KS2 Year 3 French Scheme of Work

Lessons 17- 18 When is your birthday?

Framework Objectives: O3.3 Perform simple communicative tasks using single words, phrases and short sentences
L3.3 Experiment with the writing of simple words
Vocabulary and Structures:
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
Et toi?
Mon anniversaire est le ...
Joyeux anniversaire!

Le premier…

(revisit numbers 1-31) / Pronunciation:
Kell ay la dat duh ton ann ee vair sair
Ay twa
Mon ann ee ver sair ay luh
Jwhy erz ann ee ver sair
Luh prum ee ay / English:
When is your birthday?
And you?
My birthday is the … of …
Happy Birthday!
The first of…
Early Start French
Resources from previous lessons to revise numbers and months
Suggested Teaching Sequence:
Lesson 19 – oracy focus
·  Introduce the key question one word at a time- teacher claps out each word and says it aloud and the class echo. Repeat until the question has been practised several times in different voices and by clapping and clicking etc.
·  Ask children to think back to their knowledge of “How old are you? Can they guess what the question means? Draw on their knowledge of the word “ans” to decode “anniversaire”.
·  Pupils practise asking the question in pairs.
·  Remind pupils of how to reflect the question back by using “And you?” as learnt in “How old are you?”
·  Watch Early Start DVD and show pupils the dates of birthdays with the French.
·  Ask pupils to make up a rap to show understanding of the syllables/rhythm/pronunciation of the words.
·  Model pronunciation of “Mon anniversaire est le....“ and repeat with the class by clapping out each word
·  Say some dates of birthdays (but not the first of any month), and ask children to draw on their prior knowledge to tell you when each birthday falls.
·  Repeat in pairs.
·  Introduce how to say the first of the month. Explain that, unlike in English, the number one is the only numeral not used in its original form with the date.
·  With visual support still available, give pupils time to work out how to say the date of their birthday.
·  Ask for volunteers to say the date of their birthday to the class and reward their team or table.
·  Class is divided into 4 teams seated in circles. Teacher invites one child from each team to secretly be told when their birthday is. The child then relays “Mon anniversaire est le....“ this to the first person in the circle and it goes round as a Chinese whisper until the final child delivers what has resulted from the whisper. How close is this to the original birthday date?
·  Model ‘Joyeux anniversaire’ children chant around the class and vary intonation and voice – quietly, softly etc
·  Plenary – invite 4-6 volunteers to the front of the class. Each is given a secret birthday by the teacher. The children in chorus ask the key question and listen to all the responses in turn. While they are doing this, the teacher is holding up a birthday date that corresponds to one of the responses given. As soon as the children hear the response that matches what the teacher is holding up they chorus ‘Joyeux anniversaire’.
Lesson 20 – literacy focus
·  Revise key vocabulary introduced in the previous lesson by showing a list of the initial letters for all of the months on display on the board (either in or out of sequence depending on the level of challenge you wish to present) and asking children to discuss in pairs what the complete words will be.
·  Play number tennis with the class: teacher “bats” out a number between 1-31 to the class and the class “bats” back the next number in the sequence, either counting forwards or backwards.
·  Have the key question and an exemplar answer separated into single words in a feely bag. Pass around the feely bag as the children chant ‘Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?’ until the teacher claps and then the child with the bag takes out a word and places it on the floor or display board. The chanting continues until all the words are out of the bag. Children work together to place them into the correct order to create the question and response.
·  In pairs, children repeat this activity with a variety of exemplar answers and the key question.
·  Plenary: Teacher uses Powerpoint to display a series of jumbled up questions and responses at the front of the class. Children use their mini whiteboards to unjumble the words to make correct sentences.
Follow up and consolidation:
For register children say the date of their birthday.
Write the date in French as well as English on the board each day.