Second international conference on innovations in the field of animal-assisted therapeutic interventions in Israel and abroad

School for Animal-Assisted Therapy

Magid Institute

Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Founders and leaders in the field of animal-assisted therapeutic interventions from Israel and abroad will attend the conference to discuss innovations and new uses of this field for the public. Also attending are graduates from the various training programs, therapeutic horseback riding instructors, psychologists, social workers and therapists.

In addition to learning and information exchange, several key issues will be discussed, including the need for further research, questions of ethics in the therapeutic process, animal welfare, and the necessity and significance of relevant training.

The conference will be held in several locations nationwide to increase accessibility to the public.

The first day will be held in the Hebrew University Mount Scopus campus; this will be filmed and broadcast to leading institutions abroad.

The second day will begin with a morning session in Shaare Zedek Medical Center (invitees only), and then continue with an afternoon session in the Magid Institute campus in Tel Aviv.

The third day of the conference will be dedicated to a practical workshop, held in the “Havayot Center”

We hope to see you,

Warmest wishes,

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

Director of Magid Institute’s School of Animal Assisted Therapeutic Interventions

Monday, May 6 2013 – Truman Auditorium, Mount Scopus campus, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-10:00 Greetings and opening remarks

Prof. Hanoch Gutfreund – Chairman, Magid Institute, former Hebrew University President

Dr. Yoni Yehuda – Director, School for Animal-Assisted Therapy in Magid Institute and Practicum.

Prof. Erhard Olbrich – Germany, ISAAT President

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers – Holland, Vice-President, Conference Director for IAHAIO

Ms. Michal Yilloz - School for Animal-Assisted Therapy Program Graduate, manager of Animal online portal

Prof. Erhard Olbrich

Lecture: Animals helping Humans (via Skype)

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers


Ms. Michal Yilloz

Animal online portal


Changes in social-emotional Behavior and attention span during animal-assisted activities with children with psychiatric problems, living in a residential setting.

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers


Human-Animal Connections: Graduate Training at the University of Denver

Graduate School of Social Work

Prof. Philip Tedeschi

10:55-11:15 – Questions

11:15-11:30 - Coffee Break


Evaluation in Action: Helping not hindering the development of AAA / AAT / AAE

Dr. Gillian Squirrell


Organization and Animal-Assisted Literacy: A Supportive Environment for C.Z.Q Constrained and Unconstrained Learning

Dr. Esther Delisle

12:30-13:00 – Questions

13:00-14:00 – Lunch Break, open forum discussion and booths


EAGALA - Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Equine Assisted Learning, EAL EAP

Ms. Lynn Thomas

15:00-15:55 (Lecture via Skype)

How Integrated Animal and Nature- Based Activities Enhance Social Learning and Personal Transformation at Green Chimneys

Mr. Michael E. Kaufmann

15:55-16:55 (Lecture via Skype)

Perspectives of the importance of the human-animal bond

Dr. Samuel B. Ross, Jr.


Protecting Israeli wildlife and the perception of the Nature and Parks Authority of animal-assisted therapy

Mr. Ori Linial

17:25-17:40 – Coffee Break

Therapeutic Interventions with Dogs:


Working Dogs working lives: Raising the bar for canine facilitated learning

Dr. Gillian Squirrell


Autism guide dogs and changes in the quality of family life

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers


Can any dog be therapy dog? Training dogs to assist in the therapeutic process, to help in rehabilitation (motor-function, emotional, mental)

Ms. Offri Hampe Shochat

18:40-19:05 (Lecture via Skype)

Training therapy dogs using the “Natural DogManship” method, a unique, holistic method based on understanding dogs nature and zoological behavior, creating a real partnership of mutual respect and harmony between man and dog.

Mr. Jan Nijboer

19:05-19:30 (Lecture via Skype)

Bergin University of Canine Studies: Understanding of the human-canine partnership through research and education, focus on assistance dog education, as well as more broadly based programs in canine science

Dr. Bonita Bergin


Panel Discussion: Questions and answers regarding therapeutic interventions using dogs

Mr. Jan Nijboer, Dr. Bonita Bergin, and Ms. Offri Hampe Shochat

20:00 - Summary

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

*Simultaneous translation to Hebrew will be provided

(Headphones will be given in exchange for 20 NIS and a an ID deposit)

Tuesday, May 7 2013 –

Morning Session: Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem (limited guest list)

9:00-9:20 – Meeting and dividing into groups

09:20-10:30 – Alternating group meetings

** Tour of the hospital petting zoo and in the Shaare Zedek wards

Ms. Hemda Didovski

**Working with respiratory and unconscious patients. Short-term therapy, therapeutic interventions in inpatient care, in surgery and others.

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

10:30-10:35 Break


Opportunities for Animal-Assisted Therapy in the Emergency Department.

Dr. Rachel Hammel


Why is right, positive and permissible to work with animals in hospitals?

Prof. Yechiel Schlesinger


Animal-assisted therapy in the Shaare Zedek children’s wards

Ms. Hemda Didovski

11:55 – Summary

Afternoon Session: Magid Institute Campus, Tel Aviv

13:00-14:00 – Registration and booths

Animal welfare while raising and preparing animals for therapy work:

14:00-14:15 – Opening remarks

Dr. Yoni Yehuda


Using cognitive bias paradigms to asses the emotional state of animals

Dr. Uri Pomerantz


The conflict between the animal’s needs and the therapeutic needs of people

Dr. Ravit Friedman


Environmental enrichment for animals in captivity

Dr. Ofra Galili Abramovitz


The dynamic guidance model for animal-assisted therapy - how to combine the concept of a psychoanalytic attitude to psychotherapy training, with reference to the unique characteristics of the therapeutic work settings, including animals and other "natural" elements (eg working in petting zoo or horse riding farm).

Mr. Dor Roitman


Panel Discussion: Ethics and Rules

Prof Philip Tedeschi, Dr. Gillian Squirrell, Ms. Lynn Thomas, Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers, Dr. Esther Delisle, and Dr. Yoni Yehuda

16:50-17:00 – Break

Animal-assisted therapy with the elderly


Animals and friends: An end to loneliness and depression! About animals and the elderly

Ms. Liza Amouyal


Creating a therapeutic bond using animals, touch, movement and sound

Ms. Dafna Golan-Shemesh


Turn on the Switch Phenomenon

Dr. Esther Delisle


Visiting dogs in geronto-psychiatry: sources of emotions and social lubricants

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers

18:45-19:00 – Break


Fish of Hope – The fish as a key to unlock the mind and mediate between a an imprisoned woman and her children

Dganit Yaari

19:30 – Graduate ceremony for the 6th graduating class of the program

20:00 – Summary

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

* There will not be simultaneous translation to Hebrew of lectures on the second day

Wednesday, May 8 2013 – Workshop in “Havayot” Center

Equine-assisted therapy


Registration in “Havayot” Center

10:30-11:00 – Opening remarks

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

Greetings: Mr. Davidi Perl, Head of Gush Atzion regional council


An instructional tour of “Havayot” Center – a clinical animal-assisted therapy center

Dr. Yoni Yehuda


The horse as a psychoanalytical sofa – examining equine-assisted therapy from the psychodynamic perspective

Ms. Tal-Li Aviv Cohen


Therapeutic horseback riding in Israel – Current update

Ms. Laurence Ikan

13:00-13:45 – Lunch Break

13:45-14:10 – Riding all the way to the podium

Mr. Gili Kremer


Demonstration – Mr. Shmuel Shihrur


EAGALA Workshop

Ms. Lynn Thomas, Ms. Tal-Li Aviv Cohen, Dr. Yoni Yehuda


Panel Discussion: How to train therapeutic horseback riding therapists?

Ms. Laurence Ikan , Ms. Tal-Li Aviv Cohen, Prof. Philip Tedeschi, Ms. Lynn Thomas, Mr. Gili Kremer, and Dr. Yoni Yehuda

16:30-16:45 – Break


Dog Workshop

(we recommend that participants bring their dogs to this workshop - but please keep in mind they will have to wait an entire day before it begins)

Ms. Offri Hampe Shochat

18:00 – Summary

Dr. Yoni Yehuda

* There will not be simultaneous translation to Hebrew of lectures on the third day

** It is possible that workshops will be conducted concurrently due to number of participants

***Participants of this day are required to wear shoes (not sandals) and bring a hat

Conference attendees

Dr. Bonita Bergin -Dr. Bergin, President, founded the Bergin University of Canine Studies, has worked continuously over the past 37 year on the development and improvement service/assistance dog training.

Dr. Esther Delisle- Esther Delisle Ph.D in political science, secretary of the professional body representing the certified animal assisted therapists in Quebec: La Corporation des zoothérapeutes du Québec, Québec university.

Michael E. Kaufmann -Director of Green Chimneys Farm and Wildlife Center/ Sam and Myra Ross Institute.

Jan Nijboer- Founder of the Natural DogManship international center, providing training that includes special education and dog-assisted therapy. Founder of the SAM nonprofit organization (training service and therapy dogs for people with special needs).

Prof Erhard Olbrich-Professor of Psychology, President of the International Society of Animal Assisted Therapy.

Mr. Samuel B. Ross- Ph.D. Founder of Green Chimneys, and Managing Director, The Friends of Green Chimneys.

Dr. Rachel Hammel- McDowell, MD, FACEP. Attending ED physician at OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center in Rockford, IL (Level I Trauma Center). Senior/Consulting physician at Terem.

Dr. Marie-Jose Enders-Slegers- Vice President Conferences IAHAIO, founder and president of AAIZOO (Animal Assisted Interventions in Zorg (Care), Onderzoek (Research), Onderwijs (Education) and is President of the Taskforce Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse in the Netherlands.

Dr. Gillian Squirrell, FRSA- She is researching and developing work on canines and issues of human social exclusion through programmes of canine facilitated learning. She volunteers with local humane society and social therapy programmers).

Prof Philip Tedeschi- an Animal-Assisted Social Work and Experiential Therapy Specialist and founder of the Institute for Human–Animal Connection programs at the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work (GSSW).

Ms. Lynn Thomas- MA in social work, founder of EAGALA.

Ms. Tal-Li Aviv Cohen – Clinical and educational psychologist, family therapist and certified hypnotist, certified therapeutic riding instructor and EAGALA therapist. Currently completing her doctoral studies. Lecturer in the Magid Institute’s School for Animal-Assisted Therapy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Ms. Laurence Ikan - Founder and Head of therapeutic riding professional committee.

Ms. Liza Amouyal – Animal rights activist, chairwoman of the “Lema’an Chai” organization, founder of the JDC Israel-ESHEL animal-assisted program for the elderly.

Ms. Dafna Golan-Shemesh – Therapeutic social worker specializing in creative expression and animal-assisted therapist, lecturer in the Magid Institute’s School for Animal-Assisted Therapy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Dr. Ofra Galili Abramovitz, D.V.M – Specializes in behavioral problems. Works in the Behavioral Clinic in the Animal Hospital, Hebrew University and Beit Dagan. Lecturer in the Magid Institute’s School for Animal-Assisted Therapy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem and other institutions.

Ms. Hemda Didovski – Manager of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center petting zoo, graduate of Magid Institute.

Dr. Yoni Yehuda – Director of Magid Institute’s School of Animal-Assisted Therapy, a pioneer and leader in the field in Israel and the world. Founder and director of the “Havayot” Center, lecturer in colleges and universities in Israel and abroad. Dr. Yehuda developed the module “Animal Assisted Therapy: Therapeutic Triangles- Psychotherapy Implementations in the work with Animals.” This model has provided inspiration for a 3-part series of stamps that describe its process. He is an expert on the raising and training of animals for therapy work, and has great experience in animal-assisted work with a range of vet-technician populations. He is an expert in animal-assisted care, having completed his M.Ed. in special education and education administration, and Ph.D. in psychology. He is also EAGALA certified in equine-assisted psychotherapeutic care.

Ms. Michal Yilloz – M.B.A in Business Management, graduate of the School for Animal-Assisted Therapy Program, founder and manager of Animal online portal.

Dganit Yaari – Animal-assisted trainer and specialist therapist in the prison service. Animal-assisted therapy instructor and group mentor.

Mr. Ori Laniel – B.A. in Animal Sciences, M.A. in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Has built petting zoos, fish pools and aquariums, manages petting zoos, the Prat River natural park reserve, Jordan Valley region supervisor, and head of wildlife maintenance.

Dr. Ori Pomerantz – Zoology Department, Life Sciences Faculty, Tel Aviv University, behavior science researcher.

Dr. Ravit Friedman – Lecturer in Magid Institute’s School of Animal-Assisted Therapy and Veterinary School of Hebrew University.

Mr. Gili Kremer – Occupational therapist, certified therapeutic horse riding instructor," EAGALA" certified, riding instructor, director of therapeutic horse riding in “Havayot” Center, completing masters degree in educational consultancy.

Mr. Dor Ravitman – M.A., specializing in clinical psychology in outpatient clinic for youth in Abarbanel Hospital. Animal-assisted therapist, therapist trainer and social worker.

Ms. Ofri Shohat – Trained in dog-assisted care in Assistance Dog Institute, Bergin University of Canine Studies, California USA.

Prof. Yechiel Schlesinger – Specialist on infectious diseases, Director of Children Ward, Shaare Zedek Medical Center.