Project Title:(100 character maximum: enter below) (Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns.)

Insert text here

Investigator(s):(Use a minimum of an 11 point font.)

Insert lead principal investigator, affiliation of investigator here

Insert co-investigator (s), affiliation of investigator here

Insert associate investigator (s), affiliation of investigator here

Project Summary:(Not to exceed 2 pages. Use a minimum of an 11 point font and 1.5 line spacing.)

Insert project summary here - Include: Specific problem addressed by proposal; How findings contribute to problem solution or understanding and practical applications of the work; Project objectives; Project approach; Users of findings.)

Project Description: (Begin on new page. The following 9 sections cannot exceed 10 pages. Use a minimum of an 11 point font and 1.5 line spacing.)


Insert objectives here


Insert background here - Information describing prior research/monitoring relevant to objectives; references to ongoing projects and how they relate to proposed investigation; information gaps which will be filled by the proposed project.

Project Plan:

Insert project plan here - Outline experimental design and schedule.


Insert methods here - Detailed enough to convince the reviewer that the investigators are up-to-date on modern techniques; a general statement alluding to techniques is not acceptable.

Relevance to Groundwater and Related Problems:

Insert relevance to groundwater- related problems and agency priorities here

Training Support: (If any, provided by the project)

Insert Training Support here - A description of the training this project would provide, including a description of how students would be supported or incorporated

Outreach Plan:

Insert outreach plan here - describes how researchers will share the results of their work with end-users, stakeholders and the public.

Budget Justification (if applicable, only for items designated for outside the UW System):

Insert brief budget justification (paragraph or less) for items designated for outside UW System here

Roles of Investigators:

Insert investigators’ roles here - Brief description of each investigators’ role on the project and state the percentage of time that each will spend on the project (whether funding is requested for that individual or not).

References Cited:(Begin on new page. No specified page limit. Use a minimum of an 11 point font.)

Insert references cited here

Curriculum Vitae of Principal and Associate Investigators:(Begin on new page. Not to exceed 2 pages per investigator. Use a minimum of an 11 point font.)

Insert curriculum vitae, including recent publications, of each investigator.

Current and Pending Support:(Begin on new page. Not to exceed 2 pages. Use a minimum of an 11 point font.)


Insert current support here


Insert pending support here