Collins Middle School

8th Grade Health Education Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Kourtney Curry

Classroom: Room 109


Conference Period: 8:44-9:35


The purpose of this Health Education class is to provide the students with the knowledge and resources they need to make responsible and well-informed decisions about their health.

Course Methods:

Class time will be divided into lecture, discussion, presentations, independent work, and cooperative group assignments. During this course you will be given assignments to complete outside of class, although time will be given during class time on most assignments. It is important to us class time wisely, as it will reduce time spent outside of class and allow the health teachers to help you when needed. Class participation, assignments, projects and tests will be the products used in determining the overall grade for the class.

Course Requirements:

The following is a list of materials that each student will need to bring to class each day:

·  Health folder to keep all handouts and daily assignments

·  Notebook to record lecture notes and assignments

·  Writing utensil (pencil needed on test days)


·  Glencoe Health

Student will use a classroom set of textbooks while at school.

Classroom Policies and Responsibilities:

·  Take an active role in the learning process (class Participation)

·  Bring materials to class

·  Respect property, fellow students, guests and the teacher.

·  Late assignments will not be accepted unless students have prior approval from the teacher. It is very important to use class time wisely to insure success in the classroom.

Grading Policy:

All grades will reflect a 50/50 policy. 50% of the course grade will come from Major grades (i.e. tests, projects, etc.) & 50% of the course grade will come from Minor grades (i.e. daily grades, labs, participation)

Late Work Policy:

·  You may turn in work late the next day for a grade no higher than a 70. You will then lose 5 points per late day. After the fifth day the grade will be a 0.

·  Long term work (projects) will be taken one school day late with a 15% deduction; two school days late with a 30% deduction; no work taken after the third school day.

Opportunity to Improve a Failing Grade on Major Exam/Test – (excludes mid‐term and end of course exams)

·  Students must make a reasonable effort to attend a re‐teach session and/or prepare study
sheet/notes (or anything else the teacher may require to show the student made an effort to re‐learn the material);

·  Tests must be re‐taken at the teacher’s discretion within the next four school days;

·  Re‐submitted work will be graded and will be averaged with the previous grade for a maximum grade of a 70%.

Opportunity to improve a failing grade on a major project/paper/essay –

·  Students will attend a scheduled review/tutorial for a re‐teach opportunity;

·  Project/Paper/Essay must be re‐submitted and/or corrected at the teacher’s discretion within the next four school days;

·  Re‐submitted work will be graded and will be averaged with the previous grade for a maximum grade of a 70%.


·  If you are absent, you are required to get your work from the absent box when you return and turn it in the next day. (If absent for multiple days we will discuss a plan.)

Discipline Policy

·  1st. Consequence: Official warning and conference with student. Incident kept on record with teacher.

·  2nd Consequence: 30-Minute teacher Detention, Parent/guardian notification.

·  3rd Consequence: 45-Minute teacher Detention, Parent/ guardian notification.

·  4th Consequence: If the same behavior choices are repeated, student may receive an administrative referral. Parent/Student/ Teacher conference; counselor meeting and other interventions that may be beneficial for the student to correct his/her behavior.



·  Chapter 1 Leading a healthy life

·  Chapter 2 Skills for a healthy life and goals

·  Chapter 3 Being a health literate consumer


·  Chapter 6: Diets and eating disorders

·  Chapter 14: Personal Care and Healthy Behaviors


·  Chapter 10 Skills for Healthy Relationships

·  Chapter 12: Peer Relationships


·  Chapter 18: Endocrine and Reproductive System

·  Chapter 19: Prenatal Development and Birth

·  Chapter 20: Adolescence and the Life Cycle


·  Chapter 21: Tobacco

·  Chapter 22: Alcohol

·  Chapter 23: Medicines and Drugs


·  Chapter 24: Communicable Diseases

·  Chapter 25: Sexually Transmitted Infection and HIV/AIDS

·  Chapter 26: Noncommunicable Diseases and Disabilities

Health Agreement Form

I have read over the syllabus and parent letter for the Fall 2015 Health class. I agree to abide by the stated rules and policies and will except the proper consequences if I choose not to. I will also contact the instructor with any questions or concerns.

Teacher's email Address:

Teacher Signature:______


Student Signature:______


Parent Signature:______


Parent Contact Phone Number:______

Parent Email Address: ______