Monday, 06 June, 2016

Meeting opened: 7:04pm

Present: Bindi Rose, Robyn Sheahan, Dominique Maidment, Maria MacDonald, Vicky Taifalos, Sue Vollert, Julie So Choy, Rob Leonforte, Jason Drury, Kayleen Wright. Apologies: Belinda Johnson, Richard Standen, Selena Kilpatrick.

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were tabled and accepted.
Moved: Dominique Maidment. Seconded: Julie So Choy.

Business arising from previous meeting:
 Bindi spoke to Casey about Canteen week (8-12 August). Casey has it organised and will let P&C know if she
needs assistance.
 Janette Doyle (Parent Liaison Co-Ordinator) sent an email suggesting that in future the Parent Liaison letter
be handed to parents at the parent-teacher information sessions at the start of the year and handed back
immediately, to assist in collating emails and details. Kayleen suggested that the letter be included in the
Prep enrolment package.
 Footpath: Kayleen will order extra concrete for the footpath when ordering for the electrical box base
(electrical box for air-conditioners) to save on freight costs. Plans need to be drawn up for footpath. Parent
volunteers can install footpath when Kayleen organises materials.
 Family Portraits: dates are set 12-13 November.
 Belinda sent in a suggestion (by email) to ask P&C to consider a covered shelter for the oval before doing a grandstand. Bindi spoke to Graeme about this and he supports a covered shelter.
Rob will talk further to Graeme.
 Rob provided quotes for grandstand. Flory’s Homes: $44,693 Gavin Comino: $56,800.

Treasurer’s report: Not available.

Tuckshop report: April income: $4396.89
April expenses: $3931.96
Closing Balance: $17,050.66

May report not available.

Report moved: Vicky Taifalos. Seconded: Julie So Choy.

Principal’s Report:
 Following the school’s internal review, changes are being made to improve morale within school.
Linda Shannon will be presenting at staff meeting tomorrow. This year the internal review will
be held a bit earlier so that results can be reviewed and utilised before the end of the school year. Kayleen
wants to present overview of improvements and changes at each meeting.
 Athletics Carnival: to be held next Tuesday-Wednesday.

 Air conditioner installation is going well.
 Broadband to be connected tomorrow (Tuesday 7 June).
 Warning lights are going to be installed on Main Street for traffic.
 Student reports will be different this term. Graphs with class data will be provided also.
 School budget: school owns more than it owes.
 Dominique raised the issue of applying for money through minor works program for projects such as
undercover shelter on oval and to update toilets etc.

Moved: Kayleen Wright. Seconded: Bindi Rose.

General Business:
 Jason: suggested that the student toilets need improvements. Dominique suggested looking for funding.
Jason will follow up on funding. Kayleen will arrange a meeting with John Derbyshire to discuss a new toilet
block. Jason suggested signs to go on school gates to ask parents to close gates. Kayleen to look into this.
 Robyn: queried whether P&C would do a cake stall for election day. It was decided not to hold a stall as the
date falls in the school holidays.
 Dominique advised the annual $150 payment to Tolga Athletics is due. Payment approved.
 Dominique queried whether Georgie Rockley would receive P&C sponsorship for Peninsula Cross-Country.
Georgie was in the school newsletter. Approved $50. Discussion about P&C funding followed this suggestion.
P&C will advertise in the school newsletter to let parents know the funding is available. P&C agreed that
students that achieve at an equivalent level (approved school activities) in the arts and other areas, can
also receive funding.
 Bindi suggested an annual donation from P&C to Michelle Toshach and Victoria Collins
for choir and choric speaking group. Kayleen will talk to Michelle & Victoria and see what might be helpful.
 Maria: provided a thankyou letter from Talytha for P&C $50 sponsorship (hockey). Maria advised that the

Peninsula hockey dates clash with the Athletics Carnival. Kayleen advised Maria to talk to Graeme Lamperd.

 Vicky: hasn’t yet been able to get signatory approval at the bank. Dominique moved a motion to change
signatories on tuckshop bank account. Dominique moved the motion that existing signatories stand down
and positions be re-elected. Seconded: Rob Leonforte.
Newly elected positions:
President: Julie So Choy
Treasurer: Vicky Taifalos
Vice-President: Dominique Maidment
Online banking: once organised Vicky will use passwords for online banking but the second signatory would
need to use the same computer so this is not helpful. To be researched further.
 Julie: suggested a pie-drive for fund raising next term through Curcio’s Bakery. Julie can organise pie-drive

forms 11-13 July. Forms must be returned 29 July and pies delivered 19 August.
Julie does not approve of money being given to students for sports without students applying for it
themselves, in writing. Julie moved a motion that students requesting support from P&C must apply in

writing to the P&C and that activities must be DEET approved. Motion seconded: Dominique Maidment.
Peninsula $50 sponsorship
State $100 sponsorship

 Sue: pizzas available for fancy dress. Ordering must be done online. Pizza numbers to be organised at next

 Rob suggested that a P&C member could compere fancy dress. Kayleen supported this and Rob volunteered

to co-compere.
 Rob queried what benefits flowed back to Tolga School from the Tablelands Music. Kayleen advised that the
Tolga instrumental music students do benefit. Rob attended the recent Tablelands music function but did
not get a response to his offer to assist.
 Rob has offered to organise a camp fire lunch for the students (whole school). Kayleen supported the idea.
Location is an issue. Rob will look into some donations of meat, bread rolls etc. Proposed date: Tuesday 13
September. It was suggested that pre-ordering lunch would help with numbers & quantities. To be

discussed further.
 Student Council: the teachers weren’t happy with the original bench seats chosen to go around the outside
of the shelter (in front of B-block). Teachers prefer two tables with bench seats on both sides. P&C support

the teacher’s choice.

Next P&C Meeting: Monday 25 July, 7:00pm

Meeting closed: 9:17pm