Chairman Ed Nicholas Website: www.2shrop.net/westfeltonparishcouncil ~ see Meeting Papers 15N ~ 2015
F. OPEN FORUM NO parishioners attended and the Parish Councillors present raised NO matters. NOTED
1. ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 15O held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:
1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Chair Ed Nicholas, David Curtis, Carole Coles, Roger Hampson, Kay Kynaston, Steve Haworth, Dianne Barnes, Andrew Stones, John Houghton. Plus Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk.
1.2 Apologies from Vice Chair Chris Jones and Marian Hesketh were received and ACCEPTED.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 15O held on 13 Oct'15 NONE were received. NOTED
3. PREVIOUS MEETING 159 held on Tue 8 Sep'15 previous minutes and ongoing items as follows:
3.1 Minutes 159 The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED
3.2 Any Ongoing Items for which Councillors seek or offer progress reports or other historical information:
a) Parish Plan Projects proposals for implementation of Ideas-38 see Motion 1015 from Cllr Steve Haworth
1. Steve withdrew Motion 1015 that had been worded by the Clerk but nevertheless WFPC ratified the Clerk's new Agenda Heading 5 which now includes: "and items from West Felton Parish Plan." All AGREED
2. The Clerk's new Parish Plan highlights on our Home and Parish Plan website pages were also NOTED.
3. Parish Plan ideas are not mandatory upon Parish Councils but nevertheless WFPC resolved to continue its search for Project Leaders and its supportive role for implementing Parish Plan Projects. All AGREED
4. The Clerk was asked to place occasional adverts for Project Leaders in his News Reports. All AGREED
5. The Clerk advised that any individual ideas for the implementation of Parish Plan Projects should be sent to the Clerk so they can be specified on our future agendas for formal consideration by WFPC. All AGREED
b) What was the final outcome of SC's Rednal Skips Inquiry into doubtful activities? from Cllr Steve Haworth
The Clerk was instructed to email Grahame French requesting a reply to our email of 4 Oct'15 and to copy it to SC Cllr Steve Charmley and CEO Clive Wright. WFPC wants to know the full extent of the investigation and whether or not offences have emerged and if any enforcement orders have been made. All AGREED
c) The Queens Head Junction Remodelling. Our ABP rep Cllr Roger Hampson reported that there will be an ABP Meeting on 12 Nov'15 with five Parish Councils present at which ABP's traffic plan will be considered although SC Highways Officer Andy Savage has said that no work can be financed until 2016. NOTED
WFPC considers that because of the very heavy road scouring by HGVs grinding their tyres round this tight right-angled junction any re-surfacing at this point is futile without widening the junction. All AGREED
d) Current works at the Sewage Plant: query from Cllr Roger Hampson: the email reply from Allister Jones Severn Trent Works Manager for the West Felton Sewage Plant stating that the works were a routine reed bed maintenance was duly NOTED but members were still rather puzzled by the extent of these works.
4. PLANNING MATTERS plus one LATE planning item: Clerk to email these comments to SC planners:
4.1 AMENDED 15/03395/FUL Sandford Court Sandford Banerjee new terrace with stairs+doorway.
WFPC still SUPPORTS this amended plan with one proviso: SC Planning Officers must ensure that the new plan is accepted by the closest neighbours who objected to the original application. All AGREED
4.2 OLD 14/00133/OUT 25 Houses at the Cross the Inspector's Appeal Hearing was held in Oswestry today: Cllr Steve Haworth reported that the hearing was very lengthy and detailed and it will continue tomorrow when the Inspector has made highway measurements in relation to the proposed new footway along Holyhead Road which is fiercely contested by residents but the final outcome will take weeks. NOTED
4.3 LATE 15/04219/FUL Manor House Farm NW extension; NE porch; change outbuilding to garage; etc.
WFPC makes NO COMMENT on this application but in this case WFPC leaves it to the good offices of the Conservation Officials who are the experts in these matters to make their recommendations. All AGREED
5. PARISH MATTERS and items from West Felton Parish Plan: see also Ongoing Item 3.2a ↑
5.1 Inter-Parish Dog Patrols run by: a) groups of parish councils? or b) by the LJCs? from Cllr Chris Jones
As a starting point for this Parish Plan Project Clerk to seek a reply to his email of 4 Oct'15 to SC Officers Corrie Davies and Carmen Eccleston asking the LJC to include this item on their next agenda. ONGOING
5.2 Extra Night Policing of Rednal Industrial Site WFPC to approach PC Pete Dale? Cllr Roger Hampson
The Clerk's initial email to Pete was ratified so no further action is required at this point in time. NOTED
5.3 Specify Capital Parish Project/s to be funded by WFPC reserves: see Budget-16 vs6 Cllr David Curtis
a. David suggested that WFPC might contact the trustees to seek to buy the playing field: ONGOING to 15N
b. The Clerk's addition to Line B2 of Budget 16 below based on a phone call from Mazars was APPROVED:
B2. Reserve-16 Line 33 = Year End-16 [amalgamated unbudgeted funds available for any purpose.] = £30,293.26
[contingencies: streetlight fund. Capital projects: playing field purchase, bowling green, allotments, other projects.]
MINUTES 15O Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______
MINUTES 15O Continued Tuesday 13th OCTOBER 2015 Page 15O b
5. PARISH MATTERS and items from West Felton Parish Plan continued...
5.4 Seek a new UNSUITABLE FOR HGVs sign for Grimpo Road: resident's request via Chair Ed Nicholas.
Clerk to seek a reply to his email of 4 Oct'15 to new SC Roads Officer Chris Fisher: ONGOING to 15N
5.5 Car Parking Problems resident's request for extra policing especially by the school: Chair Ed Nicholas
The Chair's email to PC Pete Dale and Pete's reply of 13 Oct'15 saying that he had spoken with the resident and that he had also asked the school to ask parents to be more considerate when parking were NOTED.
5.6 Maintenance of the Public Bench opposite Stonehouse Drive on Holyhead Road from Cllr Steve Haworth
As a courtesy WFPC agreed a budget of £100 to Project Leader Cllr Dianne Barnes to liaise with the Clerk to hire contractor Brian Owen to renovate this useful bench and the War Memorial gate. All AGREED
5.7 Burial Ground Project Receive verbal reports from the Clerk and/or Project Leader Cllr Dianne Barnes
Dianne reported that Arborcare had made an excellent job of trimming the trees: Clerk to seek the invoice.
Dianne tabled several quotes for a new hard/softwood gate and she will continue as agreed under 159-5.1f:
"WFPC authorised Dianne to continue to liaise with the Clerk to take Phase One of this project forward at their joint discretion with a revised budget of £2000 to include the £700 to the Garden Club plus the £600 tree work and £700 for new gate and frames for signs and sundry other refurbishment works." ONGOING
6.1 Finance Cashbook-16 line 24 and Bank Statement 255 at 28 Aug'15 = £46,309.41 VERIFIED by members
6.2 West Felton Charities Offer £38.12 dividends to West Felton Youth Club? Clerk's idea was DECLINED
so: Chq 372 at 7.2 ↓ was CANCELLED. Clerk instead to arrange payment to St Michaels Church. ONGOING
6.3a Annual Return-15 with Internal Auditor's Report-15 from last Financial Year-15 were both ACCEPTED.
b. Apart from a minor technical error shown below WFPC passed both audits with no problem. All AGREED
c. The Clerk will ensure that next time any Council Tax Support Grant will be put in the correct box. NOTED
6.4 Streetlights Renewals start an ongoing programme to replace 3 lights every year? from Cllr Steve Haworth
Clerk to seek a full Streetlights Condition Survey from Andy Vaughan to assess our budgeting requirements and then either replacements will be made OR funds put away for likely future replacements. All AGREED
6.5 Councillor Training Clerk to seek a Training Session-4 from Carole Warner on Planning: All AGREED
6.6 News Reports to the Parish Mag review the style and content of our reports: from Mag Editor Pat Mabe
WFPC will kindly allow its Clerk to present his News Reports in the style he feels most comfortable with but for this meeting's News 15O he will try to offer Pat a two page report with more detail. All AGREED
7. ACCOUNTS Meeting 15O Date: 13 Oct'15 Financial Year-16 Month-end target: £39000.00
Except for 7.2 these A/cs were PAID: Proposed: Cllr Curtis 2nded Cllr Barnes: RESOLVED unanimously
Min / Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / £ CREDITS / £ DEBITS / BALANCE7.1 / 371 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.1 / West Felton Garden Club 2nd grant to garden club / Project-16d / 0 / 500.00 / 44462.26
7.2 / 372 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.2 / West Felton |Youth Club Charities money transfer / Other-16a / cancelled / 38.12 / 44424.14
7.3 / 373 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.3 / P&W Grass cutting 1/4 year: Apr+May+Jun 2015 / GRASS-16b / 0 / 621.24 / 43802.90
7.4 / 374 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.4 / P&W Grass cutting 1/4 year: Jul+Aug+Sep 2015 / GRASS-16c / 0 / 621.24 / 43181.66
7.5 / 375 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.5 / P&W Water baskets full season June to Sept 2015 / WORKS-16a / 0 / 1020.00 / 42161.66
7.6 / 376 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.6 / Refund to Clerk for John Hicks Safety Check 2015 / PLAY-16b / 0 / 125.28 / 42036.38
7.7 / 377 / 13.10.15 / 15O-7.7 / Mazars External Audit-15 Fee from 2014-2015 / FEES-15b / LATE > / 120.00 / 41916.38
8.1 SALC AGM 2015 on Sat 31 Oct'15 NO member wished to attend or propose any motion. All AGREED
9. EXTRA INFORMATION plus any items for future agendas may be noted at the Chairman's discretion.
9.1 Any LATE Correspondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk.
a. Ian's 5 Years as West Felton Parish Clerk: on Sun 11 Oct'15 Ian wrote privately to all WFPC members to thank them all for five extremely happy years: the members asked Ian to include his report in his News 15O.
9.2 Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:
a. Roger Hampson mentioned the Carnival Committee's idea to plant daffodils at the South end of the village.
b. Roger also reported as our School Rep that the West Felton~Nesscliffe Federation was proving successful.
c. LJC Meeting Wed 7 Oct 2015 at Whittington: Cllr Marian Hesketh's written report LJC Mtg was NOTED.
10. NEXT MEETING 15N to be held on Tues 10 November 2015 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall.
MEETING 15O CLOSED 10.00 pm duration: 2 ½ hours
Chairman's Signature Dated: 10 Nov 2015
Ian A. Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1794 words Draft-1 printed: 14 Oct'15
West Felton Parish Council Minute Book Ten Page 15O a