
Social media Hashtags

Make sure that when you’re posting on any social media you use these hashtags to connect you with other clinics that are also incorporating the Standards of Excellence!
#WAFCCSOE / Implementing the Standards of Excellence is a great achievement and one that every clinic should share with their community. One way to inform your community is by posting on social media. To get the word out as quickly as possible about your great work, we have provided some examples of possible postings that you can put on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc!

Facebook posting

Facebook Example 1:
(Clinic Name) is happy to announce that it has been awarded the (Seal of Excellencelevel) by the Wisconsin Association of Free & Charitable Clinics. The WAFCC Standards of Excellence are designed to promote and describe best practices that maximize access to health care and improve the overall quality of care for the uninsured, underserved, economically and socially disadvantaged, and vulnerable populations. #WAFCCSealofexcellence #WAFCCStandardsofexcellence

Twitter Posting


Fackebook Posting

Facebook Example 2:
Through our hard work, persistence and patience, (Clinic Name) has incorporated the Wisconsin Association of Free & Charitable Clinics Standards of Excellence into our clinic. The WAFCC has awarded us the (Seal of Excellence Level) as a symbol of our dedication to providing quality healthcare to all. We will continue to improve our Standards in order to better our community. We would like to thank the WAFCC for this honor and all the staff and volunteers who worked so diligently to incorporate the Standards of Excellence into our clinic. #WAFCCSealofexcellence #WAFCCSOE
Make sure to add pictures related to your Seal of Excellence when posting on social media.
Remember a tweet must be under 140 characters in order to post!