Ref No /
Title /
TRUSCOTT Lewis, St Stephen in Brannel, yeoman
Date of probate* /
29 Feb 1820
Description / Bequests:
-  to wife Jane, one cow ‘and the use of such Household goods and furniture as may be necessary for a single woman’ to be chosen by herself ‘as soon as convient after my death’, for her life; also during his term of interest in his premises called Court, Jane to have ‘the slips that I rent of Edward Coad, the higher half of the garden, the Parlour and Parlour Chamber of the dwelling house the pigs house in my posseshon and convient room in the Town place for makeing a rick of fewel and the fewel that shall be in the Town place at my death belonging to me’; if her part of the garden does not produce apples ‘sufficient for her own use’, the deficiency to be supplied from the orchards on the said premises rented of Edward Coad ‘if any apples there’. Jane is not to carry off from the premises any part of the furniture given to her, nor let any part of her bequests to any other person without the executor’s consent.
-  to son James Truscott £20 payable one year after testator’s death
-  to daughters Mary House and Elizabeth Polkinhorn £50 each payable one year after testator’s death
-  to granddaughter Louisa Truscott daughter of Florance Truscott 50 shillings yearly until she is 21 or married, and £50
-  the annuity ‘secured to my wife Jane Truscott previous to my marriage with her’ and legacies to James, Mary, Elizabeth and Louisa to be paid by testator’s son Lewis Truscott
-  to son Lewis, ‘all the residue and remainder of my Goods Chattles credits debts and personal Estate’
Signature of testator
Executor: son Lewis Truscott
Witnesses: signatures of Henry Polkinhorn, William Polkinhorn
Date of will: 27 May 1819
Date proved: 29 Feb 1820
Endorsed: No inventory
Stamp 10 shillings
No.41 P30

Revd. David Miller Page 2 Questionnaire