Children in grades K-5 may compete in the science fair with a demonstration. This may particularly appeal to the creative child, or the child who loves to construct things.

A demonstration involves using a model (3-D) or an illustrated display (2-D) to demonstrate a scientific principle. There is a wide range of creative possibilities: using Legos or Tinkertoys to create a simple machine (lever, wheel and axle, pulley, etc.) to demonstrate the principle of mechanical advantage,constructing a cantilever bridge out of balsa wood and explaining how it bears a load, mixing kitchen ingredients to demonstrate simple acid/base reactions, diagramming the digestive system of a cow, showing the effects of point source pollution on the water table using diatomaceous earth and food coloring, making a magnet with a wire, nail, and battery... there are so many possibilities! (Feel free to use any of my suggestions!)

For either a 3-D model or a 2-D display, the student will need to communicate the information on a triptych board. For models, it is really nice to include photographs showing the student doing the construction. Avoid "cut and pasted" information from the internet! Child-illustrated andchild-labeled is preferred!

Each student will need to write an age-appropriate paper about the scientific principle that is being demonstrated. Younger children may dictate their reports. The reports may be handwritten or typed.

Include a list of sources for the information used in the demonstration. The format of the sources does not need to be complicated. For books, list title and author. For websites, list the title of the website, the URL, and the date it was accessed.

During the science fair, each student will have an opportunity to share the scientific principle and the workings of the model with the judges. Our judges this year are medical students from the Christian Medical Association of Mercer University School of Medicine. They are so eager to encourage our students!

Here is a check list for Demonstrations:

_Project Title (on triptych board and on the report)

_3-D Model or 2-D display with a triptych board

_An age-appropriate report on the scientific principle that is being demonstrated.

_A list of source information

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Cyndi Mullins