Where Do You Stand?

Directions: Label one side of the classroom AGREE the other DISAGREE and the center of the room NEUTRAL. Let students all get out of their seats and stand in the center of the room. Read the following statements and have students move to the side of the room that they agree with.

This activity will bring up some animal rights issues and begin discussion.

1.  If a dog bit me, I would kill it.

a.  How?

2.  I like rodeos and I think that it’s not wrong to use animals for that purpose.

3.  I don’t’ see anything wrong with slaughtering animals for food.

4.  If using animals for research could find a cure for cancer, we should do it.

5.  If I get a shot, it hurts.

6.  When my dog gets a shot, it hurts.

7.  If a chicken was in the road and I would have to hit it or the tree, I would hit the chicken.

8.  If a horse was in the road and I would have to hit it or the tree, I would hit the horse.

9.  If a small child was in the road and I would have to hit it or the tree, I would hit the small child.

10.  I think that all animals should run free of human control.

11.  It’s wrong for humans to wear animal products, like leather boots of fur coats.

12.  It’s wrong for humans to wear animal products, like lady Gaga and her meat dress.

13.  I think that if you are a member of PETA, you are stupid.

14.  Milking cows is cruel.

15.  Raising purebred dogs for breeding is cruel.

16.  People who have never been on a farm probably don’t understand the reason for the things farmers do.

17.  I think my pet has emotions.