Honors World History
Ms. Barton/ /478-779-4850
Howard High School
Course Description & Standards:
This 10th Grade Honors World History course fulfills a Georgia High School graduation requirement. You will be tested on the content of this course on the Georgia High School graduation test accordingly. During the semester, we will cover the following Georgia Performance (GPS) Standards:
- SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.
- SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of Chinese and Indian societies from 1100 BCE to 500 CE.
- SSWH3 The student will examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE.
- SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE.
- SSWH5 The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World between 600 CE and 1300 CE.
- SSWH6 The student will describe the diverse characteristics of early African societies before 1800.
- SSWH7 The student will analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics, society, and economics.
- SSWH8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of societies in Central and South America.
- SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
- SSWH10 The student will analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
- SSWH11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the seventeenth century CE to mid-nineteenth century CE.
- SSWH12 The student will examine the origins and contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires.
- SSWH13 The student will examine the intellectual, political, social, and economic factors that changed the world view of Europeans.
- SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.
- SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.
- SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.
- SSWH17 The student will be able to identify the major political and economic factors that shaped world societies between World War I and World War II.
- SSWH18 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic, and social impact of World War II.
- SSWH19 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global social, economic, and political impact of the Cold War and decolonization from 1945 to 1989.
- SSWH20 The student will examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s.
- SSWH21 The student will analyze globalization in the contemporary world.
Themes: While 21 standards may seem like a great many, they are all connected by 8 social studies themes. Focusing on these themes will help us to make sense of the information we study and to meet the standards set of us. These are the themes:
- Conflict & Change
- Culture
- Governance
- Individuals, Groups, & Institutions
- Location
- Movement / Migration
- Technological Innovation
- Time, Change, & Continuity
Course Outline & Pacing: We will organize our study of World History into 9 units and follow this instructional calendar:
August 10, 11 Unit 1: Concepts Found in World History.
August 12-21 Unit 2: First Civilizations- Social Complexity and the Need for Order (Standards 1, 2a, 6a, 8)
August 24-September 4 Unit 3: Classical Empires (Standards 2a, b, c, d; 3)
September 8-18 Unit 4: Empires & Kingdoms- Growth & Expansion (Standards 4; 5; 6b-d)
September 21-October 9 Unit 5: Emergence of Modern Europe (Standards 7 and 9)
October 13-30 Unit 6: The Emerging Global World (Standards 10; 12; 13a)
November 2-13 Unit 7: Mounting Global Tensions (Standards 11; 13b; 14; 15)
November 9-December 1 Unit 8: The World at War (Standards 16, 17, 18)
December 2-9 Unit 9: The Contemporary World (Standards 19, 20, 21)
December 10-11 Final Exam Review
December 14-18 Final Exams / EOCTs
Assignments / Grading Scale:
Classwork/Notebook/Class Participation: 20%
Homework: 15%
Quizzes: 10%
Tests: 25%
Projects: 15%
Final Exam: 15%
Assignment Descriptions:
Bi-Weekly Map Quizzes: Understanding world geography is essential to the study of world history. Furthermore, there is a geography component to the Social Studies section of the Georgia High School Graduation Test. In an effort to increase your knowledge of world geography, you will be given a map quiz every-other Friday. Each map quiz will focus on a different part of the world, some focusing on a particular continent, some on a particular region, and some on a specific country. You will be given maps at the beginning of the week to help you prepare for the quiz.
Classwork & Class Participation: Thoughtful participation in class discussions and completion of in-class assignments will greatly contribute to your success in this class. You will be given classwork assignments that will help you to apply what you are learning in class. Another part of the classwork grade includes daily completion of the Essential Questions which will be part of periodic notebook check. It is important that you take notes in class daily. Not only will these notes help you study for tests, but you will be graded over the thoroughness and organization of your note taking once every grading period (6 weeks).
Projects: You will be assigned a project for each thematic unit in the course (with the exception of Unit 1). Details regarding projects will be given at the beginning of each unit.
Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Tests are designed not only to test you on the material covered in the unit, but also to help you prepared for the Georgia High School Graduation Test.
Final Exam: Your final exam is cumulative and will count for 15% of your grade.
Note to Parents / Guardians
At times, this class will address controversial issues. All students will be free to develop their own ideas and arguments during class discussion. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, about this or any other aspect of the class, you are encouraged to contact me via email at:
I would also like to request the best means for contacting you, as our ongoing contact can help to ensure the success of your child in this class. Please provide the best an email address and/or telephone number(s) at which I can reach you below along with your acknowledgement of receipt of this syllabus. This will help me to keep you informed of your child’s progress throughout the course.
Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed the above syllabus for this class. A copy of this document will be available for your review on my website.
Student Name:
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Parent/Guardian Name:
(Print) (Sign) (Date)
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Best Daytime Number Best Evening Number
(Mailing Address)