The Most Important Quality of a University Student

A competent university student should have a lot of good attributes, among which, in my view, confidence is the most important one.

Confidence, or self-confidence, is one's attitude towards the life which entitles him the positive and realistic view of himself and the situations. Self-confident people trust their own abilities and usually can make unbiased self-assessment, neither self-conceit nor self-contempt. They have a general sense of their abilities, and know how to control and use them. They rationalize their actions due to wishes, expectations and their plans. A university student, who is already an adult, has to be responsible for his behaviour and self-confidence confines his expectations only to the realistic extent, which means he is not able to do everything he wants individually. A university student who is self-confident, compared with who is not, when meeting difficulties in study, job interviews my still keep an optimistic attitude towards failure. He can continue to be positive after suffering setbacks and accept them as good lessons and indispensable parts of future experiences.

Confident people are also those who are willing to take up challenges. They tend to risk disagreement of others, for they know their own abilities. No matter the views they hold are true or not, they are brave enough to speak out against any decisions, beliefs or opinions contrary to theirs. They ignore the authorities and educational backgrounds, and they don't care whether their views will be accepted or not; they just want to accept themselves first and having own opinions is much more important than conforming to others. Many university students, when meeting job interviews or being questioned in class, feel quite embarrassed and shy to express their thoughts which may take offences, so they are reluctant to communicate with others to share the views. Such kind of caution will likely result in cowardice and fear for failures. They are too wary of their actions to please others to find themselves. Finally, a person who lacks confidence will lose chances and find it quite difficult to be successful. On the contrary, self-confident people get encourage from their inner quality and extend horizons in order to achieve far more than they originally expected. For a university student, stand up and speak up is the process to acquire confidence, from which they can benefit in your future work.

Confidence is not born, however, it can be learned and built. Personal appearances, social ranks, educational backgrounds or talents can be your capital to be self-confident. Even though you think yourself is a "Cinderella", you also have the opportunity to meet your "prince". God is fair to everyone, for you lack in one, may have another. A university student should re-appraise himself and find new advantages make him different from others. Everyone has the potential to be great, to be successful, while confidence can be the sword to conquer the difficulties and pains, the converter from inferior to superior. Attitude is everything and confidence is the attitude that decides a lot.

Self-confidence is doing what you think you are right, regardless of being criticized. It can be gained through the lives and for a university student, it is the important virtue to be cherished.

