

  1. What about the salvation of those who have never heard?
  1. Do I have to go to church?
  1. Is there really a hell?
  1. Can I know that I am going to Heaven?
  1. Do I have to give up drinking?
  1. Isn’t the Bible full of errors and contradictions?
  1. Why does a loving God allow evil and suffering?
  1. Won’t we be judged at the end by the quality of our lives?
  1. Isn’t Christianity a crutch for weak people?
  1. How can Jesus be who He said He was, when His followers are such hypocrites?
  1. Can you prove that Jesus raised from the dead?
  1. Are the Bible documents reliable?
  1. How can you believe in something you can’t see?
  1. Why are there so many different churches?
  1. Does Christianity differ from other religions?
  1. What is Grace?
  1. How can an intelligent person believe in miracles?
  1. As a follower of Christ, do I have to publicly witness to my faith?
  1. How can one follow a God if they fear Him?
  1. How can we be certain the Bible is God’s Word?
  1. How did the devil/satan really fall?
  1. Does everyone have at least one Spiritual Gift?
  1. Can I loose my salvation?
  1. How does one really know if they are saved?
  1. What about those people who ‘talk in tongues’?
  1. Am I still at war with satan and his demons?
  1. Don’t some Christians teach that you have to have good works?
  1. The story of creation – really – how possible is it?
  1. What if someone has hurt you so bad that you cannot forgive them?
  1. Cant I be a follower of Jesus and not tell anyone?
  1. Why is the divorce rate so high, even among Christians?
  1. Why does God have so many different names and what do they mean?
  1. What is the real purpose of baptism?
  1. Were there ever more disciples than the original 12?
  1. Why is the ‘Way I Think’ so important?
  1. Who exactly is the Holy Spirit? And what does He do?
  1. How do I really know what God wants me to do?

2 Tim 2:15 NIV

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

1 Peter 3:15-16 NIV

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.