Delaware Board of Electrical Examiner
April 2, 2004 Meeting
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CannonBuilding / STATEOFDELAWARE / Telephone: (302) 744-4500861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 / DEPARTMENT OF STATE / Fax: (302) 739-2711
Dover, Delaware19904-2467 / Website:
PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES:Board of Electrical Examiners
MEETING DATE AND TIME:Wednesday, April 2, 2008
PLACE:861 Silver Lake Boulevard, Dover, Delaware
Conference Room A, second floor of the Cannon
Jacob Good, Professional Member, President
Donald Collins, Public Member, Secretary
Joseph Sparco, Sr., Professional Member
James Anderson, Public Member
Ronald Marks, Professional Member
Dess Stokes, Public Member
Frank Grabowski
Rob Smith
Bob Keis
Richard Strouse, Professional Member, Vice President
Robert Sharp, Professional Member
Christopher Spizzirri, Deputy Attorney General
Judy Letterman, Administrative Specialist II
Mr. Good called the meeting to order at8:40a.m.
A motion was made by Mr. Collins, seconded by Mr. Andersonto approve the March 5, 2008 meeting minutes as presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
At the previous meeting, Crossan Inc. request for a 100 day temporary permit due to loss of their masterlicense holderwas approved and employee Michael Crossan, who had previously been approved for examination, would be the employee qualified for the examination. Temporary permits are issued to allow the company to continue operating due to the loss of the master electrician. Mr. Crossan’s letter states that he was originally approved for the limited and not the master examination and requested that the Board approve him to take the limited examination since the company only provides residential services.
A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve him for the limited examination. The motion was unanimously carried.
Re-Review of Applications
A motion was made by Mr.Marks, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the applications of Zdzislaw Szostek and Ronald Wells. The motion was unanimously carried.
Final Denial of Applications
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Collins to deny the applications of Steven Ruback, Thomas Ieronimo, Jon Grillo Christopher Henley, Ricky Savage and William Rechnor since they had not requested a hearing after receiving notification that the Board proposed to deny their application. The motion was unanimously carried.
Review of Reciprocity Applications
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson seconded by Mr. Collins to approve the applications of William Zimmermann, Anthony Shallo, John Fulton, Marc Carlton, Tony Bryant and Jasper McCoy. The motion was unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Collins, to table the applications of Steven Adams, Robert Andrews and William Hannum pending 5 years of experience after licensure. The motion was unanimously carried.
Review of Examination Applications
A motion was made by Mr. Marks seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve the applications of Pedro Alicea, William Dellinger, Jack James, Nathaniel Marks, Frederick
Elie, MichaelShatzer, Winfert Gray and James Fabian. The motion was unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Collins, to table the application of Eduardo Sgromo pending a notarized copy of his social security card. The motion was unanimously carried.
Review of Continuing Education
The following continuing education courses were reviewed:
Mike Holt Enterprises
2008 Code Change Seminar, 8 hours
2008 Code Changes Part 1 online, 8 hours
2008 Code Changes Part 2 online, 8 hours
Groundingvs. Bonding Seminar, 1 day 8 hours 2 day 16 hours
Grounding vs. Bonding online, 10 hours
Robert Keis
2008 Selected NEC Code Changes, 5 hours
Robert Auer
NEC 2008 Changes Part 1, 2 days, 5 hours
NEC 2008 Changes Part 2, 2 days, 5 hours
NEC 2008 Changes Part 1, 5 hours each date
NEC 2008 Changes Part 1, 5 hours each date
Electrical Safety in the Workplace, 2 hours
DelawareTechnicalCommunity College
Energy Rodeo-denied not directly related to professional growth
A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve of deny the continuing education as shown. The motion was unanimously carried.
Request for Reactivation
A motion was made by Mr. Marks, seconded by Mr. Collins to approve Joseph Scalia’s request for reactivation. The motion was unanimously carried.
Schedule Rule and Regulation Hearing
The Board reviewed the proposed rules and regulation changed drafted by the Electrical Committee and made a few minor changes. Mr. Spizzirri will make the recommendations and submit the final draft to the Register of Regulations so a hearing can be scheduled. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, June 4, 2008.
Robert Smith
Robert Smith, First State Inspection Agency, submitted a letter to the Board informing them that there is a discrepancy between the current licensed inspection agencies in the application and enforcement of the 2005 NEC relating to bonding of CSST gas piping.
Mr. Smith explained his interpretation of the code and his concern for public safety with each agency applying their own interpretation. He requested that the Board adopt their interpretation of the code sot that all the inspection agencies are enforcing the same requirements.
Mr. Grabowski, American Inspection Agency, stated that there are other discrepancies between the NEC and manufacturing installation requirements and is currently under review by an attorney. He asked that the Board table their decision.
A motion was made by Mr. Sparco, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to table the discussionuntil the Board has time to review the information presented. The motion was unanimously carried.
The Board requested this be added to the strategic plan.
All Star Professional Training
Bruce Harris, Director of Education, notified the Board that they received an email indicating that C.E.P. Co is selling answers to Delawareelectrical course and asked that C.E.P. be removed from the list of providers.
The Board asked that Mr. Harris be notified that only courses are approved and not providers. Also request that if he has any specific information such as name of courses, approval numbers or the name of providers, to submit this information as a complaint to the Division.
No other business before the Board.
No public comment.
The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 in Conference Room A, second floor of the Cannon Bldg. 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover DE.
A motion was made byMr. Collins,seconded by Mr. Stokes to adjourn. The motion was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Letterman
Administrative Specialist III