Daily Agenda for Monday, Aug. 20, 2012

Dual Credit English

·  Opening Activity—Define ethos, pathos, and logos. Show three different clips and label each.

·  Logos—using logic in persuasion

·  Ethos—persuasion by making references to the credibility of others.

·  Pathos—persuasion by using appealing to the emotions.

A.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWyyj6Ti6pM

B.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsKH2tqoFJ8

C.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkwJ-g0iJ6w

·  Continue discussion of topics chosen for free writing (Take up)

·  Make assignment for Wednesday—There will be a quiz so read carefully.

·  Look at Logical Appeals Chart—Define these terms—Group Work

English III

·  Bell Ringer—Subject/Verb Agreement

·  Rule: A verb should always agree with its subject; therefore, singular verbs take singular subjects, and plural verbs take plural subjects.

Please do the following samples:

1.  thoroughbred (gallops, gallop)

2.  roses (blooms, bloom)

3.  fans (is shouting, are shouting)

4.  candidate (announces, announce)

5.  chefs (slices, slice)

6.  Rachel (is practicing, are practicing)

7.  skyscraper (towers, tower)

8.  we (decides, decide)

9.  you (was, were)

10.  Carlos (forgets, forget)

·  Background for “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”

1. Jonathan Edwards was a fire and brimstone preacher—what does this mean?

2. He was known for his extremism as a pastor

3. He preached during the “Great Awakening,” a religious movement which came after Puritanism.

4. Edwards believed in reason and learning and also in the religious world of his Puritan ancestors.

5. Tone is the way a writer makes the reader feel.

·  How do ministers keep their congregation’s attention?

·  What various approaches do ministers use?

·  Listen to sermon from Joel Osteen “Don’t Lose Your Joy.”

·  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp8KixxAk60

·  While you are listening jot down at least three points he makes about his topic.

·  What is the tone of his sermon?

·  What devices does he use to keep his audience’s attention?

·  Exit Slip: What is tone? Read the passage given to you. Describe the tone.