February 9, 2015

The regular meeting of the Village Board, of the Village of Strum, Wisconsin, Trempealeau County, was held in the Village office on Monday, February 9, 2015.

Meeting called to order:

The meeting was called to order by the Village President, Dean Boehne at 6:30 p.m. Village Clerk, Michelle Loken, took the minutes of the meeting. Also attending were Village employees Craig Moltzau and Brad Olson. The following board members were present: Gerritts, Thompson, Nelson, Bjerke, Gilbertson and Taylor.

Open Meeting Law Requirements Have Been Complied With:

President Boehne announced the open meetings law requirements have been met for the meeting.

Approval of minutes:

A motion was made by Gerritts and seconded by Thompson to approve the minutes from the regular Village Board Meeting held on January 12, 2015, as printed. Motion carried.

Appearances by Citizens and Others:

  1. Barry & Melissa Christianson: The Christianson’s appeared giving updates that they have for the ball field. There is approximately $3500.00 that has been raised and in the checking account. Barry stated that they received a donation of turf that will be for the batting cage. Barry also suggested that the batting cages be moved to a different location; due to that fact they are in a place that is hard for the coaches to observe. There needs to be some new fencing for the warm-up pitching mounds. A big portion of this fencing is being donated to the ball field. The current concession stand in a location that is behind the dugouts. The Chippewa Falls Lions club has a concession stand that they may donate to the ball field that may be used for the high school events. There was also discussion of updating the bleachers. A Park & Recreation Committee meeting will be set up to discuss options. A representative from the Beef River Bullfrogs and E-S High School Baseball team will notified of the meeting so they may attend. A motion was made by Gilbertson and seconded by Taylor to move the batting cages to a different location. Motion carried.

Reports from Officers:

  1. Police Chief: Nothing to report.
  2. Zoning Commissioner:
  3. 320 Balsam Street W: This property is currently for sale and a potential buyer inquired about having 100 milking goats on the property. This is zoned Residential 1 and is not allowed.
  4. Hallis Auto Repair – Sign Permit: A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Thompson to approve the sign permit for Hallis Auto Repair. Motion carried.
  1. Clerk:
  2. Operator’s License: Katie M. Frase – Countryside Coop - A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Nelson to approve an Operator’s License. Motion carried.
  3. Update of the 2014 Audit: The audit is going really well. Don from Krause Howard will be coming for two days at the end of February to finish up the audit.

Reports from Committees:

  1. Personnel:
  2. A Personnel Committee meeting was held on January 26, 2015. Discussion of updating the Employee Handbook and an employee review was done.
  3. Finance: Nothing to report.
  4. Public Works:
  5. Cross Connection Ordinance: A motion was made by Gilbertson and seconded by Taylor to approve the Cross Connection Ordinance that was suggested by the DNR. Motion carried.
  6. Public Safety:
  7. There was discussion on the meeting that was held on January 26, 2015, regarding the height of garage roofs. This will be postponed until the March meeting.
  8. Public Welfare: Nothing to report.
  9. Solid Waste Management: Nothing to report.
  10. Library Board Report:
  11. Thompson mentioned to the public works department to remember to plow the driveway of the library.
  12. Joint Sewage Commission: Nothing to report.
  13. Miscellaneous:
  14. Discussion of purchasing another public works truck. Brad had received a couple of quotes from Osseo Ford. He was instructed to check into the cost of adding a plow. This will be discussed at a later time.

Approval of Vouchers and Journal Entries: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Gilbertson to pay the following bills and approve all journal entries. Check #’s 36613 thru 36675. Motion carried.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Thompson and seconded by Taylor to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Motion carried.


Dean Boehne, Village President


Michelle Loken, Village Clerk/Treasurer