Center for Teaching and Learning 2017-18


Center for Teaching and Learning

Learning Challenge Grants Application

Due October 1, 2017 by 5 p.m.

The purpose of the Learning Challenge Grants is to facilitate teaching and learning at Sinclair Community College. Projects focusing on examining new pedagogical methods, using new methods, trying new technologies and other types of innovative projects will be considered. The purpose of these grants is to assist full-time tenured or tenure track faculty in exploring new pedagogical methods and/or new tools to increase student success and completion. The following guidelines apply to the grants:

·  Awards will be based upon the project’s potential for improving and expanding student learning, success and completion.

·  There is a funding maximum of $6,000 per proposal.

·  Grant requests must be submitted by fulltime, tenured or tenure-track faculty. A letter of support from department chair must be included with any grant application.

·  All projects must be completed by June 1, 2018.

·  Funds can be used to purchase equipment for teaching purposes such as software, books, lab materials, field-trip opportunities for students, etc. The staff in the Learning Technology Support area is available to provide assistance in completing applications requesting technical resources. In the past we have had several creative projects using these funds such as purchasing of digital cameras or GPS devices to be used by a department. Innovations that will be sustainable and used in numerous ways in a department and impact large numbers of students will be given priority.

·  At the conclusion of their projects, awardees are required to submit a brief summary report and to share the outcomes of their project with colleagues by Fall 2018.

·  Please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning Director, Derek Petrey to schedule a meeting to review your draft proposal (if technology is part of the request, you will also need to meet with an IT manager prior to submitting grant) (, 512-3116) by no later than September 22, 2017.

·  Grant approval timeline:

o  OCT Communication of final decisions

o  NOV Schedule a meeting with CTL Director to begin process

o  NOV Start work on the grant; access to funds

o  FEB Schedule a progress meeting with CTL Director

o  APR Schedule a progress meeting with CTL Director

o  JUNE 1 Grant funds must be expended

o  FALL 2018 Presentation of results

·  Grant applications must be submitted by a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty. Projects can involve annually contracted or adjunct faculty but a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member must be the lead faculty listed on the grant. Departments and teams of faculty are strongly encouraged to apply. A letter of support from the department chair must be included with any grant application. If technology is part of the grant request, a letter of support from IT must be included.

Please complete all sections of the application form below and send via e-mail to

and cc: it to

Center for Teaching and Learning

Press F11 or Alt +F1 or use mouse cursor to advance to next field.


Title of Project:

Press Tab key in last row to continue the table.

Applicants: Please list all and designate one person as the project leader. / Past
Name / Title/Department / Phone / E-mail

Name of Immediate Supervisor: (Note: A copy of each proposal approved for funding will be sent to the applicants’ supervisors.)

Area of Focus/ Project Description: Please describe the purpose of the project, the need for the project, the innovation to be tested, and how the project will be accomplished. The area of focus should be in your own practice of teaching and something you are passionate about that you would like to change or improve.Delete excess returns.

Expected Outcomes: Please describe the anticipated results of the project, including expected contributions to student learning and success - What are the educational issue(s) or question(s) to be addressed? For example, will student achievement increase as a result of implementing a new program or a new instructional practice? What student behavior will change as a result of the implementation of a new program?

Data Sources/Collection/Analysis: Include methods to assess the success of the project and explain. In other words, how will you know this project was successful? What type of data will be collected and analyzed to answer the educational issue(s) or question(s) such as assessments, tests, student portfolios, diaries, projects, student surveys, Formative & Summative analysis, Quantitative & qualitative data analysis - What do you propose to be the proof of the level of impact on the educational issue or question?

Deliverables: Please describe the specific items or services to be developed, e.g., a report, manual, workshop, web site, completion of services provided, etc.

Timelines: Provide an estimated timeline for the beginning, on-going activity, and completing of the project.

·  Date the project will begin:

·  Anticipated date of completion of project and submission of the summary report:

Proposed Budget: (limit $6,000)

Wages *(special services agreements/contracts)
Benefits **
Software ***
Hardware ***
Learning Technology Support Services (media, graphics, training etc.)
Outside Services
Other On-Campus Resources

Please Note:

* Acceptable compensation methods for project work that is above and beyond an employee’s basic job description and working hours (i.e., work that cannot be absorbed within normal job discretionary time) are as follows:

Employee Group
Acceptable Method
Faculty / Special Services Agreement (SSA) and/or Special Services Payment Authorization (SSPA)

** Benefits are calculated at 16% of the wage amount and must be added to all wages

*** Grants that include purchasing software or hardware must include a letter of support from Sinclair’s IT department