Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) Meeting

ERCOT Austin – 7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744

Thursday, July 14, 2016 – 9:30am

Allen, Thresa / Iberdrola Renewables
Barnes, Bill / Reliant Energy Retail Services
Coleman, Diana / OPUC
Day, Smith / Denton Municipal Energy
Detelich, David / CPS Energy
Frazier, Amanda / Luminant
Greer, Clayton / Morgan Stanley
Heino, Shari / Brazos Electric Power Cooperative
Lyons, Chris / Exelon
Messer, Tayaun / Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative
Peters, Patrick / CenterPoint Energy
Sandidge, Clint / Noble Americas
Trevino, Melissa / Occidental Chemical
Varnell, John / Tenaska Power Services
Oldham, Phillip / TIEC
Ainspan, Malcom / NRG / Via Teleconference
Bevill, Jennifer / CES / Via Teleconference
Broussard, Rick / Noble Solutions / Via Teleconference
Burke, Tom / GSEC
Checkley, Jim / Cross Texas
Cobos, Lori / Talen Energy
Coleman, Katie / TIEC
Cripe, Ramsey / Schneider Engineering
Denney, Kristi / IMM
Downey, Marty / Viridity
English, Barksdale / Austin Energy
Garraway, Charlotte / Schneider Engineering / Via Teleconference
Goff, Eric / Citigroup Energy
Graham, Greg / Texas Reliability Entity / Via Teleconference
Gross, Blake / AEPSC
Haley, Ian / Energy Future Holdings / Via Teleconference
Harvey, Julia / PUCT
Havermann, Steven / Austin Energy / Via Teleconference
Hellinghausen, Bill / EDF Energy / Via Teleconference
Henson, Martha / Oncor
Hoatson, Tom / LS Power / Via Teleconference
Hughes, Lindsey / Competitive Power / Via Teleconference
Jackson, Natalie / GSEC / Via Teleconference
Jacobs, Kaci / TXU Energy / Via Teleconference
Jones, Liz / Oncor
Jones, Randy / Calpine
Kee, David / CPS Energy
Liu, Meng / Luminant / Via Teleconference
Lange, Clif / STEC
Looney, Sherry / Luminant / Via Teleconference
Lugo, Luis / Shell Energy / Via Teleconference
McCamant, Frank / McCamant Consulting / Via Teleconference
McKeever, Debbie / Oncor
Moore, Sheri / CenterPoint Energy / Via Teleconference
Morris, Sandy / Direct Energy
Mueller, Paula / Texas Reliability Entity / Via Teleconference
Odanga, Monsherra / Oncor / Via Teleconference
Ordonez, Camilo / Luminant / Via Teleconference
Power, David / Public Citizen
Reed, Cyrus / Sierra Club
Reedy, Steve / IMM
Rehfeldt, Diana / TNMP / Via Teleconference
Reid, Walter / Wind Coalition / Via Teleconference
Robertson, Jennifer / LCRA
Rickelto, David / Energy Future Holdings
Sams, Bryan / NRG
Scott, Kathy / CenterPoint Energy
Siddiqi, Shams / Crescent Power
Smith, Caitlin / CLEAResult
Stephenson, Randa / LCRA / Via Teleconference
Thomas, Wayne / Bryan Texas Utilities
Thurnher, Greg / Shell Energy
Turner, Lucas / STEC / Via Teleconference
Walker, Mark / NRG
Watson, Mark / S & P Global Platts / Via Teleconference
White, Lauri / AEP Texas / Via Teleconference
Whittle, Brandon / Megawatt Analytics
Wittmeyer, Bob / DME
Woodruff, Taylor / Oncor / Via Teleconference
Zake, Diana / Lone Star Transmission
Zerwas, Rebecca Reed / NRG
ERCOT Staff:
Albracht, Brittney
Anderson, Troy
Bezwada, Neelima / Via Teleconference
Bivens, Carrie
Boren, Ann
Boswell, Bill / Via Teleconference
Bracy, Phil / Via Teleconference
Chang, Sean / Via Teleconference
Chen, Jian / Via Teleconference
Chu, Zhengguo / Via Teleconference
Clifton, Suzy
Coon, Patrick / Via Teleconference
Deller, Art / Via Teleconference
Hanson, Kevin / Via Teleconference
Hobbs, Kristi
Huang, Fred / Via Teleconference
Jin, Julie / Via Teleconference
Krein, Steve / Via Teleconference
Liu, Cong / Via Teleconference
Matlock, Robert / Via Teleconference
Matevosjana, Julia / Via Teleconference
Morehead, Juliana / Via Teleconference
Murray, Doug / Via Teleconference
Ögelman, Kenan
Opheim, Calvin / Via Teleconference
Phillips, Cory
Rickerson, Woody
Solis, Stephen / Via Teleconference
Sopko, Leslie / Via Teleconference
Teixeira, Jay / Via Teleconference
Thompson, David / Via Teleconference
Thurman, Kathryn / Via Teleconference
Tucker, Don / Via Teleconference
Unless otherwise indicated, all Market Segments were present for a vote.
Amanda Frazier called the July 14, 2016 PRS meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Antitrust Admonition
Ms. Frazier directed attention to the Antitrust Admonition which was displayed.
Approval of Minutes
June 16, 2016
This item was postponed.
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Board Reports
Ms. Frazier reminded Market Participants that TAC did not meet in June 2016.
Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date see Key Documents)[1]
Troy Anderson provided a project update and summary of PPL activity, noting that the Energy Management System (EMS) upgrade project is complete. Mr. Anderson reviewed the changes to the 2016 release targets, the updated 2016 spending forecast, and priority and rank options for Revision Requests with impacts being considered by PRS.
Review PRS Reports, Impact Analyses, and Prioritization
Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 747, Revision of Voltage Control Requirements
NPRR771, Clarifications to New ESI ID Creation Process
NPRR774, Remove Duplicate Language to Calculate Seasonal Transmission Loss Factors
NPRR779, Clarifies References to Texas Reliability Entity and Independent Market Monitor
NPRR781, Updates to Nodal Protocol Section 18, Load Profiling, to Align with Current Market Processes
Bill Barnes moved to endorse and forward to TAC the respective 6/16/16 PRS Reports and Impact Analyses for NPRR747, NPRR771, NPRR774, NPRR779, and NPRR781. Tom Burke seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR696, Price Correction Process Following a SCED Failure
Proposed edits to align the revision description with the 10/19/15 Reliant comments were reviewed.
Mr. Barnes moved to endorse and forward to TAC the 6/16/16 PRS Report as revised by PRS and the Impact Analysis for NPRR696. Clayton Greer seconded the motion. The motion carried with two objections from the Consumer (OPUC, Occidental Chemical) Market Segment and one abstention from the Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) (Luminant) Market Segment.
NPRR753, Allow AMS Data Submittal Process for TDSP-Read Non-Modeled Generators
Bob Helton moved to table NPRR753. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR755, Data Agent-Only QSE Registration
PRS took no action on this item.
NPRR770, Addition of Outaged Resource Capacity to Short-Term System Adequacy Report
Ms. Frazier stated the 7/6/16 ERCOT comments proposed an alternative solution to NPRR770 by adding the outaged Resource capacity information to the Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor. Mr. Anderson stated that if approved, NPRR770 would be implemented with NPRR495, Changes to Ancillary Services Capacity Monitor, and NPRR736, Updates to the Ancillary Service Capacity Monitor Display, realizing a cost savings of approximately $15-25k; however, with the increased scope the release date may be delayed to December.
Mr. Greer moved to endorse and forward to TAC the 6/16/16 PRS Report as amended by the 7/6/16 ERCOT comments and the Impact Analysis for NPRR770 with a recommended priority of 2016 and a rank of 872. Mr. Barnes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR778, Modifications to Date Change and Cancellation Evaluation Window
Kathy Scott requested PRS continue to table NPRR778, as the Retail Market Subcommittee (RMS) needed additional time to review the Impact Analysis.
Sandy Morris moved to table NPRR778. Patrick Peters seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
RRGRR009, Adding Voltage Limit Sets, Relay Loadability, MLSE, and GMD Data
Mr. Barnes moved to endorse the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS) recommended priority of 2016 and rank of 1505 for Resource Registration Glossary Revision Request (RRGRR) 009. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Review of Pending Project Priorities (see Key Documents)
Mr. Anderson reviewed approved Revision Requests, highlighting Revision Requests moved from the November to July 2016 Release.
Urgency Votes (see Key Documents)
NPRR788, RMR Study Modifications
Randa Stephenson presented NPRR788 and the 7/13/16 LCRA comments, reviewed the 7/13/16 ERCOT comments and withdrew the request for urgency. PRS took no action on this item.
Woody Rickerson encouraged Market Participants to attend the July 20, 2016 Planning Working Group (PLWG) meeting, participate in the discussion of Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) 042, Regional Transmission Plan Model Reserve Requirement and Load-Generation Imbalance Methodology, and consider possible changes in the planning criteria used for RMR determinations.
Revision Requests Tabled at PRS (see Key Documents)
NPRR562, Subsynchronous Resonance
NPRR638, Revisions to Certain Price Components of EAL
NPRR697, Disclosure of Protected Information for Research and Coordination Purposes
NPRR759, Segmentation of the Total New Capacity Estimate in the ERCOT CDR
NPRR769, Alignment with VCMRR013, Clarifications to Verifiable Cost Appeals Process
NPRR772, Clarification of Process for Transmission Outages Related to a Service Disconnection Request for a Generation Resource
NPRR775, Enhanced Implementation of Limits for Fast Responding Regulation Service
NPRR776, Voltage Set Point Communication
NPRR783, Revision of Network Operations Model Consistency Audit Requirement
SCR785, Update RTL calculation to include Real-Time Reserve Price Adder based components
PRS took no action on these items.
NPRR760, Calculation of Exposure Variables For Days With No Activity
Market Participants reviewed the 5/10/16 DC Energy comments and the 6/22/16 Credit Work Group (Credit WG) Comments. Ms. Frazier expressed concerns that NPRR760 did not accurately reflect a Counter-Party’s exposure.
Mr. Barnes moved to recommend approval of NPRR760 as amended by the 5/10/16 DC Energy Comments. John Varnell seconded the motion. The motion carried with two objections from the IOU (Luminant) and Independent Generator (Exelon) Market Segments and two abstentions from the Consumer (Occidental Chemical) and IOU (CenterPoint Energy) Market Segments.
NPRR768, Revisions to Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder Categories
Market Participants discussed NPRR768. Kenan Ögelman reviewed the 06/20/16 ERCOT comments and requested PRS continue tabling NPRR768 until Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Docket 45624, Application of the City of Garland to Amend a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity for the Rusk to Panola Double-Circuit 345-kV Transmission Line in Rusk and Panola Counties is concluded. PRS took no action on this item.
NPRR773, Broadening Scope of Acceptable Letter of Credit Issuers
Mr. Burke reviewed NPRR773 and noted the 7/7/16 Wholesale Market Subcommittee (WMS) comments endorsing the 6/22/16 Credit WG comments.
Mr. Burke moved to recommend approval of NPRR773 as amended by the 6/22/16 Credit WG comments. Mr. Greer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR777, ERCOT-directed Dispatch of Price-Responsive Distributed Generation
Mr. Greer moved to table NPRR777. Mr. Helton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR780, Revise North 345kV Hub Definition
Ms. Frazier acknowledged withdrawal of NPRR780.
NPRR782, Settlement of Infeasible Ancillary Services Due to Transmission Constraints
Mr. Greer moved to recommend approval of NPRR782. Mr. Barnes seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR784, Mitigated Offer Caps for RMR Units - URGENT
Market Participants discussed the merits of NPRR784. Opponents of the NPRR objected on the basis that it does not provide appropriate price signals, and further argued that Loads ultimately pay twice for the energy; first when the RMR Resource is contracted and second when the Resource is compensated for the energy it provides. Proponents opined that NPRR784 is consistent with the principles of an energy-only market and will lower uplift costs for Loads and make the costs more manageable. Proponents offered additional language expressly specifying that the Independent Market Monitor (IMM) may object to the value of the Mitigated Offer Cap for RMR Units. Market Participants also discussed the potential for a delay of the vote on the merits of NPRR784 to allow for further discussion.
Smith Day moved to table NPRR784. Greg Thurnher seconded the motion. The motion failed via roll call vote with seventeen objections from the Consumer (Occidental) Cooperative, (4) (Brazos, STEC, LCRA, Rayburn Country), Independent Generator (4) (Iberdrola, Talen, GDF Suez, Exelon), Independent Power Marketer (IPM) (3) (Morgan Stanley, CitiGroup, Tenaska), Independent Retail Electric Provider (IREP) (2) (Reliant Energy Retail Services, Noble Americas), IOU (2) (Luminant, CenterPoint Energy), and Municipal (CPS Energy) Market Segments. (Please see ballot posted with Key Documents).
Mr. Greer moved to recommend approval of NPRR784 as revised by PRS. Mr. Helton seconded the motion. The motion failed via roll call vote with ten objections from the Consumer (3) (Occidental, Sierra Club, OPUC), Cooperative (5) (Brazos, STEC, LCRA, Golden Spread, Rayburn Country), IREP (Direct Energy), IOU (Luminant) Market Segments, and three abstentions from the IREP (Noble Americas), IOU (CenterPoint Energy), and Municipal (Denton Municipal Electric) Market Segments. (Please see ballot posted with NPRR784 Key Documents.)[2]
Market Participants discussed the appeals process codified in the TAC Procedures. Due to lack of a subsequent passing vote, NPRR784 was deemed rejected by PRS pursuant to ERCOT Protocol Section 21.4.4, Protocol Revision Subcommittee Review and Action.
Review of Revision Request Language (see Key Documents)
NPRR785, Synchronizing WGR and PVGR COPs with the Short Term Wind and PhotoVoltaic Forecasts
Market Participants reviewed NPRR785 and discussed whether the language posed any compliance issues, and that a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) is still obligated to update the Current Operating Plan (COP) according to the forecast or a lower number, according to any additional information it has.
Mr. Greer moved to recommend approval of NPRR785 as submitted. Barksdale English seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR786, Consumption Data Adjustments for Negative Load
Mr. Barnes moved to recommend approval of NPRR786 as submitted. Mr. Burke seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
NPRR787, Removal of Recipient Name Requirement for VDI Confirmations
Mr. Barnes moved to recommend approval of NPRR787 as submitted. Mr. Greer seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Other Business
There was no other business.
Ms. Frazier adjourned the July 14, 2016 PRS meeting at 11:47 a.m.

DRAFT Minutes of the July 14, 2016 PRS Meeting /ERCOT Public

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[1] Key Documents referenced in these minutes may be accessed on the ERCOT website at

http://www.ercot.com/calendar/2016/7/14/76956-PRS unless otherwise noted.

[2] NPRR784 http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/issues/NPRR784#keydocs