Honors Biology

Biogeochemical Cycle Test

Review Sheet

Quest will include multiple choice, matching, diagram analysis, cause/effect questions relating to the water cycle, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the phosphorus cycle, the air pollution assay lab and the pH lab.

Quest Information:

Chapter 37, Sections 18, 19, 20, 21Any Class Notes/Discussions

Chapter 34, Section 17

Air Pollution Assay Lab

Acid, Base, or Neutral Solution Lab

Be able to…

1. Explain what is meant by a reservoir and a flux mechanism in a biogeochemical cycle

2. Know what flux mechanism goes with a specific biogeochemical cycle

3. Know what reservoir goes with a specific biogeochemical cycle

4. For the Water Cycle define each process and describe where it happens in the cycle:

a. Evaporation

b. Condensation

c. Precipitation

d. Surface runoff

e. Transpiration

f. Precipitation

g. Percolation

5. State the biological importance of water

6. For the Water Cycle, name all the reservoirs of water and the state of mater in which the water exists:

a. Atmosphere

b. Glaciers and polar ice caps

c. Ground water (aquifers)

d. Oceans

e. Surface water (lakes, streams, rivers)

7. For the Carbon Cycle, define each process and describe where it happens in the cycle:

a. Photosynthesis

b. Cellular Respiration

c. Combustion

d. Consumption

e. Decomposition

8. For each of the organic compounds, identify the carbon reservoir:

a. Glucose

b. Free floating gaseous CO2

c. Dissolved CO2 gas

d. Calcium Carbonate

9. State the biological importance of carbon

10. Understand the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

11. For the Nitrogen Cycle, define each process and describe where it happens in the cycle.

a. Nitrogen Fixation

b. Nitrification

c. Denitrification

d. Assimilation

e. Lightning Fixation

f. Ammonification

12. Identify the nitrogen reservoir for the following:

a. Nitrites

b. Nitrates

c. Ammonia/ammonium

d. Free floating nitrogen gas

13. State the biological importance of nitrogen

14. For the phosphorus cycle, define each process and describe where it happens in the cycle.

a. Weathering

b. Assimilation

c. Consumption

d. Decomposition

15. State the biological importance of phosphorus.

16. For the concepts of Ocean Acidification, Acid Rain, and Eutrophication….

a. What is it?

b. How does it form?

d. What impact does it have on aquatic life?

e. What impact may it have on the biodiversity of aquatic life?

17. Identify the cycle which is being affected by a given human or other influential factor. For example, excessive burning of coal to power electric plants will affect the water cycle – acid rain – processes include precipitation and condensation.

18. Explain the role of methylene bluein the Air Pollution Lab.

19. Explain the role of an indicator species

20. State what pH measures and how it relates to determining if something is an acid or a base.

Remember, this is just a review guide. It may or may not have all material that will be on the test. Anything discussed, investigated, or read about could be on the test

Try to look for questions at the end of the chapters which relate to our test to help study.