Mr. Gordon

Class Needs:

  1. Pen or Pencil (Every day)
  2. Organized Notebook (3-ring or classic notebook with 100 or more sheets of paper)
  3. Worksheets, notes or review work
  4. Any other assigned items or textbooks if assigned


  1. Southwestern Law for Business and Personal use
  2. Law workbooks
  3. Various online legal resources (See website for links)
  4. Mock trial/Project sheets

Grading: (Updated weekly online)

  1. 10% of each quarter is based on class work and notes
  2. 20% of each quarter is based on online review work and trial prep
  3. 30% of each quarter is based on quizzes
  4. 40% of each quarter is based on tests and mock trial class work

Purpose of Business Law

You will learn:

Students will begin by learning about workers’ rights and employer’s rights, as well as laws that effect workplace issues. We will then review the basics of Criminal and Civil law, as it applies to business situations and courts. After this is completed, students will complete 6 chapters discussing the formation of contracts, how contracts are analyzed, how they are used and how they can be challenged. Finally, students will build a class mock trial using a current events issue and argue in a court against the other business law class in front of a real attorney.

Class Mock Trial Experience

Each student will have the opportunity to participate in a class mock trial experience, either as an attorney or witness, or they may choose to write a case review using class templates. This project is part of each student’s final assessment and is based on 20% of this grade.

Classroom Procedures

  1. Prepared- Pen/Pencil, notebook, textbook and any assignments
  2. Personal Items- Never left in classroom without permission
  3. Workstation- Assigned, students responsibility
  4. Books- Never left in class, student responsibility
  5. Food and Drink- Never in class without permission
  6. Warm-up- On overhead daily and expected to be completed
  7. Electronic Devices- Either left in locker or turned in at beginning of class
  8. Passes- Only with permission, sign in and out, never at begging or end
  9. Come to class to have fun, learn exciting new things and ask questions at any time!

Final Exam

The course final exam will be based on a portfolio basis, as demonstrated below. Each exam part will be given at the end of each quarter and will be taken in class, with dates to be announced. Student must be present the day of each exam and review materials for each part will come out of their notebooks, reading materials and class review.

Part 1: (Employment Law, Criminal Law basics and Civil Law basics) 20 points

Part 2: (Contract offers and acceptance rules and genuine assent rules)20 points

Part 3: (Contract Consideration rules, capacity rules and writing rules)20 points

Part 4: (Trial preparation and argument rules)20 points

Part 5: (Mock Trial Class Project)20 points

Contact Information

Parents will be notified if you fail to complete assigned work, are late to class, have poor attendance or lack respect towards your classmates or teacher. Any student who maliciously destroys school property will be reported to the principal and parents will be notified as well. My contact information for all students and parents is as follows:

716-926-1720 extension 2230

Business LawMr. Gordon

Student Last Name:First NamePeriod

I have read the Business Law course guidelines and believe that I understand them.


DateStudents Signature

I have read the Business Law course guidelines. I understand that my signature indicates neither approval nor disapproval, but simply that I have seen them. However, comments can be attached below:


DateParents Signature