Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting

Marvie Newcomb 757-553-6687

Address, including zipcode:
Phone number: / Cell:
Alt number/Work: / Email:

Client information

Pet Information

Dog/Cat Name/Age/ / Breed:
Dog/Cat Name/Age/ / Breed:


Meals and snacks:
Walk schedule/Known Activities:
Hiding places:
Favorite toys or games:

Pet medical emergency information

Regular veterinarian (name and address): / Phone:
Emergency veterinary clinic (name and address): / Phone:
Neighbor or friend: / Phone:
We give you permission to authorize emergency medical care for our pet(s) as deemed necessary by a veterinarian, and we will be responsible for full payment of such care.

Home Information

Home emergency information

Here is information you will need in case you notice a break-in, fire, gas odor, flood, or electrical problem when you arrive.
Police: / 911
Fire department: / Phone:
Gas company: / Phone:
Location of gas shut-off valve:
Water company: / Phone:
Location of water shut-off valve:
Electric company: / Phone:
Location of electrical breaker box:
We give you permission to authorize emergency work if necessary to prevent damage, and we will be responsible for full payment of such work.

Additional duties (please circle those you would like to request):

Bring in mail/papers

Water plants

Put out trash cans/recycling


If you can think of anything else feel free to include I will call and verify if I need to.

Will anyone else have access to your home or pets while you are away? (Housekeepers, repairmen, family, neighbors, etc?)


We will require contact information for anyone else who has access during the time we are providing services.______

Please see our policies page regarding Shared Care of your pets.


I, ___ agree that I have requested that Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting take care of my pet. I agree to pay the charges accrued for the services provided as outlined in this agreement.

Charge per visit: $ Fuel: $____Additional fees: $ ____

Date of first visit: ______Date of last visit: ______


Number of visits per day: ______

Total number of visits: ______

Total amount due:

While away, I may reach you at:

Address: ______


Email: ______

Do you want us to verify you have returned on time and continue to visit if we do not hear from you?


If you select yes, I ask that you call or text upon arrival at home to let me know you have actually arrived. If I do not receive this notification, we will continue services and you will be charged

Would you like us to contact you regularly during the visit?


If yes, please indicate by what method : Call Text Email (circle any you wish)

Are you able to receive picture messages on your phone? Yes / No

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting Policies

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting and its contractors agree to provide services in a reliable and trustworthy manner. Clients should notify Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.

Fees are due in full prior to departure. Clients on our monthly billing system will be billed along with regularly scheduled visits. If applicable, additional assessed fees (i.e. veterinary care, pet transportation, or the need to purchase pet food, kitty litter, etc.) will be billed. In the event of the client’s delayed return, additional visits on this contract shall be billed at the agreed contract rate.

All pets are to be currently vaccinated. Should the company representative be bitten or otherwise exposed to any disease or ailment received from the client’s animal, it will be the client’s responsibility to pay all costs and damages incurred by the victim.

The client’s authorization of any other person; including housekeepers, contractors, family members, relatives, or friends and neighbors of any age; to enter the client’s home during this or any future period constitutes a shared-visits arrangement. Access to the home by realtors and prospective buyers must also be disclosed to our company. Because company does not have sole access to the client’s home and does not exercise sole care for the client’s pets, Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting cannot be held responsible for incidents involving the home or pets during such periods. Accordingly, the client hereby agrees to hold company harmless for any incidents involving the home or the pets during all periods of service that include shared-visits arrangements or during the time the house is “on the market” and realtors/prospective buyers have access to the home.

If the client requests that company leave the pet unattended for periods of time in an outside area, either around or near the client’s residence, client hereby agrees to hold Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting harmless in the event of any injury or death to the pet occurring during the times in which company, as requested by the client, leaves the pet unattended. This may include, but is not limited to, requests to leave dogs unattended on the client’s property, either in an enclosed area or not, a cat left to roam outside of the home and its property, or a pet left in an electronic containment system (invisible fence) which may or may not be operational

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting requires clients to have a responsible party to take care of their pets in the event of unforeseen circumstances such as illness or death to either dog walker or client and in the event of a natural disaster.

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY~ Extreme weather conditions present a unique problem when visits are scheduled. We promise to do everything possible to safely arrive at every scheduled visit. This may mean that your regular scheduled visit is conducted a little earlier or later than normal or that the length of the visit may be reduced. We use our local schools Weather Cancellation policy as our guideline and from there our pet sitters and dog walkers are expected to use their discretion and put safety first in severe weather situations. This could result in a cancellation if necessary. It's always a good idea to leave a key with a neighbor for these emergency situations. We will do everything in our power to take care of your furry kids in inclement weather, but we will notify you immediately if a pet sitter or dog walker cannot get to your house safely.

All visits must be scheduled at least 72 hours in advance unless there is an emergency situation. Fees apply for visits scheduled with less than 72 hours notice.

A $30 fee is assessed on all returned checks. All fees are due promptly and must be paid via money order or cash.

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations.

The client authorizes this signed contract to be valid approval for future services of any purpose provided by this contract. Pet sitter is permitted to accept telephonic reservations for future service and update pertinent information without additional signed contracts or written authorization. This contract can be terminated at any time for any reason at the request of either party.

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting is authorized by signature on the contract to seek emergency veterinary care for the client’s pets with release from all liabilities related to transportation, treatment, and expense. Should the specified veterinarian be unavailable, Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting is authorized to approve medical and/or emergency treatment (excluding euthanasia) as recommended by a veterinarian. The client agrees to reimburse pet sitter for expenses incurred.

My signature on this contract confirms that I have reviewed this Service Contract for accuracy and understand the contents of this document.


A few questions about your pet

What vocabulary do you use with your dogs? (please list words they are familiar with and also any nicknames you use)

Where do you keep your collar and leash?

Does your dog need a special harness or collar for walks? If so please indicate type/brand

Please answer the following brief questionnaire about your dog. It will help us to better care for him/her:

Is your pet allowed outdoors unsupervised during visits? YES/NO (please see policies page)

Is your pet neutered? YES/NO

Is friendly with other dogs YES / NO

Likes new adults YES / NO

Likes children YES / NO

Must stay on leash during walks YES / NO (please see policies page)

Is allowed in the house YES / NO

Is allowed to have treats YES / NO

Is prone to digging YES / NO

Is prone to chewing YES / NO

Is fearful or reactive of noises or other things YES / NO (please specify)

Obeys basic commands YES / NO

Has bitten people or other dogs YES / NO

Has shown other aggression YES / NO

Please indicate anything else about your dog's habits or behavior that would be useful to us in providing care:

Pawsitively Priceless Petsitting 757-553-6687