Course Syllabus

Earth Science


Ms. BurleyText: Earth Science

Office: Between Rm. 225 and 218By: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

Course Description

Earth Science is the study of the physical, non-living features of the earth. This study is divided into three areas of investigation: geology, meteorology, and oceanography. In geology, we will study the solid parts of the earth, in meteorology, we will study the atmosphere, and in oceanography, we will study the oceans. A fourth area, astronomy, will also be covered. Astronomy involves the study of the universe in which the earth exists.

Required Materials Grading Scale______

Every class period you should bring:A93-100 Excellent

1. A pencil or penB85-92 Above Average

2. A 3-ring binderC77-84 Average

3. Hole punched paper to write on, D70-76 Below Average

lined or recycledF< 70 Unsatisfactory

4. Your textbook

Grading System


Includes but is not limited to; tests, research papers, and class presentations.

Daily Grades:50%

Includes but is not limited to; quizzes, homework, in-class work, participation, and lab exercises.

Participation/ Bell-ringers: 5%

Information on Grading

  • Late assignments are penalized 10% per day after the date at which they were to be turned in down to a 50% penalization (5 days late).
  • At the end of each semester students will be able to turn in any previous assignment, which they did not turn in on time with a 50% off penalty. All assignments not turned in at that time will receive a ZERO.
  • If you are absent from class a day that an assignment is due, that assignment must be turned in the day you come back to school.
  • If you are absent from school for any reason please see me for the assignments that you missed. Students that miss class will be given two times the amount of days that they missed consecutively from school to make up the work.
  • Sick 1 day, student has 2 days for completion of missed assignments
  • Sick 2 days in a row, student has 4 days for completion of missed assignments, 3days…. 6 days, etc.
  • If you miss a test or a quiz, you will have as many days as you were absent in which to make up the test. Make-up tests/quizzes will be taken in the morning before classes begin or after school. Please see me for scheduling.
  • You may be asked to do research projects, presentations, or other projects throughout the year. These assignments will be placed into a grading category based on the difficulty of the assignment. I will notify students how these assignments will be graded and how they will figure in the grading categories (ex. It will be considered a test or daily grade).
  • Students and teachers can check assignment due dates on my QUIA website which is listed at the top of this syllabus.

Information on Assignments

You are responsible for turning in your assignments.

All assignments turned in must have your name, period #, and date at the top right corner of the assignment. Without a name I cannot give a grade.

Any typed assignments must be in Times New Roman, 12pt. font, with 1-inch margins.

Hand written assignments must be done in blue ink, black ink, or pencil.

I will be able available to any student that needs extra help. This meeting time will need to be arranged with me, however most days you will find me before or after school in my office.

Student Responsibilities

The main rule in my classroom is to be polite to each other and to respect each individual’s right to learn. If you behave in a way that is not consistent with good classroom citizenship, you will be reprimanded.

Specific Aspects of politeness and respect:

  1. WATCH YOUR MOUTH. Students will exhibit courtesy and respect toward all other student’s at all times. Hateful comments concerning race, gender, sexuality, political views, appearance, or of any other type will not be tolerated.
  2. NO SHOUTING OUT. Do not interrupt someone who is already speaking. Wait until a break in the talking before you speak. Raise your hand if you want to be sure to be the next person to speak.
  3. NO FOOD OR NON-WATER DRINKS. Closable containers of water are permitted in the classroom. When you enter the classroom I should not see food items or other non-water liquids.
  4. NO CELL PHONES or MAKEUP. If you are found using a phone or makeup in the classroom, then it will be confiscated and sent to the office. Items such as Chap Stick/ lip gloss are permitted when necessary.
  5. OBEY ALL SCHOOL RULES. School rules are stated in the student handbook and will be followed.