the grill, and everyone thanked Joy for the root beer float idea.

Student Fees were tabled until the officers can get together and discuss them according to the Bylaws’.

Band Camp behavior was good as far as he know, he’s not gotten any reports to the contrary. Dorm AC was an issue, Gary the man that runs the camp has one more year and after that Mr. Murphy feels that it will be more of a “Sports Camp” and he will start looking for another place to hold it. One song was not learned and the kids were discouraged but he was okay with that fact.

Treasure’s Report

$10,600.78 in the bank of which $4,614.19 is Student Money. All bills not in yet from the Art Walk so totals not set in stone.

Upcoming dates/Fund Raisers

September 10th Dillon Fun Day

September 24th is Akron and a craft show at Sam’s Club.

Steak and Shake to be set up after Labor Day, and sub sale dates will be available at the next meeting.

Old Business:

Negative Student accounts in general were talked about. The Bylaws need to be posted on the school band page, and something given to new band members, so that they will be aware of the policies.

Bob Rogers Travel wants another payment by September 1st, and the final payment is due in March. It works out to be $62.00 a month or $100.00 by the 15th of the months September, October, November, January, and February.

New Business:

Free lunches for everyone this year.

There will be shirts available at the Parent Show.

KC made a motion to adjourn and Tom 2nd, meeting adjourned.