Simon Bucking stock Sale Results and highlights
· Simon Bucking Stock Sale held at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie Oklahoma on January 15 and 16 2013.
· Over 500 hd of stock including Bulls, Bucking horses and pickup/saddle horses.
· Over 300 Consigners and buyers from across the U.S.A. and abroad including Canada, Mexico and Ireland
· First time Sale has offered a SB futurity ended up with 24 entries; high seller was horse that tied for first bringing $34,000, next high seller also splitting 1st and 2nd sold for $19,500 and third place horse brought $18,000. Futurity paying out $8,200 in placings to livestock.
· Top selling 5 hd averaged $18,440.00
· Contestants included such notables as Josh Reynolds SB (many time NFR qualifier), George Gillespie BB NFR qualifier and Joe Wilson BB and SB (Indian National Finals qualifier). Also in attendance was Robert and Billy Ettbauer supporting Shane Ettbauer - Robert’s son and Billy’s nephew. Shane following in family footsteps came away Tuesday’s SB Riding winner as well as the average winner and SB Futurity winner.
· Contestants rode for a payout of $20,900.00.
· Contestant placings are as follows:
BB / SB / BullsTuesday Ethan Crouch, TX / Audy Read, TX / Taryl Smith, ND
Wed George Gillespie, OR / Shane Ettbauer OK / Garfield Wilson KS
Average George Gillespie, OR / Shane Ettbauer, OK / Taryl Smith, ND
Futurity / Shane Ettbauer, OK
· Very positive feedback from buyers, sellers and contestants about the move to Lazy E. Very accommodating staff at the Lazy E which made things run very smoothly. Bucking stock housed directly behind the bucking chutes which made for ease of sorting and moving up livestock to be bucked. Plenty of pens and room for livestock. Buyers were easily able to inspect livestock before purchase. A very successful year for the sale thanks to the continued support of the bucking stock industry. Again thank you to all those that have supported us through the years and in this transition year!