Name and Address of Provider
Address of Accommodation (if different from above)
Health, Safety and Emergency Policy / Procedures
The provider complies with all relevant safety law including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999 (amended 2013). The provider has a health and safety policy, recorded risk assessments and written operating procedures, which are available for inspection.
Accident and emergency procedures are maintained and records are available for inspection
Qualified First Aiders are on site: / 24 hours: / For Activities: / Other
(please specify):
The provider has public liability insurance to at least £5 million
The provider complies with the Package Travel Regulations
The provider has bonding in place to safeguard customer’s money in case of provider financial failure
Please state to which organisations the provider is bonded, eg. ABTA or ATOL
The premises are subject to a Fire Risk Assessment under the Fire Regulatory Reform (Fire safety) Order 2005.
There are appropriate security arrangements to prevent unauthorised persons entering the accommodation
Any premises used abroad comply with local Health and Safety Standards
All vehicles and trailers are roadworthy and meet the requirements of the law
What qualifications do your minibus/coach drivers hold? eg. PCV, PSV or MIDAS
All vehicles supplied have sufficient seat belts fitted (and working) for the relevant group size
If using foreign coaches for transfers, that they conform to all local, national and international standards. The minimum requirement being that they hold an Operator’s Licence, Fleet Insurance and Public Liability Insurance

If Adventure Activities are being provided

Adventure Activity Licensing Authority Licence Number (with dates)
If AALA licence not held ActivitiesRelevant to this Visit
Activity / Instructor Qualification / Ratios
All equipment used is suited to the task, adequately maintained in accordance with statutory requirements and current good practice. Records are kept of maintenance checks.
All equipment provided is appropriate, correctly sized and a good fit for individual participants
Where applicable equipment meets the appropriate UIAA, BSI, BMIF, CEN (or other equivalent) nationally accepted, safety standards
All staff who have access to young people are DBS checked
The provider operates a policy, available for inspection, for staff recruitment, training and assessment, which ensures all staff are competent to undertake their duties
Staff competencies for relevant activities are confirmed by possession of appropriate NGB qualifications at the level advised by that NGB
Where in-house validation is used or NGBs do not exist, the provider confirms that such staff have individually had their competencies ratified by an appropriately experienced and qualified technical adviser
There is a clear definition of responsibilities between providers and visiting staff regarding supervision, welfare and the learning outcomesfor participants, formalised prior to visiti.e. who does what
Managing Learning
The provider captures or agrees learning objectivesoffering a menu or plans (where necessary) a tailored programme of work, with a purpose for each activity, linked to learning objectives
The provider takes into account, any equality, diversity and inclusion issues and needs
The provider offers guidance/information on or agrees a process with the user, for assessing learner progress during the overall experience and how the experience will be evaluated
The provider offers guidance and/or resources to assist with preparation and follow-up activities, or discusses with the user preparation and follow-up to the visit.
The provider provides activities or experiences which meet learner needs including offering a variety of activities delivered through a range of teaching and learning styles
The provider equipment and materials are suitable for tasks/activities, the age and ability of the participants
The amenities, facilities and services are as described in promotional / written materials
Educational or instructional staff and volunteers are competent andthere is a process in place for monitoring and evaluating the quality of teaching and learning
If any of the above specifications cannot be met or are not applicable, please give details:
Are any activities contracted out? If so, please provide details:
How are external contractors assessed as competent and their provision evaluated?
Signed: / Position: