Quotation RequestFaxback
Pleasecomplete the form below detailing the contents of your household, fax back to us on
Fax: 01963 34075and we will provide you with a quote based on the information provided.
Please indicate in the relevant boxesthenumber of items per type of room.
Name: (required field)Email: (required field)
TelHome: (required field)
CollectionAddress / DeliveryAddress (or delivery area if not known)
Accessto Collection Address / Accessto Delivery Address
Directionsto Collection Address / Directionsto Delivery Address
Estimated mileage between addresses:
PackingService Required
Valueof Goods for Goods in Transit
t: +44 (0) 1963 34065 f:+44 (0) 1963 34075 e:
Armishaws Removals,WincantonBusinessPark, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9RT
Pleaseanswer the following questions to helpusquoteforyourremoval / CollectionAddress / Delivery
Howclose can we park our van to your front door?
Isyour drive tarmac / gravel/paved/other?
Arethere any steps between your drive and yourfrontdoor?
Isyour staircase straight / turned / spiral /
Arethereanyitemsthatrequirespecial preparation/packing?
E.g.Longcaseclocks,grandpianos,kilns, workshopequipment.
Areyou in a selling and buying situation?
Pleasegive hereanyadditionalinformation that may assist us.
Reception / Bedrooms / KitchenArmchair / FoldingBed / Cooker
Bookcase / SingleBed / Freezer
Sidetable / DoubleBed / Dishwasher
Diningtable / KingsizeBed / Washingmachine
Diningchair / Cot / Tumble dryer
Bureau / Armchair / Fridge
Sideboard / Cabinetbedside / Table
Lamp standard / Chaiselongue / Pan/ veg rack
Welshdresser / Chair / Cupboard
Tablelamp / Chest/ 3 drawer / Welshdresser
Pianostool / Chest/ 4 drawer / Stool
Uprightpiano / Chest/ 5 drawer / Ironingboard
t: +44 (0) 1963 34065 f:+44 (0) 1963 34075 e:
Armishaws Removals,WincantonBusinessPark, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9RT
Reception / Bedrooms / KitchenSofalarge / Chest/ 6 drawer / Microwave
Sofamedium / Stool
Sofasmall / T.V.normal / Conservatory
Cabinet / T.V.flat screen / TableLamp
Mirror / T.V.plasma / FoldingChair
Coffeetable / Sidetable / CoffeeTable
Chair / Pictures / CaneSuite
T.V.normal / Tabledressing / StandardLamp
T.V.flat screen / Singlerobe
T.V.plasma / Doublerobe / Workshop
Nestof tables / Ottoman / Toolchest
Pouffee / Desk / Dustbin
DVD / Tallboy / Benchseat
Video / Hi-Fi/ Speakers / HedgeTrimmer
Pictures / Carpet / Workbench
Hi-Fi/ Speakers / Wheelbarrow
Rug / Hall
Attic / Grandfatherclock / Garage
Truck / Sidetable / HoseReel
Suitcase / Bookshelves / Tools
Boxes / Chest / Ladder
Bags / Hallstand / Bicycle
Xmas decoration / Picture / Steps
Xmas tree / Mirror / Mower
Dining / Table / Garden
Diningtable / Plants/ Pots
Carverchair / Gardenchairs
QueenAnne chair / Table
Bookcase / Sundries / Sunlounger
Chairs / Toolsboxed / Gardentools
Tablelamp / Filingcabinet / BBQ
Mirror / Toybasket / Extras
Picture / Wicker chair / Statue
Chest / Basket / Chairwooden
t: +44 (0) 1963 34065 f:+44 (0) 1963 34075 e:
Armishaws Removals,WincantonBusinessPark, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9RT
Dining / Sundries / ExtrasStandardlamp / Computer / Tablewooden
Drinkscabinet / Sewingmachine / Patioheater
Study / Exercisebike / Wheelbarrow
Officedesk + chair / Lampshade / Birdbath
Computer / Pictures / Loungerwooden
Printer / Utility
Bathroom / Freezercabinet
Linenbasket / Chair
Towelrail / Clothesairer
Carton Code / Dimensions / Usage / Quantity Needed
A - Glassware / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for glassware
A –Kitchen Ware / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for Kitchen Ware
A - Misc / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for Miscellaneous
E / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for books, record, tools, heavy items etc
L / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for linen, folded clothes, soft toys
W / 20 x 18 x 18 Inches
46 x 46 x 50 cm / Use for hanging clothes, tall plants
Pleaseenter here any items that have been missed above.
Please now fax this form back to us on
Fax: 01963 34075and we will provide you with a quote based on the information provided.