2016 -Acronym Buster for the Children and Young People’s Partnership Plan
m2GFT / 2gether Foundation TrustA&E / Accident and Emergency
AEP / Alternative Educational Provider
AfA / Achievement for All
AHDC / Aiming High for Disabled Children
ASD / Autistic Spectrum Disorder
ASQ / Ages and Stages Questionnaire
BESN / Behaviour, Emotional and Social Needs
BHLP / Budget Holder Lead Professional
BME / Black and Minority Ethnic
CACD / Community and Adult Care Directorate
CASPA / Children on the Autistic Spectrum Parents Association
CAF / Common Assessment Framework
CAFCASS / Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Services
CAMHS / Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CCG / Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group
CCNT / Children’s Community NursingTeam
CDRP / Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership
CiC / Children in Care
CiC&CL / Children in Care and Care Leavers
CoC / Chamber of Commerce
CoP / Code of Practice
CPP / Child Protection Plan
CPC / Corporate Parenting Committee
CPWG / Child Poverty Working Group
CQC / Care Quality Commission
CSE / Child Sexual Exploitation
CSO / Chlamydia Screening Office
CYP / Children and Young People
CYPP / Children and Young People’s Plan
CYPwLDD / Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties and/ or Disabilities
DA / Domestic Abuse
DfE / Department for Education
DMO / Destination Management Organisation
DoH / Department of Health
EET / Education, Employment and Training
EHWB / Emotional Health and Well-being
EIG / Early Intervention Grant
EWS / Education Welfare Service
EY / Early Years
FE / Further Education
FSB / Federation of Small Businesses
FSM / Free School Meals
FSP / Foundation Stage Profile
GARAS / Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
GASSH / Gloucestershire Association of Special School Heads
GAVCA / Gloucestershire Association for Voluntary and Community Action
GCC / Gloucestershire County Council
GCP / Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership
GDVSAP / Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Project
GEP / Gloucestershire Environment Plan
GFEPP / Gloucestershire First Economic Partnership Plan
GHCWP / Gloucestershire Health and Community Wellbeing Partnership
GRCC / Gloucestershire Rural Community Council
GSAS / Gloucestershire Smoking Advice Service
GSCB / Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Board
GSP / Gloucestershire Strategic Partnership
HWB / Health and Wellbeing Board
HGP / Healthy Gloucestershire Plan
IAG / Information Advice and Guidance
IES / Integrated Economic Strategy
JSNA / Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
KPI / Key Performance Indicator
KS / Key Stage
KS2 / Key Stage 2
LA / Local Authority
LAC / Looked After Children
LDD / Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities
LESA / Local Economic Strategic Assessment Development
LI / Local Indicator
LP / Lead Professional
MYP / Members of Youth Parliament
NBE / Natural and Built Environment (theme)
NCMP / National Child Measurement Programme
NEET / Not in Education, Employment or Training
NHS / National Health Service
GCS / Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust
NI / National Indicator
NICE / National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
NVQ / National Vocational Qualification
OPS / Online Pupil Survey
PEA / Personalised Education Allowance
PEP / Personal Education Plan
PFI / Private Finance Initiative
PRU / Pupil Referral Unit
PSA / Public Service Agreement
PSHE / Personal, Social, Health and Economic
RSL / Registered Social Landlords
SACRE / Standing Advisory Council on
Religious Education
SCS / Sustainable Community Strategy
SDQ / Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
SEAD / Social and Emotional Aspects of
SEAL / Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
SEN / Special Educational Needs
SIFA / Mental Health Screening Interview for Adolescents
SIPs / School Improvement Partners
SLD / Severe Learning Difficulty
SME / Small and Medium Enterprise
SOA / Super Output Area
SOGS / Schedule of Growing Skills
SSCP / Safer and Stronger Communities Plan
TAC / Turnaround for Children
TBC / To Be Confirmed
UAS / Un-accompanied Asylum Seekers
UNICEF / United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
VCO / Voluntary and Community Organisations
VCS / Voluntary and Community Sector
YHP / Youth Housing Partnership
YJPB / Youth Justice Partnership Board
YOS / Youth Offending Service
YPLA / Young People Learning Agency
YPSMS / Young People and Substance Misuse Service