Minutes of the Full Officials Committee 7th April 2016 - FINAL

1Members present

Jeff Marsden JMSecretary

John ElwardJEChairman / South Rep

Derek CrowderDCEducation & Training Officer

David JessettDJField Rep

Marian Williams MW Track & Field Committee Rep

Sue HooperSHStarter/Marksmen Rep

Jane DakinJDWest Rep

Lynette HarriesLHGeneral Council Rep

Brian AlveyBATimekeeper Rep

James WilliamsJWWelsh Athletics – part of meeting

2Apologies for absence

John Chidlow, Alan Currie

3Points of Discussion

JWthanked everyone who had been involved in the IAAF World Half Marathon. He said the new rule book should be available around 15th April, all Welsh Officials would be given a free copy. Any errors should be forwarded to Malcolm Rogers.

2016-16 Budget:

  • Registration Fees to be increased
  • Include facilities fund – allowing some stadia to have minor improvements as was the case last year at Brecon
  • Funds available to support additional experience for officials
  • Mentoring Program
  • Double equipment budget
  • Tom Marley to take on role of Education Officer

He presented some provisional timetables – not for general distribution

WA would be looking to utilise facilities, i.e Endurance at Cwmbran and Barry

Clubs should be pushed to make use of what they’ve got.

4Minutes of the last meeting

Theminutes of the previous meeting held on 28th January 2016 were accepted.

5Matters arising

Item 10

Callroom, Meeting Manager and Competition Director should be selected prior to the Officials Selection meeting by a group similar to UK TAG.

Annex A

Anniversary games is now only 2 days

6Education matters

DC gave a quick update of education matters. He also informed the meeting he’d received an email for Cardiff AAC requesting courses, MW stated Cardiff were struggling to supply officials for league matches.

EDM – accreditation would be required for the use of WA equipment

Finance – he’d been working on a budget for the next 4 years:

  • Yr1£34k
  • Yr2£12k
  • Yr3£17k
  • Yr4£17k

Income has been received from hire of PF & EDM Equipment, cost included hire of vehicles to transport the equipment

His notes on coursesare at Annex A

7Officials Development & Mentoring

LH gave an update on the Mentoring Scheme, the main points were:

  • Interim reports requested form Pilot Mentors
  • Meeting later in month to look at next phase
  • Looking to roll out to new recruits and 3s looking for advancement
  • LH is putting documentation together
  • Baseline Assessment
  • Follow-on and agree targets

8Meeting Updates

Track & Field Committee

JM gave a quick resume of the latest Meeting:

Full minutes can be found on the Welsh Athletics website at:


No correspondence has been received


  1. JE informed the meeting throwing of implement trials are to be held at Jenner Park, Barry
  2. JE updated the meeting new fire arms certification would include Mental Capacity with GPs being contacted prior to certificates being issued
  3. DJ asked for contact names and email address for Regional Official Secretaries, these are John Chidlow, John Elward, Jane Dakin and Denise Harries, email addresses are in the distribution list of the minutes.
  4. JD informed the meeting Roy Adams is to receive a UK long service award, to be presented at the West Wales Regional Champs

11Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be: 29 Sep 2016

Annex A – TRNG’s Notes