Name: ______

Study Guide for SOL 1.5 a, b, c

SOL 1.5a- Settlements established and why?

Complete the chart with “economic” or “religious”

Name of Colony / Reason Settled
1.  Massachusetts Bay Colony
2.  Plymouth Colony
3.  Pennsylvania Colony
4.  Jamestown Colony
5.  Lost Colony of Roanoke
6.  Colony of Georgia

Short Answer

What was the first permanent English settlement in North America? ______

Which group established Plymouth colony? ______

Which group established Massachusetts Bay colony? ______

Which group established Pennsylvania? ______

Why was the colony of Georgia established? ______

/ ß Shade each region a different color:
New England
Mid- Atlantic/Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies.

SOL 1.5b- Resources

Complete the Chart

Colonies / Natural Resources / Human Resources
New England / Skilled craftsmen,
Middle / Skilled and unskilled workers,
Southern / Rivers, / Farmers,

Climate and geography-fill in the blanks

New England

- Appalachian Mountains, Boston Harbor

- Hilly terrain, ______, jagged coastlines

- ______summers & ______winters

Middle Colonies

- Appalachian Mountains, coastal lowlands, harbors and bays

- Wide and deep rivers

- ______winters and ______climate


- Appalachian Mountains, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain

- Good harbors and rivers

- ______soil

- ______and ______climate

Specialization- focusing on one or more products.

Complete the Chart

Colonies / Specialization
New England

Interdependence- two or more people depending on each other for goods and services.

Complete the Chart

Colonies / From New England / From Middle / From Southern
To New England / X
To Middle / X
To Southern / X

SOL 1.5c- Groups of People

Match the social group to its description

18. _____ large landowner

19. _____ farmers

20. _____ artisans

21. _____ women

22. ____ free African Americans (Blacks)

23. ____ indentured servants

24. ____ enslaved African Americans

a.  worked as caretakers, house workers, homemakers, could not vote, had few chances for an education

b.  worked as craftsmen in towns and on the plantation, lived in small villages and cities

c.  were able to own land, had more economic freedom and could work for pay and decide how to spend their money, not allowed to vote

d.  lived predominately in the South, relied on indentured servants and/or slaves for labor, were educated in some cases, had rich social culture

e.  worked the land according to the region, relied on family members for labor

f.  consisted of men and women who did not have money for passage to the colonies and who agreed to work without pay for the person who paid their passage, were free at the end of their contract

g.  were captured in their native Africa, and sold to slave traders, then were shipped to the colonies where they were sold into slavery, were owned as property for life with no rights, were often born into slavery. (children of slaves (enslaved African Americans) were born into slavery)

**Be prepared to explain the difference between indentured servants and enslaved African Americans.