Directorate F: Social and Information Society Statistics /
Doc. CR/TF1/2011/3
Draft list of the variables to be included in the Regulation
task force on victimisation
luxembourg, 17-18 February 2011
bech building, room ampere


I. Reduction of the list of variables / questionnaire

Based on the version of the questionnaire agreed so far, the following list of variables has been drawn up. In principle the list follows the structure of the questionnaire, with the exception of background variables which are all grouped together at the beginning of the list. The module on violence is not yet covered by the list and it will be covered separately.

In the last column, different levels of priority are proposed, as follows:

1.  Essential

2.  Could possibly be dropped if the questionnaire needs to be shortened considerably

3.  A definite possibility for dropping

These priorities have been proposed taking into account the suggestions in the final report of the Intervict Tilburg University study and also the contents of the International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS) for possible comparability purposes.

The TF is asked to comment on the proposal for reducing the list of variables (which will of course make the questionnaire shorter).

II. Distinction between no answer (refusal) and ‘don't know’.

In the current proposal for the list of variables, no distinction is made for most questions between the respondent giving no answer (refusing to answer) and giving the answer ‘don't know’. However, for some questions (for example, on gun ownership) refusal is a possible answer category.

In view of the sensitivity of the survey, and the fact that it is being implemented for the first time, it would be advisable that the list of variables should include for every question the following alternatives (though they would not be included in the questionnaire) :

- Refusal / doesn’t want to say (last but one response category).

- Don’t know (last response category).

III. Unit non-response : variables which are essential for the interview to be counted as achieved.

Eurostat also proposes that records should be excluded from the data set and counted as unit non-response, if all of the following screening variables for the 12-month reference period are missing: CARTWHEN, FCARWHEN, MOTTWHEN, BICTWHEN, BURMWHEN, BURSWHEN, ROBWHEN, THPPWHEN, CONFRWHEN, CRCARWHEN, BRIBEWHEN.


Variable name and status / Code / Description / Filter / Priority
COUNTRY / Country of residence / Everybody / 1
2 digits / Based on the ISO country classification, provided in the Annex 3
REGION / Region of residence / Everybody / 1
2 digits / Coding according to NUTS at 2 digit level, provided in the Annex 4
DEG_URB / Degree of urbanisation of the area where the household lives / Everybody / 1
1 / Densely populated area
2 / Intermediate area
3 / Thinly populated area
REFYEAR / Reference year of survey / Everybody / 1
4 digits
REFMONTH / Month of survey / Everybody / 1
RESPID / Identification of respondent / Everybody / 1
numeric / Identification code of each record
HOUSWEIGHT / Weighting factor for household / Everybody / 1
numeric / Weight factor for household (with 3 digits of decimals separated by a dot)
RESPWEIGHT / Weighting factor for individuals / Everybody / 1
numeric / Weight factor for individuals (with 3 digits of decimals separated by a dot)
INTMETHOD / Data collection method used / Everybody / 1
Codes provided in the Annex 1
INTLANG / Language used for interview / Everybody / 1
2 digits / Codes based on details provided in the Annex 2
(HHNBPERS) / Number of persons living in household, including the respondent / Everybody / 1
HHNBPERS_0_4 / 0-98 / 0-4 years old
HHNBPERS_5_13 / 0-98 / 5-13 years old
HHNBPERS_14_15 / 0-98 / 14-15 years old
HHNBPERS_16_24 / 0-98 / 16_24 years old
HHNBPERS_25_64 / 0-98 / 25_64 years old
HHNBPERS_65plus / 0-98 / 65 years and older
-1 / No answer
SEX / Sex of respondent / Everybody / 1
1 / Male
2 / Female
Year and month of birth
BIRTHYEAR / 4 digits / The 4 digits of year of birth / Everybody / 1
BIRTHMONTH / 1-12 / The 2 digits of month of birth / Everybody / 1
-1 / No answer
BIRTHPLACE / Country of birth / Everybody / 1
0 / Born in this country
2 digits / Based on the ISO country classification, provided in the Annex 3
-1 / No answer
BIRTHPLACEM / Country of birth of mother / Everybody / 1
0 / Born in this country
2 digits / Based on the ISO country classification, provided in the Annex 3
-1 / No answer
BIRTHPLACEF / Country of birth of father / Everybody / 1
0 / Born in this country
2 digits / Based on the ISO country classification, provided in the Annex 3
-1 / No answer
CITIZEN / Citizenship / Everybody / 1
0 / Same as country of residence
2 digits / Based on the ISO country classification, provided in the Annex 3
-1 / No answer
MARSTALEGAL / Marital status / Everybody / 1
1 / Unmarried (i.e. never married)
2 / Married (including registered partnership)
3 / Widowed and not remarried (including widowed from registered partnership
4 / Divorced and not remarried (including legally separated and dissolved registered partnership).
-1 / No answer
MARSTADEFACTO / De facto marital status / MARSTALEGAL=1, 3 or 4 / 1
1 / Living in a consensual union
2 / Not living in a consensual union
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MARSTALEGAL=2)
PASTRELATION / Past relationships / MARSTALEGAL=1 / 1
1 / Lived together without being married
2 / Involved in a relationship without living together
3 / Widowed
4 / None of the above (no past relationship)
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MARSTALEGAL=2, 3 or 4)
MAINSTAT / Employment status / Everybody / 1
1 / Carries out a job or profession, including unpaid work for a family business or holding, including an apprenticeship or paid traineeship, etc.
2 / Unemployed
3 / Pupil, student, further training, unpaid work experience
4 / In retirement or early retirement or has given up business
5 / Permanently disabled
6 / In compulsory military or community service
7 / Fulfilling domestic tasks
8 / Other inactive person
-1 / No answer
FT_PT / Full or part-time work / MAINSTAT=1 / 1
1 / Full-time
2 / Part-time
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MAINSTAT=2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7)
JOBSTAT / Professional status / MAINSTAT=1 / 1
11 / Self-employed with employees
12 / Self-employed without employees
21 / Employee with a permanent job or work contract of unlimited duration
22 / Employee with temporary job/work contract of limited duration
30 / Family worker
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MAINSTAT=2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7)
JOBISCO / Occupation in employment / MAINSTAT=1 / 1
2 digits / ISCO-08 coded at 2 digit level, provided in the Annex 6
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MAINSTAT=2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7)
LOCNACE / Economic activity of the local unit / MAINSTAT=1 / 1
2 digits / NACE Rev.2 coded at 2 digit level, provided in the Annex 5
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (MAINSTAT=2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7)
HATLEVEL / Highest level of education or training successfully completed / Everybody / 1
0 / No formal education or below ISCED1
1 / ISCED 1 - primary education
2 / ISCED 2 - lower secondary education
3 / ISCED 3 - upper secondary education
4 / ISCED 4 - post secondary education but not tertiary
5 / ISCED 5 - tertiary education, first stage
6 / ISCED 6 - tertiary education, second stage
-1 / No answer
HHINCOME / Household income level / Everybody / 1
1 / Below 1st decile
2 / Between 1st decile and 2nd decile
3 / Between 2nd decile and 3rd decile
4 / Between 3rd decile and 4th decile
5 / Between 4th decile and 5th decile
6 / Between 5th decile and 6th decile
7 / Between 6th decile and 7th decile
8 / Between 7th decile and 8th decile
9 / Between 8th decile and 9th decile
10 / Above 9th decile
-1 / No answer
SAFFELNIGHT / Feeling safe out alone at night / Everybody / 1
1 / Very safe
2 / Fairly safe
3 / A bit unsafe
4 / Very unsafe
-1 / No answer
SAFFELPHIAT / Worried about being physically attacked / Everybody / 1
1 / Not worried at all
2 / A bit worried
3 / Quite worried
4 / Very worried
-1 / No answer
SAFFELFAMAT / Worried about family being physically attacked / Everybody / 2
1 / Not worried at all
2 / A bit worried
3 / Quite worried
4 / Very worried
-1 / No answer
SAFFELTERR / Worried about terrorism / Everybody / 1
1 / Not worried at all
2 / A bit worried
3 / Quite worried
4 / Very worried
-1 / No answer
LIKHOOBURG / Likelihood of burglary / Everybody / 1
1 / Not at all likely
2 / Not very likely
3 / Fairly likely
4 / Very likely
-1 / No answer
USECAR / Use of car / van / pick-up truck / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
USEMOTOR / Use of motorcycle / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
USEBIC / Use of bicycle / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SECHOME / Ownership of second home / Everybody / 3
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
BANKCARD / Ownership of bank cards or use of on-line banking / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SCCARTHEF / Car theft in the last 5 years / USECAR=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (USECAR=2)
SCFROMCAR / Theft from car in the last 5 years / USECAR=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (USECAR=2)
SCMOTTHEF / Motorcycle theft in the last 5 years / USEMOTOR=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (USEMOTOR=2)
SCBICTHEF / Bicycle theft in the last 5 years / USEBIC=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (USEBIC=2)
SCBURMAIN / Burglary in main home in the last 5 years / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SCBURSECND / Burglary in second home in the last 5 years / SECHOME=1 / 3
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SECHOME =2)
SCROBB / Robbery in the last 5 years / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SCRPPTH / Personal theft in the last 5 years / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SCCONSFRA / Consumer fraud in the last 5 years / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
SCBRIBE / Card / on-line banking abuse in the last 5 years / CREDCARD=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (CREDCARD=2)
SCBRIBE / Bribery in the last 5 years / Everybody / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
Theft of a car / van / pick-up truck
CARTWHEN / Car theft, when / SCCARTHEF=1 / 1
1 / Last 12 months
2 / Before that
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCCARTHEF=2)
CARTFREQ / Car theft, how often in last 12 months / CARTWHEN=1 / 1
1 / Once
2 / Twice
3 / Three times
4 / Four times
5 / Five times or more
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (CARTWHEN =2)
CARTWHER / Car theft, where / SCCARTHEF=1 / 1
1 / In or around own home (main or secondary residence)
2 / In neighbourhood or town
3 / Elsewhere in [country]
4 / Abroad
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCCARTHEF=2)
CARTRET / Car theft, whether vehicle returned / SCCARTHEF=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCCARTHEF=2)
CARTPOLREP / Car theft, whether reported to the police / SCCARTHEF=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCCARTHEF=2)
CARTPOLSAT / Car theft, satisfaction with police response / CARTPOLREP=1 / 1
1 / Very satisfied
2 / Fairly satisfied
3 / Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 / A bit dissatisfied
5 / Very dissatisfied
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (CARTPOLREP =2)
Theft from a car / van / pick-up truck
FCARWHEN / Theft from car, when / SCFROMCAR=1 / 1
1 / Last 12 months
2 / Before that
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCFROMCAR =2)
FCARFREQ / Theft from car, how often in last 12 months / FCARWHEN=1 / 1
1 / Once
2 / Twice
3 / Three times
4 / Four times
5 / Five times or more
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (FCARWHEN=2)
FCARWHER / Theft from car, where / SCFROMCAR=1 / 1
1 / In or around own home (main or secondary residence)
2 / In neighbourhood or town
3 / Elsewhere in [country]
4 / Abroad
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCFROMCAR=2)
FCARPOLREP / Theft from car, whether reported to the police / SCFROMCAR=1 / 1
1 / Yes
2 / No
-1 / No answer
-2 / Not applicable (SCFROMCAR=2)
FCARPOLSAT / Theft from car, satisfaction with police response / FCARTPOLREP =1 / 1