
Ancient Civilization Web Quest/Presentation

Throughout this web quest, you will be gathering information with your group members, and then you will design a presentation for the class. Each group member will be graded on his/her own work, and then the final presentation will be a combined grade.

  1. Decide which two countries you will investigate from the list provided.
  2. Decide who will assume which role.
  3. Use the graphic organizers to help you take notes and collect your information.
  4. Save websites and images in the computer lab toa folder. Once you have your information, you can begin organizing it and adding it to a PowerPoint presentation. Save your work often.
  5. Once each group member has finished their part of the presentation, all of the parts will be combined onto one computer for final editing.

You will submit your own research and present your group PPT to the teacher and your class for evaluation.


Below are the tasks that your group must investigate about the characteristics of the two civilizations.

Each person will assume one of the following roles to complete the tasks:

Cultural Investigator:______

Your task is to investigate the culture of the two civilizations. Find out what religion they practiced, language they spoke, types of food they commonly ate, types of clothing they wore, and finally any customs or traditions they practiced. Include at least two related images for each civilization. Type your name at the bottom of each slide.


Your task is to investigate the economy of both of thecivilizations. Find out what type of currency was used, what items were traded, any trade routes that were commonly used,and what natural resources were utilized. Include at least two related images for each civilization. Type your name at the bottom of each slide.

Geographic Expert:______

Your task is to investigate thegeography of the two civilizations. Find out what the latitude and longitude isof each capitalfor each civilization. Also, compare natural features, including waterways, landforms, climates, and vegetation. Investigate the name of the country as it is known today. Include at least one image of each country and two morerelated images for each civilization. Type your name at the bottom of each slide.

Government Investigator:______

Your task is to investigate thegovernment of the two civilizations.Find out what type of government system was inplace (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship). What is the title of the ruler (ex. king, czar, pharaoh)? How were their relations with the neighboring countries (cooperative or aggressive)?What type of protection did the government provide for its people? Include at least two related images for each civilization. Type your name at the bottom of each slide.

*If there are only three people in your group, then one of the roles will be omitted from your group presentation.

Choose two civilizations from the list below to conduct your research:










Resources - General

Use the following links to find clip art, maps, and other resources to gather information for your task.

A. Graphic Organizer Form provided by teacher to organize information you collect. Each group member must submit this form as part of your evaluation.

B. Complete the Slide Guide checklist.

Resources - Links


/ Ancient Arabia


/ Ancient Babylonia


/ History 101- China
Click on the links under "Daily Life" & "Maps"
/ Kidipede-Ancient China
/ Kids Connect- China
Scroll down the page & then click on one of the links.


/ Ancient Egypt
/ Egypt
/ History 101- Egypt


/ Ancient Civilizations
Includes a link on trade.
/ Ancient History Power Point Presentations
/ Citation Machine
Use this tool to help you cite your sources.
/ Clip Art
Use the search box to find specific images.
/ Easy Bib
Use this (or Citation Machine) to help you format your citations.
/ Fact Monster's Latitude Longitude Finder
/ History of Money
Ancient Currency for Mesopotamia, China, Rome, Greece.
/ National Geographic Map Machine
Use the maps to locate your countries and save images.
/ Usborne Books Internet Links


/ Ancient India Currency
/ Ancient India
/ This is my India

Mesopotamia & Egypt

/ First Civilizations: Mesopotamia and Egypt
/ History 101- Mesopotamia
/ Map of Mesopotamia
/ Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon)
/ Mesopotamia Facts


/ A History of the Ancient Indus River Valley Civilizations


/ Ancient Persia
/ Forgotten Empire of Persia


/ Ancient Rome


/ Ancient Sumeria
/ Sumerian Culture


/ Ancient Syria
/ World Info Zone
See links on the right side of the web page.


Beginner: / Developing: / Accomplished:
Individual: Notes / The graphic organizer is not legible, incomplete,&/or does not relate to the task. / The graphic organizer is almost complete, partially legible, &/or is somewhat related to the task. / The graphic organizer is complete, clearly written, and connects to the task.
Individual: Graphics & Images / All images are unattractive and detract from the content. / Some images are attractive &/or somewhat relate to the content. / All images are attractive in size & color, and support the content.
Individual: Accuracy & Quality / Presentation has more than 3 errors, most of the content is not factual, &/or the content is confusing. / There are a few spelling &/or grammar errors, and most of the content is accurate. / There are no spelling or grammar errors, & the information presented is accurate.
Individual: Sources & Citations / The sources are not reliable &/or the citations are incorrect. / Most of the citations are correct, & all sources are reliable. / All sources are reliable and the citations are correct.
Individual: Cooperation & Responsibility / Student cannot clearly explain the PPT plan &/or does not assume responsibility. / Student has a general idea of the PPT plan &/or shares some of the responsibility. / Student has a clear plan for the PPT & shares responsibility.
Group: Font & Formatting / Material is hard to read due to font, & format does not complement the content. / Font &/or format complements the content, but may be hard to read or is uninteresting. / Font & format have been carefully selected to enhance readability & content.
Group: Originality & Creativity / PPT shows little attempt at original thought & is uninteresting. / PPT shows some inventiveness & an attempt at creativity. / PPT is presented in an interesting, thoughtful, & unique way.
Group: Content / The PPT does not meet most of the general requirements. / The PPT meets most of the requirements and expectations. / The PPT meets & exceeds all expectations & requirements.


If you had been alive during that time period, of which civilization would you prefer to be a citizen?