IB Chemistry

Acids & Bases Webquest

Acid-Base Webquest

This webquest will serve as an introduction to concepts that we will cover in our unit on acids and bases. If you have not already done so, you should print off the Acid-Base Webquest Questions that are on a link in the Webquest section of this website. Some of the questions you may be able to answer without checking the websites if you remember concepts that we covered in class. There are links below that you can visit to find information related to acids and bases.

answer the following questions using the text book and/or internet as a resource.

Resources Available
General Acid-Base Information / http://www.chemtutor.com/acid.htm
Acid-Base Tutorial & Problems / http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/problem_sets/ph/ph.html
Properties of Acids & Bases
pH Information / http://purchon.com/chemistry/?page_id=123
Strong vs. Weak Acids / http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/acids.html
Strong vs. Weak Bases / http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/bases.html
More pH Info w/ animations
pH Animation / http://www.johnkyrk.com/pH.html
Acid Base Indicators#1 / http://chemistry.about.com/od/acidsbases/a/Acid-Base-Indicators.htm
Acid Base Indicators#2 / http://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/indicators.html
Searchable Acid Base FAQ database / http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/acidbase/faq.shtml
above site might be down but its good and was working on Friday

1.)  Describe the physical properties, taste, feel, etc, of Acids. And of Bases.
Acids: ______
2.)  Give 3 examples of acids and 3 examples of bases from the pH Scale on this document:
3.)List the metals that acids react with to form H2gas:______
4.) When acids react withreact with compounds containing CO32-what products are formed?______
5.) Acids turn litmus ______.
6.) Bases turn litmus ______.
7.) Bases react with most cations to precipitate ______.
8.) What is the difference between an electrolyte and a nonelectrolyte? ______
9.) How can pH be determined experimentally? ______.
10.) How do you neutralize an acid? ______
A base? ______
11.) Watch the pH animation and describe the role of an acid and of a base in an acid/base reaction.
12.) How is a strong acid different from a weak acid?
13.) How is a strong base different from a weak base?
14.) List the six strong acids: ______.
15.) Why do we use a double arrow in(↔)the dissociation equation for a weak acid? ______.
16.) Why isonly one arrow ( →) required for the dissociation of a strong acid? ______.
17.) List the 3 scenarios for a substance being classified as a weak acid:
a.) ______.
c.) ______.
18.) Describe strong bases: ______.
19.) Which are the strong bases?______.
20.) How many moles of OH ions are produced fromthe hydroxides of Group II metals for every mole of base that dissociates? ______.
21.) Give the general equation for the reaction of a weak base with water:
22.) What do scientists use to measure pH? ______
23.) pH is measured on a logarithmic scale. What does this mean? ______
24a. What is the difference between pH and pOH? (equation)
25b. What do the brackets around a chemical mean, like for [H+]?
Use this link to answer the following questions:
answer the following questions using the text book and/or internet as a resource.
26.) Rain that has a very low pH is called ______.
27.) Natural rainwater has a pH of ______.
28.) Sulfur dioxide reacts with atmospheric oxygen to form ______.
29.) Name the two acids in pollution that make rain acidic: ______.
30.) Fish in a lake will die if the pH drops below ______.
Use this link to answer the following questions:
answer the following questions using the text book and/or internet as a resource.
31.) A titration is the ______.
32.) The solution of known concentration is called the ______.
33.) The initial volume is read from the bottom of the ______.
34.) The equivalence point of a titration is when______.
35.) The course of the reaction during a titration can be followed by plotting the pH on a ______.
36.) The pH of the solution at the equivalence point is determined by ______.
37.) What is an indicator? ______.
38.) What color is methyl red at pH = 8? ______.
39.) In acidic solutions ______is colorless.
40.) When base is added, phenolphthalein will remain colorless until the pH = _____ .
41.) At the equivalence point of the titration, the color of the solution will be ______.

42.  http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/blacidquiz.htm

Take the quiz.

Place score here ______.

43.  http://chemistry.about.com/library/weekly/bl060603a.htm

Take the quiz.

Place score here ______.

44.  List all the relevant definitions you should know for acid-bases from chapters 16 and 17 on lined paper and attach. (or have this in your notes labeled)