SALVETE OMNES! That’s Latin for hello all – don’t worry, we’ll get there! Welcome to Latin! If you did not know, Latin was the language of the Roman Empire, which controlled most of the known world (before Columbus). Latin eventually became what Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, French, and Spanish are today (these five languages are called Romance languages). English is also related to Latin – ask anyone who has taken the SATs!

Overview of Course

This course is the beginning of a sequence. It covers the vocabulary and grammar necessary to read and write simple Latin. Oral reading and listening comprehension will be included. Greco-Roman culture is studied and there is emphasis on English vocabulary and grammar. Checkpoint A of the New York State syllabus for Languages Other Than English is followed.

Learning Goals:

  • Knowledge of forms, grammar, and syntax of Latin
  • An understanding of how Latin differs from the forms, grammar, and syntax of English, leading to an increased understanding of how both languages function
  • Mastery of basic Latin vocabulary
  • Mastery of English vocabulary words and an understanding of their Latin roots
  • Ability to read, comprehend, and translate passages in Latin at a basic level
  • Acquaintance with the daily life and culture of Rome

Required Course Materials:

  • Pen (blue/black ink) and pencil
  • A 3-ring binder with loose-leaf OR a notebook and a folder dedicated to Latin
  • Textbooks (will be distributed and must be covered and brought to class every day)

Extra Help:Please come in as soon as you need something explained; do not wait until the last minute or when problems become too large. You may e-mail me with questions or concerns at . Iam available for extra help weekly before school on Tuesdays. In addition, upperclassmen in the Latin Honor Society can serve as peer tutors for those in need of Latin help.

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Grading Policy: Points will be awarded based on quality (N.B. thorough, accurate, timely, creative) in each of the following categories:

  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Quizzes
  • Exams
  • Projects
  • Weekly Participation

Your grade is calculated by dividing the points you have earned by the total possible points.

e.g.,Points earned= Your grade880= 88%

Total possible points1000

Work Policies

  • Assignments will be givenfrequently to reinforce content (see late work policy below). It may be collected and/or checked, at random, at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Homework will be givenin class and shared on before the end of each school day. Students who are not in class must obtain it via website, e-mail, or
  • Homework must be complete and brought to classon the assigned due date/date of return.NOlate or missing work will be accepted unless the teacher has specified an extension.
  • Missing quizzes/tests for excused absences must be made up within a three-day period, or else receive a zero. It is your responsibility to come to extra help or schedule a make-up.
  • N.B. As advanced notice of assessments is given, absence the day before a test or quiz is NOT an acceptable excuse for not taking the test upon return to school.

Student Procedures and Responsibilities

  • All students must come to class on time, prepared to participate and work hard for the whole period. Make semper parātus/a (always prepared) your motto this year!
  • Absences: Absent students with a documented excuse are required to obtain missed work to be handed in to the teacher upon return (see the late work policy above).
  • Students will be respectful of their classmates, their teacher, and themselves.
  • All expectations as outlined in the Student Handbook in the Planner will be enforced.

Latin Club:The club will meet Thursdaysafter school in Room 103. Latin Club is for students who have an interest in any aspect of the language, history, and culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans, including participation in certamina.

Please sign below in order to show that you have read the syllabus and agree to all the terms listed within this syllabus. A parent/guardian must also sign this document, agreeing to the terms within.This is your first assignment!

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Student Name (Print)Parent/Guardian Name (Print)


Student Signature DateParent/Guardian Signature Date

Best Number(s) to Reach Parent/Guardian: ______

Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______

(e-mail is the easiest way to communicate any course and student info!)