100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq

100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq

Distribution : / Alan Chisham
Reference : / Q:\Lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.01.doc
Author : / Nitin Kumar Jain
Applicability : / Product
Customers / IRIS 9.15
Global Insurance Solutions Ref / 300074092
SAP Network ID / P-IRGRP067
IUG Reference : / 606
Version : / 01
Revision Date : / 2nd August 2005
Authorised by: / ______/ Projects Manager / Date: / / /

© Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. 2004

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Limited (XGIS).

This document contains information which is confidential and of value to Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. It may be used only for the agreed purpose for which it has been provided. Written consent is required before any part is reproduced.

Note: This document is submitted to the IRIS User Group solely for informational purposes and shall not be deemed or construed to be a contract or agreement binding on Xchanging Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. Only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled. Any other copy may not be current.

Trademark Information

Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.

1.Amendment History

Reason / Date / NewReference
Draft 1a / 20/07/2005 / Q:\lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.DRAFT01a.doc
Draft 1 b / 25/07/2005 / Q:\lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.DRAFT01b.doc
Draft 1 c / 27/07/2005 / Q:\lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.DRAFT01c.doc
Version 1 / 02/08/2005 / Q:\lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.01.doc


1.Amendment History......


2.1High Level Business Overview......



2.4Outside Scope......

2.5Detailed Requirements List......

2.6Acceptance Criteria......

3.Functional Design......


3.2Functional Description......

3.2.1Figures Combo box in Claims Summary Enquiry......

3.2.2Selecting options in Combo box......

3.2.3Default Value......

3.2.4Amount Share Calculations......

3.2.5Fields List......

4.Unit Test plan......



2.1High Level Business Overview

There is a requirement to show the Figures combo box in Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries to let the users select the option to display their share figure or 100% figure.

Combo box having options Gross, R/I & Net is already available in the Enquiry.


The enhancement was raised as an item number 606 on the IRIS user group-voting list. The text was as follows: -

100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq


Add a Figure Combo box in Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries.

2.4Outside Scope

Figure Combo box in any other Enquiry is outside the scope of this Enhancement.

2.5Detailed Requirements List

Figure Combo Box in Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries with options

  • 100% of Broker Share
  • 100% of Risk
  • Our Share

2.6Acceptance Criteria

Implementation of the above

3.Functional Design


Currently the user does not have the ability to see 100% figures in Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries.

After this enhancement the user will be able to change the Amounts figures to display the “100% of Broker Share” or “100% of Risk” or “Our Share” Amount on the Enquiry result grid

3.2Functional Description

3.2.1Figures Combo box in Claims Summary Enquiry

In Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries, a new Figures combo box will be made available with options:

  • 100% of Broker Share
  • 100% of Risk
  • Our Share

3.2.2Selecting options in Combo box of Broker Share

Selecting 100% of Broker Share figures will convert the Amount Figures that are displayed on the grid to show the 100% Amount of the Broker share. Broker order % will not be used in the calculations.

Formula to be used will be


If Our share = 10,000

Line Share % =50 %

Then 100% of Broker share=10,000 * 100 / 50=20,000 of Risk

Selecting 100% of Risk figures will convert the Amount Figures that are displayed on the grid to show the 100% Amount of the Risk. Both Broker order % and Line share % will be used in the calculations.

Formula to be used will be


If Our share = 10,000

Line Share % =50%

Broker order %=50%

Then 100% of Risk=10,000 * 100 * 100/ 50 * 50 =40,000 Share

Selecting Our Share figures options will convert the Amounts figures to display Our Share percent of the total amount.

The amount values currently displayed in the Claims enquiry are already our share figures, so no calculations will be done to derive them.

3.2.3Default Value

Default value of the combo box will be Our Share and hence the Amount values on the grid will display Our Share figures when the Enquiry is run.

3.2.4Amount Share Calculations

The SysAdmin setting “User Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” (as in Fig 1), determines which Percentage fields are to be used for the amount share calculations.

  • If the setting is switched on, then Claim Syndicate Percentages (stored in the file UKKQREP) will be used for the calculations.
  • If the setting is switched off, then Policy (Syndicate) line share percentages (stored in the file UPSYREP) will be used.

Fig 1

3.2.5Fields List

The Following Fields in Claim Summary, Claim Summary by Event and Claim Summary by Loss Date Enquiries will be changed and affected by the change in the combo box option.

FieldCode / FieldName
KSOS@O / Total O/S Org Ccy
KSPR@O / Total Pyts/Rcpts Org Ccy
KSIC@O / Total Incurred Org Ccy
KSPR@B / Total Pyts/Rcpts Base Ccy
KSPR@A / Total Pyts/Rcpts A/C Ccy
vrO1@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy- O/S
vrO2@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy- IBNR
vrO3@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy- LAF
vrO1@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy- O/S
vrO2@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy- IBNR
vrO3@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy- LAF
vrOS@A / Total O/S A/C Ccy
vrOS@B / Total O/S Base Ccy
vrPDFO / Paid Figures Orig Ccy
vrPDFA / Paid Figures A/C Ccy
vrPDFB / Paid Figures Base Ccy
KSIC@B / Total Incurred Base Ccy
KSIC@A / Total Incurred Acc Ccy
vrO4@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy
vrO5@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy
vrO6@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy
vrO7@A / Last O/S Amt A/C Ccy
vrO4@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy
vrO5@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy
vrO6@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy
vrO7@B / Last O/S Amt Base Ccy
vrO1@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO2@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO3@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO4@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO5@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO6@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy
vrO7@O / O/S Amt Org Ccy

4.Unit Test plan

No. / Test / Expected Result
1.1 / Run Claims Summary Enquiry.
Check for the Figure Combo box in Enquiry Result. / Figures Combo box should be present listing two options “100%” and “Our Share”
1.2 / Check for the Default value in the combo box. / Default value should be “Our Share”
1.3 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “100% of Broker Share” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched OFF. / Amounts on the grid should be 100% of the Broker Share.
UPSYREP fields should be used for the calculations.
1.4 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “100% of Risk” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched OFF. / Amounts on the grid should be 100% of the Risk.
UPSYREP fields should be used for the calculations.
1.5 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “Our Share” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched OFF. / Amounts on the grid should display Our Share percent of the total amount.
1.6 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “100% of Broker Share” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched ON. / Amounts on the grid should be 100% of the Broker Share.
UKKQREP fields should be used for the calculations.
1.7 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “100% of Risk” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched ON. / Amounts on the grid should be 100% of the Risk.
UKKQREP fields should be used for the calculations.
1.8 / Check the Amounts Field on the grid when the value selected in the figures combo box is “Our Share” and the SysAdmin setting “Use Claim Syndicate Share for Claim Calculations” is switched ON. / Amounts on the grid should display Our Share percent of the total amount.



Development ...... : 6 days

This quotation is valid for 90 days.

The estimate includes the following :-

Further detailed software design


Unit testing

Peer testing

Database upgrade

Documentation upgrade

Help Text upgrade

Project management

Delivery and load instructions

Incorporation into System test

This enhancement will form part of the standard IRIS package and will be covered by the existing maintenance agreement.

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Global Insurance SolutionsVersion 01

Printed 02/08/05

Ref Q:\Lmd\Development\300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-IUG\02 Specification\IUG-300074092-100% Figs in Claim Summary Enq-Functional.01.doc