Item 5a


  1. All motions must be in the affirmative.
  1. A member shall stand when speaking and address the Chairperson.
  1. A speaker must confine their remarks to the proposition under discussion.
  1. A motion must be seconded immediately after the mover's speech. If there is no seconder the proposition falls.
  1. Moving speeches may be up to three minutes long. All other speeches will be no longer than two minutes.
  1. The seconder of a motion shall have the right to speak later in the discussion providing the seconding was purely formal.
  1. The mover of a motion shall be entitled to reply at the end of the discussion before the motion has been put to the vote, providing that there has been opposition.
  1. A member exercising right of reply shall not introduce new matter.
  1. Voting shall be by show of hands; but any vote may be taken by ballot of those present at the discretion of the Chairperson, or at the request of the majority of those present provided that such request is made before the question is put.
  1. A motion may only be withdrawn with the consent of a majority of those present and voting at the meeting.
  1. At the Chairperson's discretion, the following motions of order shall have priority and be taken without discussion:

a) That the debate be adjourned,

b) That the vote be now taken,

c) That the meeting proceed to next business,

d) That the meeting do now adjourn.

e) That motions can be remitted to the branch executive committee for consideration.

  1. A member raising a point of order shall seek to prove that either; the speaker is using sexist, racist or abusive language; or that one of the Union's rules is being broken.
  1. At the Chairperson's discretion, the "Guillotine" shall be operated when the time allotted on any agenda section expires.
  1. Where a member causes a disturbance and refuses to obey a the Chairperson's instruction, they shall be expelled from the meeting and shall not be allowed to return until an apology has been received which the meeting considers acceptable.
  1. The Chairperson shall rule on any matter of interpretation of these standing orders and on any matter where it is silent. Any such ruling may only be challenged by a member, supported other members, moving a motion which states: ‘This Branch challenges the Chairperson’s ruling in connection with.....’. The motion ‘That the Chairperson’s ruling be upheld’ shall then be immediately put to the meeting without debate by the deputising officer while the Chairperson leaves the chair. The motion shall only be defeated by a majority of the votes cast. The decision of the meeting shall be final and binding on all members.
  2. Any of these Standing Orders may only be suspended with the consent of two-thirds of those present and voting.
