Eco Mark Product Category No.103 “Clothes Version3” Attached Certificate

This attached certificates shall be submitted accompanied with “Application for Eco Mark product certificate and utilization” when applying for the product category No.103 “Clothes Version3”.

Date of application:
Brand Name
Applicant / (company name) / (company seal)
<How to Prepare Attached Certificates>
1. Indicate details of the product under application for certification in “Fill in this Column”.
* Shaded areas in “Fill in this Column” do not require entry.
2. Prepare the certificates specified in “Documents to be submitted”. Submit these documents with this certificate when applying for Eco Mark Product certification and use.
3. Shaded items in “Documents to be submitted” do not require submission.
* Prepare certificates referring to the Form provided.
4. The issuer(s) in the “Issued by” column must prepare “Documents to be submitted”.
Item / Fill in this Column
(check all items that apply)
Planned Indication of Eco Mark
* in principal, Eco Mark shall be indicated on the product, catalog, etc. / o Product o Packaging o Website
o Pamphlet/ Catalogue/ leaflet
o User manual
o Other ( )
Planned design of Eco Mark indication / Please submit the design drawing of Eco Mark indication (Format free, draft) * Please refer Form2 of “Eco Mark use guideline for indication of Eco Mark”
1) The wording of "Eco Mark" or nominal designation of Eco Mark products stipulated in Section 7 in the "Guidelines for Eco Mark use"
2) The wording indication of environmental information (See below)
3) The Eco Mark certification number and the name of the Eco Mark Usage Contractor (The selection and display of either one is acceptable)

[Reason not to indicate Eco Mark] if not to (plan to) indicate Eco Mark
Item / Fill in this Column
(check all items that apply) / Documents to be Submitted / Issued by /
Developer of product / o Other companies o Own company
*submit the certificate on the right if selected “Other companies” / Approval of Eco Mark Application (Form 0). / Approver of application /
If a product certified under this Version3 criteria is applied as another brand / Are there any changes besides the brand name?  Yes /  No
(If only the brand name has been changed, the following items do not have to be proved.) / A copy of notice of Eco Mark certification examination results
Certificate on changes (if there are any changes) /
Item / fill in this column (check the applicable item) /
Applicable scope / o A. Uniforms, office uniforms, fatigues, sanitary suits, sportswear, and outerwear
o B. Underwear / o C. Nightwear / o D. Kimono /
o E. Socks, Stockings, Opaque Tights, Tabi (Japanese Socks) / o F. Hats and Gloves
o G. Other Clothing
*When applicable in multiple classifications, and for aprons, neck ties and scarves that are sold and used in one set, the product shall be covered with the product classifications only in the case below.
o Sold and used in one set /

Required documents for satisfying “4. Certification Criteria and Certification Procedures”

4-1-1. Certification Criteria and Certification Procedure on major environmental requirements

Item / Fill in this column (check the applicable item)
4-1-1. applicable item /  (1) use of unused fibers or Recycled fibers (p2)
 (2) use of plant-based synthetic fibers (p3)
 (3) design for recycling and collection system after use (p4)
 (4) cotton, wool or cellulosic chemical fibers (p5)
 (5) combination of synthetic fibers (requirements in (1) and (2)) and either cotton, wool or cellulosic chemical fibers (requirements in (4)). (p6)
*(5) is for products not satisfying (1), (2) or (4)

For “4-1-1. Certification Criteria on major environmental requirements”, (1) use of unused fibers or Recycled fibers

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
Mass ratio / The mass ratio of unused or recycled fibers shall meet the content rate in Table 1. /  Yes
 No / Form1A / Applicant, manufacturer,, etc.
Products applicable in Table 2 shall meet the criteria below
Table2 / Cold protection clothing>
o Standard Content Rate in the entire product (Table 1)
o Standard Content Rate of the surface texture (Rate in Table 1 × 1.2)
o Recycled feather 100%
<Work Globes>
o Unused fibers and reclaimed fiber shall be 70% or more, and use post-consumer materials 50% or more
o Recycled polymer fibers and chemically recycled fibers shall be 50% or more.
Type of material / o Unused fibers/ o Reclaimed fibers/
o Other recycled fibers
o Recycled polymer fibers/ oChemically recycled fibers / Form2 / Fiber material supplier
o fiber-based recycled fibers / In addition to Form, amounts of recycled materials received and their breakdown, and results from a recent year, the collection system and results of recovered fiber from post-consumer materials shall be attached
o Stuffing that reuses used products (recycled feather) / Form3 / Collector or cleaner of the stuffing,

For “4-1-1. Certification Criteria on major environmental requirements”, (2) use of plant-based synthetic fibers

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
mass ratio / The content ratio of bio-based synthetic polymer is 10% or more, and the mass ratio of plant-based synthetic fiber is 25% or more. /  Yes
 No / Form1B / Applicant, manufacturer,, etc.
Products applicable in Table 3 shall meet the criteria below
Table 3 / Cold protection clothing>
The content ratio of bio-based synthetic polymer in the entire product shall be 10% or more, and the plant-based synthetic fiber shall be 25% or more.
 The content ratio of bio-based synthetic polymer in the surface texture is 12% or more and the plant-based synthetic fiber is 30% or more.
Type of material / Name of plant material [ ] / Form4 / Fiber material supplier
and attached documents (calculation of bio-based synthetic polymer, LCA evaluation results, etc.) / Resin supplier

For “4-1-1. Certification Criteria on major environmental requirements”, (3) design for recycling and collection system after use

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
(3) 1)
collection recycling system / The system to collect, reuse or recycle (material) or chemically recycle products after use. /  Yes
 No / Copy of certificate, etc. of the extensive authorization system, explanatory documents of the system in the Appendix of the criteria / Applicant, etc.
Check if either A or B applies
oA) A mechanism for collecting and recycling unwanted used products satisfies below;
・The products was been designed by more than 70% materials that can be recycled by the system.
・Portions of products that cannot be recycled are subject to energy recovery by an eco-friendly method
oB) As a mechanism for collecting the products provided for lease or rental service, etc., taking measures to recover the state of used products and reusing such product multiple times, the following items shall be satisfied
・Products shall meet the requirement 3) below.
・If products become unavailable for reuse with the purpose of applying for certification cannot be met, such products shall be cascade-reused or recycled.
・Portions of the products that cannot be recycled shall be subject to energy recovery by an eco-friendly method.
oProduct recycle
<recyclable material>
Polyester / Nylon /Cotton /Wool/
Other (specify: )
<recycle method>
make reclaimed fiber / Polymer recycle /
Chemically recycle
Other (specify: )
<purpose of reproduction>
[ ]
 cascade-reuse of the product
Intended purpose of the applying product: [ ]
Intended purpose after being reused: [ ]
Collected amount of the above used product : [ ]
Reporting period: [ yy/mm/ - yy/mm ]
(3) 1)
product / *for Products not applicable in 3) [optional] below, submit the Form on the right. If applicable, submit (1) Form1A or (2) Form1B. / Form1C / Applicant, manufacturer, etc.
(3) 2)
indication / The collection and recycling after use, and its contact information are indicated on the product body. /  Yes
 No / Display drawing, pictures, etc. / Applicant
(3) 3)
material / [Optional]
using unused or recycled fibers 10% or more /  Yes
 No / →4-1-1.(1)
using plant-based synthetic fibers 10% or more, and using the content ratio of bio-based synthetic polymer 4% or more /  Yes
 No / →4-1-1.(2)

For “4-1-1. Certification Criteria on major environmental requirements”, (4) cotton, wool or cellulosic chemical fibers

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
(4) / The product’s main material is cotton, wool or cellulosic chemical fibers, and the materials that satisfy below consist 70% or more.
1) cotton (a scouring bleach/ b organic)
2) wool
3) cellulosic chemical fibers /  Yes
 No / Form1C / Applicant, manufacturer, etc.
(4) 1) cotton
bleaching / Reducing energy use required for processing without increasing the amount of chemical substance used
No fluorescent whitening processing
Satisfying the following requirements on non-bleaching and oxygen based bleaching /  Yes
 No / Form6 / Scouring operator
non-bleaching (Chemical substances in Table 4 that are hazardous to the water environment are not used during desizing and scouring)
oxygen based bleaching (satisfies any of the items below)
Chemical substances in Table 4 that are hazardous to the water environment are not used
Chemical substances in Table 4 that are hazardous to the water environment are used, however the amount of CO2 emissions are reduced by 30% compared to the existing process. The amount of chemical substances used are reduced and any residue of their elements are not left in the fibers and discharged water.
(4) 1) cotton
organic / Organic cotton in the entire product is 30% or more. /  Yes
 No / Form7
and attached documents (certificate, etc.) / Cotton fabric supplier
(4) 2)
wool / Chromium is not used in the dyes and pigment. If Chromium is used in wool, requirements on chromium in 4-1 (4) 2) a shall be met. /  Yes
 No
 chromium used / Form8
* if chromium is used, attach the test result and the certificate for drainage. / Dope dye, dye plant
Concentration of pesticide used on animals producing raw wool (greasy wool), before washing shall not exceed the limit value in Table 6. (or confirmed by a field examination, or wool cleaning operators’ measures against the residue) /  Yes
 No / Form9
and attached documents (test results, etc.) / Wool supplier
(4) 3)
cellulosic chemical fibers / Cellulosic chemical fibers uses 70% or more of certified forest wood or cotton linters certified by a third-party.
If non-certified wood is used, raw wood shall be legally valid in view of forestry laws in the country where it was harvested
Chlorine gas is not used for bleaching pulp.
Solvent to be used in fiber production is properly managed by preparing equipment to be reused for collection or closed use. /  Yes
 No / Form10
and attached documents (certificate, etc.) / Spinner

For “4-1-1. Certification Criteria on major environmental requirements”, (5) combination of (1), (2) and (4)

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
(5) / If the composition of a fiber used in a product is not applicable to the requirements of 4-1-1. (1), (2) and (4), the following items shall be satisfied. /  Yes
 No / Form1A
Form1B / Applicant, manufacturer, etc.
The fiber portion of cotton, wool and cellulosic chemical fibers satisfies requirements of 4-1-1.(4),1) to 3) / →4-1-1.(4)
The fiber portion excluding the above mentioned item satisfies the requirements of recycled polymer fiber or chemically recycled fiber of 4-1-1 (1), or the requirements of plant-based synthetic fiber of 4-1-1 (2). / →4-1-1.(1) or (2)

For “4-1-2. Certification Criteria on hazardous substances” <common items >

Item / Criteria & fill in this column / Compliant/
noncompliant / Document to be submitted / Issued by
(6) / For various processing of products, considers the safety and the minimum use of processing agents and also meet the standard value in Table 7. /  Yes
 No / Form11
*attach test results depending on the process / Applicant, manufacturer, etc.
(7) / The amount of free formaldehyde in a product conforms to a standard value in Table 8 or falls into the following items. /  Yes
 No / Test result (product or all fiber materials)
*Attachment may be omitted if the cloth is confirmed as being identical with that certified by the Version 2 of the criteria. / Testing organization, etc.
(8) / Check if either A or B is satisfied, for the confirmation method of a dye and pigment (no use of dyes and pigments in Table 9 1)-3) and chromium)
A The applicant or the manufacturer confirms the compliance with the criteria below, by each fiber material used in the applying product. / Form8
※if chromium is used, attach the test result and the certificate for drainage. / Dope-dye, dye or product printing plant
For a dye and pigment used in the product, dyes and pigments and chrome defined in 1) - 3) of Table 9 are not used. If chromium is used for wool, the requirement in 4-1. (4), 2).a. is met. /  Yes
 No
 chromium is used (for wool)
B The applicant or the manufacturer has defined the compliance with the criteria in procurement standard in relation to all fiber materials in Eco Mark applicable scope, and clarified and confirmed the traceability at each phase of the supply chain by the written documents and managed properly. / Procurement standard made by the applicant or manufacturer
documents confirmed with the supply chain (a sample is acceptable if a template is used) / Applicant or manufacturer,
For a dye and pigment used in the product, dyes and pigments and chromium defined in 1) - 3) of Table 9 are not used.
*For B, submission of the certificate for Dye/ pigment certificate in case of the addition or change during the certification can be omitted. /  Yes
 No
(9) / The product does not use plastics and fibers containing halogen elements in polymer backbone (excluding coloring materials, additive agents and fluorine system processing agents). Or the following items are applicable.
fire retardant items or fire retardant products, etc.
products collected after use in 4-1-1.(3)
ones whose average life span is 20 years or more /  Yes
 No

4-1-3. Certification criteria on others <common items>