The Mayor and City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday,

March 24, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the meeting room in City Hall.


Raymond D. Anderson, Council Vice President

Kimberly B. Lawson, Councilman

Barry Dize, Councilman

LaVerne Johnson, Councilwoman

Mike Atkins, Councilman

Joyce L. Morgan, Clerk-Treasurer

Mike Tabor, Chief of Police

Harold W. Frock, Sr., Superintendent of Public Utilities

Noah Bradshaw, Inspector

Also in attendance; Valerie Swift, Secretary; Jeffrey Merritt; Norman Smith;

Rev. Greg & Cathy Cox; Bernice Evans, Eddie Heath; Irvin Saltz; Liz Holland; Jack

East; Tillie Doyle, Mark Konapelski; Richard Crumbacker; John Dize; Bobby Golds-


Absent; Mayor Purnell – out of town; Mike Atkins, Councilman


Council Vice President Anderson called the meeting to order with the Lord’s

Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. He then reviewed the Agenda for the evenings


After reviewing the minutes from the Regular Meeting of March 10, 2010,

Councilman Dize made a motion that they be approved. Motion seconded by Councilman

Lawson and carried unanimously.


Mr. Norman Smith, Wynfall Avenue resident, complained that speeding on that

street is getting worse. Chief Tabor advised that the Department will step up enforce-

ment there.


MR. JACK EAST appeared before the Mayor and Council concerning safety

issues in front of Crisfield High School. He thanked Chief Tabor for addressing the issue

after he had spoken with CPD staff. Mr. East suggested a crosswalk for walkers as well

as picking up and dropping off students behind the school instead of on Somerset

Avenue. Mr. East also noted that people are parking in front of the School in “no park-

ing” areas and that the signs there are rusted out.

Councilman Lawson noted that he had advised Mr. East to get on the agenda and

speak with Chief Tabor. He advised that a meeting needs to be scheduled with the City,

Board of Education representative, Chief and Sheriff’s Dept. to formulate a plan.

Councilman Dize noted that the first step would be to get the rusty signs replaced.

He also thanked the Chief for addressing the issue. Chief Tabor noted that Mr. East had

initially met with Cpl. Crockett. He also noted that picking up and dropping off students

behind the school would solve the problem.


Chief Tabor presented his monthly report, highlighting its contents. He also intro-

duced Bishop Greg Cox, who is the new Police Chaplain for officers and victims.

Councilman Lawson welcomed Bishop Cox on board.

Mrs. Morgan, Clerk-Treasurer, presented her monthly report, reviewing the

8 month budget totals. She advised that she would have year end estimates next month.

Mrs. Morgan also noted that she had received notification that the State has proposed that

SHA funding be a permanent loss, and also notification on adjusted tax assessments.

Mr. Frock, Superintendent of Public Utilities/Works, reviewed his monthly report.

He noted that 73 of the missing water meter locations had been found. He advised that he

had received the draft permit from MDE for the plant. Mr. Frock noted that the City is

now doing daily inspections and weekly repairs if needed at the depot. Mr. Frock noted

that the City has been using a new product to patch potholes and it is working well.

He advised that the cost is $400-$500 for a pallet of 25 bags. Mr. Frock advised that the

City has been patching on Wynfall, Myrtle, 4th, 7th, Main Street and by the Marina.

Councilman Lawson commended Mr. Frock on his efforts to keep repair of the

street sweeper under a $1,000.

Mr. Bradshaw, Inspector, presented his monthly report, highlighting its contents.

He noted that Food Lion is set to open on April 28th and the nursing home is due to open

in mid April.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Electricity Proposal

Mrs. Morgan noted that the City had been waiting for another proposal, however,

it didn’t work out. Mayor Purnell advised that he had authorized going with A.P.P.I

who was offering a good rate, for 12 months. At this time, Councilman Lawson made a

motion to approve a one year contract with APPI. Motion seconded by Councilman Dize

and carried unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS – event applications

Council Vice President Anderson reviewed Event Applications for Fourth Friday,

and Movies on the Dock.

Councilman Lawson commented on the negative comments that the Events Plan-

ner had received concerning the upcoming trip to New York so the idea of Fourth Friday

was to accommodate local businesses.

At this time, Councilman Lawson made a motion to approve the event appli-

cations for Fourth Friday and Movies on the Dock. Motion seconded by Councilman

Dize and carried unanimously.

Council Vice President Anderson reviewed the Event Application for Curves

Breast Cancer 5K Walk on June 12th. Approval so moved by Councilman Dize, second-

ed by Councilwoman Johnson and carried unanimously.

Council Vice President Anderson reviewed a letter from Carol Dryden requesting

permission to have kayak rental at Brick Kiln again this year.

Councilman Lawson inquired if there were any problems there last year. Mrs.

Morgan noted that the only problem was that her equipment had been vandalized.

Councilman Dize also commented about the need for a dog waste station at the

beach. Councilman Lawson advised that he had some catalogues with this type of


Councilman Lawson commented that Ms. Dryden provides a good service to the

community and made a motion that she be granted a one year renewal to operate her

kayak business, in conjunction with the American Legion. Motion seconded by Council-

woman Johnson and carried unanimously.


Mr. Reuben Evans, Water’s Edge resident, commented that a waste station for

dogs at the beach and legion area is a good idea. He also commented that Crisfield is a

charming City and he plans to stay here.

Mr. Mark Konapelsky commented that Janes’s Island reinforcement proposal is

great news. Councilman Lawson commented that DNR has recognized the value of the

buffer zone.


Councilman Dize commented that it is “hats off!” to the department heads for

their hard work. He advised that he appreciates all of them.

Councilwoman Johnson commented that the response to the first Food Lion job

fair was so overwhelming that the second one was cancelled. She added that she felt

the Food Lion job fair was a good idea even though she had received negative comments.

Councilman Lawson advised the other Council members to get their list of the top

five streets for paving in by Friday.

Councilman Lawson made reference to speeders on Hall Highway and asked

Chief Tabor to have a police car park in his driveway one day every two weeks.

Councilman Lawson noted that Mayor Purnell was on a bus tour to Gettysburg.

He commented that during the current administration, Councilwoman Johnson had

worked hard on housing rehab and getting jobs here, the Council had worked to keep

Tawes Brothers here, as well as an industrial park. He made reference to the upcoming

Food Lion dedication and inviting the previous Mayor and Council. Councilman Lawson

also commented that Mr. Dize, City Manager, continues to recover and his job duties are

being done by City staff.

Councilman Lawson made reference to recent high tides which has floated trash

up in ditches and commented that it’s everyone’s job to pitch in and pick up trash.

Councilman Lawson made reference to a recent trip to Easton Utilities who pro-

duce their own wind energy. He advised that Easton owns its own power plant,

burning fossil fuel and maintains water, sewer, gas, cable, internet and phone service, as

they are their own entity, with the power production resulting in high end jobs.

Councilman Lawson commented that little steps to make things better is the de-

mand of any Council.

Council Vice President Anderson thanked everyone for attending and also

thanked the department heads for their hard work.

Their being no further business for discussion, Councilwoman Johnson made a

motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Dize and carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce L. Morgan, Clerk-Treasurer

Prepared by Valerie Swift, Secretary

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