Greensborough Public School Council – Meeting Minutes Date:22/09/2016

Meeting commenced at: 7.05pm

Attendees: Barbara Peters, Jaina Negandhi, Bev Maybury, Kandis Clark, Jim Spiers, Tina Sharma, Shanaaz Hasanali, Paul Robinson, Julie Robinson, Jamie Lee, Diana Gershon, Kevin White, Joel Sievers, Colin Tieu, John-Paul Wu, Janette Keene, Rose Harris, Loretta Lee, Heather Purcell.

Previous MeetingMinutes approved by:

Student Report:None

Principal’s Report:

  • This year we have 551 students compared to last year 549.
  • We have an extra half-time teacher which has been very helpful, and may change to a permanent position.
  • Had a Fire drill and a lock down drill.
  • Grade 4 – Grade 8 having an Area cross country meet.
  • Grade 3 - having a swim to survive program.
  • Grades 1-8 are going to Markham Fair on Sept 29th.
  • Sept 29th is also meet the teacher night with pizza being sold at $2 a slice.
  • We missed the deadline for the Pro Grant this year. Due to this, school has managed to get a speaker from the board, Michelle Cassidy, to give a talk on student anxiety and Mental Health. This will take place on Nov 17th at 7.00pm.
  • Gator gathering on sept 30th at 11.15am.
  • Character trait for this month is Respect.
  • 30th of Sept is Terry Fox run from 2-3pm.
  • Oct 7th flag football
  • Oct 14th planning the Dancethon.
  • Oct 17th is Photo day
  • Grade 7 going to Lake St. George from the 19th to the 23rd of Oct.
  • We need more volunteers for help on Pizza day (12.30-1.00pm), Kiss and Ride prog (8.45-9.05am) and for the primary reading program.
  • EQAO testing results have come in for Grade 3 and 6. Testing is for English reading and writing and Math. Results show we need more focus on Math.
  • Heather Purcell is the new Vice Principal this year. Welcome Heather.
  • The funfair is to be held on June 15th this year.
  • There is a new Greensborough Community Association BBQ to he held on Oct 8th from 12.00-3.00pm at Greensborough Circle. Flyers will be handed out to parents.
  • There are other grants we can apply for as we missed the Pro Grant. One is called the student speaking out grant, which is student lead and run. More discussion can be made on this next month.

Committees' Report:

  • All parents are Greensborough are encouraged to attendthese parent council meetings or volunteers at the school as they are a good way to connect to your child’s school and teachers.
  • We have many sub-committees that parents can volunteer on:
  • Dancethon – is a fundraising event held yearly by the school where children from Kindergarten, Juniors and Intermediates get to dance for 100mins in the gym. The music is supplied by a DJ and volunteers for this event will be notified on what needs to be done.
  • Safety Committee – is in charge of ensuring children are safe when going to and leaving school property. In the past we have held walk to school days to encourage more parents to walk their children to school which helps to keep everyone safe and encourages healthy living.
  • Pizza Committee – need volunteers to help organize and hand out pizzas on pizza days every wed at 12.00 noon.
  • Fun fair Committee – is another major fundraising event held by the school near the end if the school year where entertainment and food is provided.
  • Staff Recognition – is held by the parent council members, where lunch is usually provided to recognize all the work teachers and school staff do for our kids.
  • Voting done for Executive council members:
  • Chair: Tina Sharma and Barbara Peters
  • Vice chair: Shanaaz Hasanali
  • Treasurer: Colin Tieu
  • Secretary: Jaina Negandhi and Rose Harris

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Balance to start off the year is $6,955. Much of this money will go towards Technology, Gym Items and Science Equipment this year.

Next meeting : Octiber20th @ 7.00pm

Meeting adjourned at:8.03pm

Greensborough PS School Council Meeting Minutes 22-Sept-2016Page 1 of 2