Date: August 8, 2013
Place: 2nd Floor Conference Room
500 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Present: H. C. Harclerode, P.E., Chairman
Steven A. Arndt. Ph.D., P.E., Vice Chairman
Pastor Farinas, P.E., Secretary
David G. Mongan, P.E.
Karl Rickert, P.E.
Sandra J. Murphy
Rosalind Yee
Others Present: Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director
Milena Trust, AAG, Counsel to the Board
Ruby L. Courtney, Administrative Secretary
Janet Morgan
Jaleel Syed
Absent: Sallye E. Perrin, P.E.
Chairman Harclerode called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Motion (I) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Mr. Mongan, and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of the July 11, 2013 meeting as submitted.
Motion (II) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Mr. Mongan, and unanimously carried to approve 34 applications for reciprocity as follows:
Nima Arjomandnia 44282 Gregory C. Falk 44162
Austin S. Beaver 44283 Andrew J. Ferrari 44240
Amar K. Bhatia 44284 Eugene L. Fleagle 44289
Boris Brezac 44285 John J. Gomes 44290
Deming Chen 44286 Adam L. Greenstein 44291
Rafael V. Coelho 44287 Afsar Hasan 44292
Dhruv H. Desai 44255 Kathryn C. Haywood 44293
Eduardo Escobar 44288 Scott D. Healey 44294
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Michael A. Jeansonne 44295 Thomas M. Petreschock 44302
Jegon Lee 44254 Philip M. Rice 44303
Monica a. Mallini 44296 David P. Scwartz 44304
Kenneth R. Mattlin, Jr. 44297 Jeremy D. Smith 43538
Suhas M. Mengale 44298 Jeffrey Shepard 44305
Zongei Mu 44299 Jeffrey Thoens 44208
Roy Eugene Obermiller 44257 Erich P. Vierkant 44306
Tahmina Parvin 44300 Cyril L. Williams 44307
Nicholas J. Patterson 44301 John T. Wojdak 43540
Motion (III) was made by Dr. Arndt, seconded by Mr. Mongan, and unanimously carried to go into Executive Session at 10:05 a.m. at 500 North Calvert Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, Maryland, 21202. This session was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article, Title 10-508(a)(7). Upon completion of the session, the Board reconvened its public meeting at 10:25 a.m.
Mr. Farinas reported on the status of complaints discussed by the Complaint Committee at its meeting on July 11, 2013.
12-PE-08 Inactive.
12-PE-13 Inactive.
13-PE-01 Keep open. New related complaint filed.
13-PE-07 Pre Charge review.
13-PE-08 Montgomery County is investigating. No update.
14-PE-01 AAG reviewing other state's decisions.
14-PE-02 Send to AAG to send letter.
14-PE-03 Sent to AAG for pre-charge.
14-PE-04 Sent to AAG for pre-charge.
14-PE-05 Sent to AAG for pre-charge
14-PE-06 Offer Consent Order and Fine.
Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Mongan, seconded by Dr. Arndt, and unanimously carried to accept the recommendations of the Complaint Committee.
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Motion (V) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Mr. Mongan, and unanimously carried to approve the CPC Provider applications of Leach Wallace Associates, Inc., McKissock, LP, Michael J. Schreiber, ASLA, and National Precast Concrete Association. The Board is requesting more information on the presenters from Clark Construction Group, LLC, Energy Systems Group, and Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. The Board is also requesting course outlines, resumes and information on how may PDH's will be granted for courses from Voith Hydro.
Appearance of Jaleel Syed re: PE Examination
Mr. Jaleel Syed appeared before the Board to learn the type of evidence he needed to submit to get approved for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) examination. Mr. Syed summarized his foreign and U.S. engineering work experience and explained the problems getting samples of his foreign work experience. He also inquired about the Fundamentals of Engineering exam.
Chairman Harclerode informed Mr. Syed that the Fundamentals of Engineering exam is based upon education and explained to him the criteria of the Engineering Curriculum Checklist. Chairman Harclerode also informed Mr. Syed that he would have to apply under Subsection 14-305(c) of the Engineers' law for the PE exam and explained to him the qualifications to apply under that option. Dr. Arndt stated that proof of employment is required and that he could create samples of work that were prototypical of the type of engineering work that he was doing. Mr. Farinas informed Mr. Syed that his name should be on the drawings or calculations that he submits. Chairman Harclerode also recommended that Mr. Syed immediately get a course by course evaluation of his foreign education through NCEES. Mr. Syed thanked the Board and stated he will begin the application process.
Review of Agenda for NCEES Annual Meeting
The Board reviewed the motions that will come before the NCEES annual meeting being held in San Antonio, TX from August 21-24, 2013. Dr. Arndt developed a condensed list of items that are of particular interest to the Board and made his recommendations to the Board. After discussion of each on these items, the Board concurred with his recommendations.
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CPC Issues
The Board discussed an email from a reinstatement applicant after he was informed by staff that he would have to complete an assessment form for courses that he had taken from unapproved providers. The applicant felt that based upon his understanding of COMAR Authorizations of Providers/Other Presenters, these providers, which were engineering societies or organizations, would be considered pre-approved.
Ms. Trust suggested the Board contact these organizations and inform them of what the Boards' requirements are. Chairman Harclerode stated that the Board must be proactive and request that an application to become an approved provider be submitted when questionable certificates are submitted for an audit. Mr. Mongan stated that the certificate provided should be course and content specific and that this letter should inform the prospective providers what information needs to be included on the certificate.
After much discussion, Motion (VI) was made by Mr. Mongan, seconded by Mr. Farinas, and unanimously carried to accept all national, state, or regional professional or technical engineering societies or organizations as pre-approved.
Motion (VII) was made by Mr. Mongan, seconded by Mr. Farinas, and unanimously carried to allow 12 Professional Development hours to be carried over during the phase in period.
Legislative Update
Ms. Trust stated that there was nothing new to report.
Update on Staff Issues
Ms. Edwards reported that a freeze exemption request was submitted to the Department of Budget and Management for the position of Assistant Executive Director and the contractual receptionist position. She also stated that the job announcement for the IT position has been prepared and is awaiting approval.
Email from Jenna Bucci regarding Graduation Verification Letters and CBT
The Board received an email dated July 30, 2013 from Jenna Bucci, at the University of Maryland, inquiring about the impact on graduation verification letters with the implementation of CBT in 2014. The Board is deferring this issue until the September meeting to get input from other state Boards at the NCEES annual meeting.
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Memo from NCEES regarding their position of Licensing of Returning Veterans
The Board received a memo dated July 24, 2013 from Jerry Carter, Executive Director of NCEES, concerning the position of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and licensing of returning veterans. The Board found this memo to be informational since the Deputy Commissioner, Michael Vorgetts and the Executive Directors have already meet to discuss the implementation of the Maryland Veterans Full Employment Act.
Letter from Piotr M. Iwanczuk appealing the denial to sit for the PE exam
The Board received a letter dated July 1, 2013 from Piotr M. Iwanczuk regarding the denial to sit for the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination. Mr. Iwanczuk asked the Board to reconsider his application based upon his academic records and his work experience. After reviewing his application again, the Boards upheld it's original decision not to allow Mr. Iwanczuk to sit the exam due to an insufficient amount of qualifying work experience. Ms. Courtney will draft a response.
Letter from Samson H. Guesusse appealing the denial to sit for the PE exam
The Board received a letter dated July 5, 2013 from Samson H. Guesesse, regarding the denial to sit for the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination. After reviewing his application again, the Boards upheld it's original decision not to allow Mr. Guesesse to sit the exam due to an insufficient amount of qualifying work experience and suggested the he get a course-by-course evaluation of his foreign education from a credential evaluation company this is approved by the Board. Ms. Courtney will draft a response.
Email from Barry Schleicher regarding Doctrine of Equivalency
The Board received an email dated August 6, 2013 from Barry Schleicher regarding a potential patent infringement. Mr. Schleicher was asked to draft and sign a Doctrine of Equivalency on a patented design in which one insubstantial change to the design was made. The Board felt that this was outside of their purview and suggested that he contact a patent attorney.
The following applications, supported by NCEES Model Law Engineer files, were administratively approved for licensure by the Assistant Executive Director of the Board:
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Douglass D. Antwiler 44266 Patrick Gerald LeClair 44241
Russell T. Bailey 44251 Dennis Martin Leibold 44256
Dennis M. Begonis 44264 Edgar N. Leicht 44272
David A. Belsky 44267 Christopher J. Leiter 44311
Keith P. Brodock 44309 Joseph M. Lowry 44265
Virgil K. Burch 44253 Kurt R. Luman 44273
Jaime A. Castaneda 44270 Roy H. Mayo, Jr. 44269
Allen D. Clauson 44243 Kevin Clark Miller 44248
John P. Corrigan 44314 Samuel Morello 44261
Kari Anne Donovan 44201 Rafael E. Pagan-Colon 44310
Todd W. Fogelberg 44244 Ray W. Pigott 44274
Daniel Stephen Frank 44259 Charles F. Pisano, Jr. 44260
David A. Gierach 44268 Thomas J. Poerio 44242
Rober P. Juergens 44250 Daniel J. Rollins 44252
Robert D. Kimicata 44245 Jie Sun 43479
Justin Knapp 44312 Ronyell A. Thigpen 44313
Ambrose R. Kozlowski 44249 Richard D. Weikel, II 44275
Jason L. Lang 44271 Kurtis L. Wintheiser 44308
Ajay A. Abnave Michael S. Pickar
Marcus J. Akins James M. Porte
Juan F. Aleman Maureen Reitman
Dawit H. Alemayehu David C. Schanuel
Tatiana Alvarez-Oliva q Scott Robert Seprish
Mansoor Ulhameed Bajwa Zachary C. Snyder
Che Yu Chang Matthew D. Sol
Jason A. Dickey Matthew S. Speicher
Matthew Joseph Jahns Majid Talebi
Bosulu M. Lokulutu Orville Orlando Taylor
Philip S. Malanchuk Adane T. Tekle
Dana W. Mathews Nathan J. Turk
Kevin S. McGuirk Christopher Shane Tyree
Andrew K. O'Brien Richard F. Walker
Imran A. Pathan Kimberly B. Watkins
Mark Hahn Peterson Deborah A. Watts-Kalu
Wayne A. Pettay, III Andrew T. Whaley
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Theodore E. Widger Graham P. Young
Jennifer L. Wiley Mohammed Zaifullah
Peter H. Wilson Lynne Marie Zarate
Andrew J. Wolfe Yan Zhu
Motion (VIII) was made by Mr. Mongan, seconded by Mr. Farinas, and unanimously carried to deny two applications for the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam to he held October 25, 2013 because the applicants' qualifications did not meet the Board's requirements.
Motion (IX) was made by Mr. Farinas, seconded by Mr. Rickert, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 12:14 a.m.
______With Corrections
____X______Without Corrections
Signed by: Date:
Howard C. Harclerode, Chairman September 12, 2013